We post reasons why Christianity is a false religion

We post reasons why Christianity is a false religion. I'll start.

A strong sign that a religion is bullshit to me is widespread corruption. A true religion would never succumb to widespread corruption.
The corruption I will mention is during the time Lutherism was created in response to what Martin Luther saw as the corruption of Christianity.

>Churches were selling a "get out of hell" card for what use to be a peasants 6 month wages.

>Prostitutes were openly soliciting on the streets.

>Priests were rushing through sermons, basically treating the religion as a business instead of a spiritual pursuit.

>His main beef with the catholics was that only a person could save their own soul and the church didnt hold power of granting this.

Attached: feature-a-christianity-174994471-1280x720[1].jpg (1280x720, 60.67K)

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All abrahamic religions are scams, devised to benefit a few pedos at the top, and sheep who blindingly follow them should be put to death

Bro I actually want arguments not some fucking nigger-tier "Im shouting the loudest therefore I am right" shit.

>bad people exist, therefore religion bad

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You don't think that people wouldn't try and corrupt it ever? What a load of hogwash.

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Your arguments resonate with these kind of people, you should know that

Christianity says we were created in God's image yet we all look different and why do we need a female and male to reproduce and our model doesn't?

John 14:27 Basically says that Jesus gives a special peace that people of the world can't know.

Do you see any of these shitflinging angry christians like you would a peaceful and happy eastern monk or nun after years of meditation?

Ok here's another argument.

During the time Lutherism was rising the church was in cahoots with wealthy landlords effectively enslaving the common man with a set of laws that only applied to serfs. they effectively had no rights.

it's not worth presenting solid arguments in a thread that'll be shoahed by the janny in a few minutes. You already know it's a corrupt religion

After protestantism.killed Christianity and the church how did the wealth rights and power of the people increase?

It is a slave religion, ''follow us or burn in hell forever'', so smart people are not likely to ever take it seriously.
It is not ethnocentric, it is built for a dominant majority to maintain social cohesion, so as the West diversifies it loses relevance.
Judaism is the perfect religion because it promotes the idea that you are eternally oppressed, even if you already dominate the world, the perfect group strategy religion. Explicitly ethnonationalistic. Goys need a Judaism if we are going to survive the 21st century.

Problem is that you need to believe that Jesus was physically resurrected. I would 100% be onboard with Christianity if it were more metaphorical.

Even if Jesus didn't exist and was just a way to describe the morals we should adhere to, I'd be more likely to convert.

Christianity just asks me to overlook so many contradictions. I guess God shouldn't have given us the ability to reason so well.

I tried reaching out to reddit christians they are genuinely the most nasty people I've ever spoken to.

It broke the churches iron grip over the serfs. Call it the first cast of a stone at a brick wall. After a hundred more stones that brick wall is coming down.

Yes its incredibly evil to think people could be tortured for eternity simply because there was too much background noise and confusion for them to decide on christianity. They tell us god is love and that he loves you yet he will willingly torture in ways that cannot be fathomed by the human mind because its so horrible.

My main issue with Abrahamic religions is how much influence it takes from neighboring religions like Zoroastrianism, the Sumerian religion, Hellenic, etc.
>God's image
This refers to spirit not our physical form.

What are your arguments against the resurrection? because I think the proof is convincing

Instead we post reasons why OP is a faggot

1. Being a Christ denying kike

What's the proof you have?

You christcucks are really bringing the IQ of this board down. Which is impressive considering it's already so low.

> A strong sign that a religion is bullshit to me is widespread corruption. A true religion would never succumb to widespread corruption.
Not really. Every institution, every political party, every organization has their fair amount of bad sheep. However, the Church still stands. Bringing good out of evil is precisely what we are here for.

start reading
not in the image of his literal body. But we reflect certain attributes of God and are called to him.
it wouldn't mean anything if it was metaphorical. It isn't about Jesus being just another prophet with good teachings and morals. It was the incarnation of God, of absolute being.

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This is now a Christian apologetics board, my favorite ones are David Wood and William Lane Craig

Why does resurrection prove anything?
Yogis in india are known to enter other bodies and then go back to their dead body and reenlive it througout history.

Your problem is with Catholicism. Romans took over the religion of Christianity for political reasons and merged it with Roman Paganism. Now for ages you have a corrupt religious institution killing people and doing all abominable things in the name of God, and suckers like you fall for it. The Catholic church burned people at the stake for trying to teach the Bible to their children. Luther noticed what was actually written in the Bible and formed the protestant reformation. It's as simple as that. The Catholic church dragged Christs name through the mud and now everyone thinks God is stupid, because of them. Flat earthers, false prophets etc have done the same thing, ruined Gods name. Saying the world will end on X day and it doesn't makes Christianity a laughing stock.

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Yeah but why do you believe that God literally sent himself as his son knowing he'd die to save us all from the sins he allowed to happen in the first place?

Also, the contingency argument has some flaws. Firstly, it can't be used to prove a specific God and secondly, it doesn't disprove more than one God.

People are bad, and therefore God doesn't exist?
Have you never read Genesis?

