Would legalized prostitution fix women?

If prostitutes are freely available, the seller's market of dating is effectively erased. If women want a man , they would have to improve themselves and be more than a body.

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*gears grinding and whirring*

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Prostitution is already legal in most of Europe and women are just the same.


Its allready free, why the fuck would someone pay for a whore. And no, its in their nature

>They do it for free

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but at least you can easily get sex and get done with it.
is it not better?

Maybe for you it's free. I'm an ugly fuck and sure as hell appreciate the fact that whores are allowed in this shithole. But answering to OP's question, it wouldn't change shit, you would have civilian whores and actual whores to choose though.

Well if you're the kind of person who would visit a prostitute, yeah. But most people don't and like user said. Women are pretty much exactly the same here. Some expats even told me they're worse.


peostitution is whats wrong with them.

>Giving women legal rights

Like that ever turned out great

Why do strong females intimidate Yas Forumscels so much?

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It's legal here

marriage is permanent prostitution
don't have kids if you aren't making 100k per year

don't get divorced raped niggers

Prostitution is legal in switzerland and nobody really gives a fuck.

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Its a 2-pronged solution.
>legalize prostitution
>make it shameful to be seen as a prostitute, not liberating, and a bad look to act like one

It wouldn't fix them, but it would chip away at the primary bargaining chip they use to control men.

The problem is that they're whores, so no.

T. Sperminator


>be european
>can go to brothel when ever he wants 10/10 100€/h
>doesnt goes, because doesnt wants to fill pockets of human trafficers
>watches porn, faps

>Would legalized prostitution fix women?

...no, becuse easy access to pussy doesnt fix men

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If prostitution is legal men will no longer feel a drive to better themselves. Men will become complacent as we are seeing with the rise in porn use

Shoot your local prostitute in the head with a rocket launcher

I wouldnt even get married nowadays. My mom has gone totally fucking insane in the past twenty years, bitch tried to stab me a few days ago. Always treating my dad like shit and used to be a raving drunk, went to rehab and dodged any responsibility. Supposedly quit drinking but got caught with vodka recently and then had a crazy schizo tier melt down when my dad asked why she was acting weird. Then she tried to leave and when i told her she couldnt drive she pulled a knife on me and I had to wrestle it away from her.

Also seen so many other shitty ass marriages, old boss had a hot ass wife, he worked his ass off doing concrete, made about $400k a year bought her nice ass cars, nice clothes, nice house, etc and she hasnt fucked him in 6 years.

Women have been ruined by modern society, they were so much better off following traditional roles.

No, rabbi.

I wouldn't pay for one, personally, but I'm cheap. Would rather save my money.

It's legal to sell in my country, just illegal to buy.

legalizing prostitution won't change anything. E-thots is a sign that women have more power in getting cash from men without actually doing anything in person. Why would women become prostitutes when it's more dangerous and they would make less money. Men are cucked in the west and women take advantage.

There is 100% something you can do to improve your looks & style There are women that walk round looking like a fucking ball with a head and two arms sticking out with a husband and four children. Improve, and maybe lower your standards a bit.

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you talk of it as if all men suddenly got up and went fucking whores. Here prostitution is legal and women arent any much trash than those american.
I see benefit of legal prostution in the fact that women dont hold absolute power over thirsty betas. If you cant fuck a whore, you can see whats the market value of a pussy. If some psycho bitch wants to pussy whip you into submission, you might as well jsut get up and go fuck a hooker.
You know it and women know it, so it somewhat mitigates their pussy power.
I know quality relationship isnt only about sex, but then again if woman cant get into relationship merely by providing pussy (since sex can be bought) she is forced to work on quality of the relationship, because if she gets too uppity, its off to the hookers

its legalized in Germany and many other countries, doesnt do shit

Being a slut doesn't make you strong. Being arrogant, unpleasant, and demanding doesn't make you strong. MENA and oriental women are far better than white women.

No, but at least men would be less dependent on them being sane.

܆>t. Coomer

They don't scare me they sadden me.

>haha you just have to man up incel :)
>looking for a man to settle down who is 2m tall who owns 3 bmws, with a big house, who will travel the world with me and my little baby boy

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A real man still needs a wife. Legalized prostitution doesn’t change that.

All prostitutes/sex workers need to be forced to marry incels

Dude, USA is crazy for e thots, if they could legally add a level for fucking they would all do it overnight even if they only told their top supporters.This will only make the problem worse.

Just like youtube is simulated friendships, e-thots are simulated relationships. If that simulation for pay goes beyond 1 on 1 time, and personalized videos and lewds, to actual sex, you're going to have a host of loser wealthy guys practically siphoning their whole income to these women to buy majority shares of their time.

Fuck there are some guys in my guild that already spend every waking hour watching these hoes and already spend like $8k a year on them. If they could fuck for that much they would. It will do nothing but increase demand for thots.

ok nigger

nothing will fix american women or even canadian women. you might be lucky with some czeck broad but asian waifu is the only way to have one who knows her place

we need to replace white women with asian women


It's simple.
(1) end all education, execute all teachers, burn all schools. End coeducation, college, high school, middle school, elementary school, daycare. Children belong to their parents. Making girls slaves of the government is how they become sluts of the people who run the government.
(2) end welfare payments to women who have had sex with a man who is alive. If she wanted money she should have either closed her legs or demanded more
(3) no affirmative action assistance to get a girl who should be someone's wife to be an office slut
(4) women who are destitute can go to a nunnery and take care of orphans or be a nurse at the hospital. If she can convince some recovering sad sack to marry her that's good.

This. It doesn't change anything since being a whore is her default state. It's just what degree of whore she is. Does she just whore out for one guy for a roof over her head or for everyone for a marginal amount of money she could make doing literally anything else but being a whore is easy.

No it won't fix anything look at the Netherlands.

The only thing that will fix the women problem is legalized shaming, getting rid of "hate crimes", and basically letting men put women in their place without the government interfering.

They don't. They're a joke to me.

Legalized prostitution hurts women, children, and families, it destroys communities. See the Nordic Model for how to deal with prostitution wisely. Anything else is judaic.

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I have an innate desire to improve myself. I don't read philosophy and lift weights for women.

Legalizing the selling of women as wives would fix a lot. We should be able to buy women like cattle.

How can prostitution even work without fuck?

No, but it will add to the GDP.

Nordic women are bigger sluts than American women, because Nordic cultures have abandoned Christianity more than America has.
The ONLY solution to sluts is Christianity. Only marriage can control sluts and only Christianity can protect marriage.
For this reason, men who like it when the daughters of the working class become sluts constantly attack Christianity.

Lift and be active. At least the active part. If you cant de-uglify your face, you can almost certainly develop an intimidating body.

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It wouldn’t fix women, but it might improve men


50 years ago a single mother with kids could easy remarry to a short guy with a working class job, because that was 'decent' pussy for him.

Nowadays a dude with a starbucks/warehouse job would say "fuck you" to any single mother that tried to stick him with her spawn. We don't need prostitutes, we need women to stop being such whores. The sex problem isn't one of GETTING sex, but a problem of there not being enough 5/10 and above women to go around. Average guys are expected to groom and make a lot of money merely to fuck average girls and men are simply saying "fuck it, I don't want to pay a fortune to fuck a slut" and spending their cash on drugs and videogames instead.

this is the solution to women being out of control

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she's funny looking
>inb4 ">she"

>Would legalized prostitution fix women?

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imagine being such a failure that you literally have to pay a girl to want to spend time with you



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Not that much.
It's legal here, women are still thots.
Maybe the worst of tinder culture doesn't come up, but I'm not so sure of that.