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Jesus existed according to all historians,
Instead of becoming king, what the disciples thought, he died and rose again.
The disciples admitted their false assumptions and began preaching

Jesus showed himself to the 500 disciples in one room, this was one of the main concincing things for people in Jerusalem, Paul wrote about that. You could ask any of the 500.
People can't all have the same visions, also they where willing to die for it. You don't die for something you made up.

>You christcucks are really bringing the IQ of this board down. Which is impressive considering it's already so low

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Bu if it happened then Jesus' claims where true, and also about half of the Bible which predicted Him

christianity is a false religion because christians do not follow jesus their own claimed messiah

jesus and his message of perfection through love and self sacrifice stands regardless of christians being `100% hypocritical antichrist worshipers

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>Yeah but why do you believe that God literally sent himself as his son knowing he'd die to save us all from the sins he allowed to happen in the first place?
Because we failed to hold up to the high standard. So the standard itself has to pay the price for our failures. Let's take lying. Jesus is the truth and we should speak truth. However, we sometimes lie. But why should God have mercy on dirty liars, when we clearly knew not to lie?
Through the sacrifice he paid for our fault, so that we may be made worthy for the promises of Heaven. Truth itself comes to save us from being dirty liars.

> he allowed to happen in the first place?
Because bringing good out of evil is a greater good.

> Also, the contingency argument has some flaws. Firstly, it can't be used to prove a specific God
It shows the monotheistic god. Of course it takes a little more to show Christianity specifically is true, but it is a start.
> and secondly, it doesn't disprove more than one God.
If there were two gods, then they would be different in regards to some feature. But that would mean that one has such a feature and such a feature is somehow actualized. And having a feature necessitates some sort of dimension or domain defining it.
For example: You can't have green god and red god without having color. And then you can ask "what made green god to be green?"
Polytheism debunked. Unless you mean some creatures can be called "gods", but then youre just reusing words.

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Jesus is mentioned a couple of times outside of the Bible so to say all historians believe he existed is a little disingenuous.

Surely if 500 people saw Jesus after he'd die, we would be reading about it in a book or an inscription other than the Bible? If people can graffiti on the walls of public bathrooms in pompei, people can write secret messages about witnessing the resurrection of Jesus. What is your explanation for not finding any evidence outside of the bible?

When I look at space it seems odd to me why God would create all that floats out there. If it was just the sun, moon and earth than okay, but there is such vastness of all types of planets and stars and galaxies out there. Why? Did God get bored? Or is Christianity not true.

Also, if Christianity is to be the ultimate truth, why is it so complex and vague? Why the split with Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox? You see, Math is ultimately true. I can go anywhere in the world and people understand 1 + 1 = 2. It's universally true. And if Christianity is the super truth than shouldn't it also be universally true? What about the Cambodian village man who never heard of Jesus? Catholics will say he's saved by invisible ignorance. Then you get into the issue of, why did God create hell? Why would he make us knowingly sending most of us into eternal despair? A lot of this just sounds like people made this up. Doesn't make any sense.

God bless you brother

>thinking most people have opened a book
you're too generous poppy

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Shouldn't you be making "BASED ISLAM" thread, Rabbi?
Or did you permanently switch to just anti-Christian shilling.

Any God who has a favourite people and a favourite geographic location aka jews (before Yahwe disowned them) and Israel, is not a true God, but a God-innovation which spread across the world the same way a new technological innovation gets invented somewhere and then spreads across the globe.

A real God would have spoken to all peoples simultaneously or made it very clear he only gives a shit about one particular people, not changing his mind 4,000 years into his storyline the way Yahwe supposedly has, adopting gentiles as his sloppy seconds.

He would have a lineage of prophets all the way into the present day, not conveniently ending once upon a time in a land far away, his scripture would tell stories about every people and every place, so that the middle east does not get a monopoly on all the holy sites.

His morality would be consistent so I don't have to wonder why the Old Testament implies having concubines is OK (See Jacob, David and Solomon) but most modern Christians insist you have to be either celibate or a strict monogamist...well, they would if they weren't hypocrites.

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The first thing you should understand is that God is under no obligation to explain himself to you.

But then again, it happened to all those yogis, so they are true too.

This is a good point.

>why are you a god?
>what are the evidences of that?
>but you wrote it yourself!
>hello? are there any other evidences and logic? hm....and why are many of the holidays and rituals are stolen from paganism?

Attached: old testament exposure.png (1196x9088, 1.53M)

Your pic is proof of God, not of a Christian God.

Started by Jewsus, because Roman were occupying Israel. Roman Empire adopts Christianity in 313 AD and it fell in 476 AD. Europe enters the Dark Ages.

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What do you mean with evidence outside of the Bible? The Bible are different books coming from different sources and compiled together

Paul wrote in corinthians, one of his first books (50 ad) that you could ask the the witnesses because they where still alive. You could check it out if they where contradicting eachother, also they died for their beliefs, you don't do that if you made it up.

A God might exist, but I highly doubt it would be a Christian God. None of it makes sense, why even create us? What's the point?

It could be, I didnt research them. The Bible says its possible

You could also ask that about the God that you say might exist

The only reason I want to believe in Catholicism is because I'm scared of death. Other than that I can't honestly say it's true. It's something I struggle with. That's why I'm Agnostic.

Sure. Or we really just have no idea what's going on and we haven't figured it out yet.

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I understand what you're saying now. Jesus rose from the dead, spoke to 500 disciples who then spread the message about Jesus, right? I suppose there'd be a lot of evidence of those 500 dudes traveling everywhere

user creating a god he likes

Try occultism, don't be a blind sheep. But beware of jewish shitty rivers of desinfo that lie ahead

Anthropocentric projection. Jewish version of Hindu avatar

To have babies and rule over nature. It makes less sense when people are incentivized against having kids and are climate change guilted.

There are other reasons of course but these are barely hinted at in the OT and poorly explained in the NT.

>"Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires." - 1 Peter 1:4
>participate in the divine nature

>A strong sign that a religion is bullshit to me is widespread corruption. A true religion would never succumb to widespread corruption.
holy fuck. Brainlet detected.
How retarded are you? Every fucking religion is fucking based on overcomming the "animal within".
Hahaha what a fucking tard.

I'd heavily suggest actually reading the bible yourself instead of asking people online about junk they've been fed to encourage their own ways of living.

The bible doesn't encourage concubines or polygamy. Those Kings fell to it and lost their throne and rule over God's people

Also God had a chosen people to carry his word and follow him in those days but you're not even looking at the start middle and end properly...

Adam was created as the first human to rule over creation and do so with God. Only other the fall of man was there break down of culture. The intent here being that rule was for all humans. Second Abraham was told by God that he would bring forth a ruler to ALL nations. Again the intent here being that salvation and life is for us all. I dont need to go over what Jesus said about the Gentiles and Samaritans because surely you know. Last part being about the end times which we are currently in and will see to come. People of every nation will stand before God and the entire earth will sing praise and glory to him, Amen.

>We post reasons why Christianity is a false religion. I'll start.
>A strong sign that a religion is bullshit to me is widespread corruption. A true religion would never succumb to widespread corruption.
>The corruption I will mention is during the time Lutherism was created in response to what Martin Luther saw as the corruption of Christianity.
>>Churches were selling a "get out of hell" card for what use to be a peasants 6 month wages.
>>Prostitutes were openly soliciting on the streets.
>>Priests were rushing through sermons, basically treating the religion as a business instead of a spiritual pursuit.
>>His main beef with the catholics was that only a person could save their own soul and the church didnt hold power of granting this.

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1. Christcucks REQUIRE the survival and propagation of a race of foreign non-believers (Jews) for their own religion to continue. No other religion on the planet does this.
2. Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef claims the mantle of the Jewish messiah and invokes Moses during the transfiguration. Moses wasn't a real person and never existed.
3. Mark was the earliest book written. Mark 16:9-20 were written decades later by a different author. Removing Mark 16:9-20, Rabbi Yeshua never tells his followers to preach to non-Jews.
4. Every book which mentions preaching to non-Jews was penned AFTER Saul.
5. What was Rabbi Yeshua's followers, including his own brother, doing three decades after his death? Preaching solely to Jews in Jerusalem, keeping in line with his original wishes.
6. Who changed that? Saul, the Pharisee.

Yes, Paul himself met one in damascus, because some of his disciples fled to the north. There are some sources about the first christians.

Occultism? I don't know anything about it. If I'm going to believe in something I don't want it to be evil and doom my soul to eternity of fire, if such a thing even exists.

Allah gifted prime age aisha a time machine who travelled to my time and sucked me off in the same quantum parallel time as Jesus. Then we high-fived and got beers with Chuck Norris. Amen

I dunno. There is a lot about Christianity that just doesn't add up for me. It's said that most people go to hell. Which is crazy because most people are good people, or at the very least not deserving of eternal despair.

The Thomistic Institute has a lot of content regarding fundamentals.
For everyday stuff search for Fr. Mike Schmitz, Fr. Mark Goring and Bishop Barron.

occultism is strange larping. Just think about it. Is Satan real? Yes. Who made Satan? God. Is God therefore more powerful? Yes. Is any satanism or occult stuff in principle futile larping? => Yes.

In Catholicism there is nothing wrong with slavery. Certain forms of slavery are unjust, but slavery in and of itself is not wrong.

Most have little concept of their shadow or that the world has cycles. In the same way that Vishnu kept incarnating when the world was lost to corruption God kept sending prophets to the Jews. There is no reason to think these cycles are not an inherent part of reality.

God bless Saint Aristotle the Kiddy fiddler

OR we post the reasons why the Jews that call themselves Jews today are not the same Jews that were around during the days of Christ. Obviously they are descended from Rats as they look identical and would sell their family for a nickel.

It doesn't matter how much you like reality. It's reality. You weren't given omnipotence or any of the things on your wishlists, just flawed flesh to overcome and corrupt people to help you do it, deal with it faggots.

The fool says in his heart “there is no God”