What is the Libertarian response to the coronavirus?

What is the Libertarian response to the coronavirus?

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The fit will survive.

So social darwinism, basically?
Will they still pretend they're not fascists?

1) in a fascist regime the state controls everyone's lives and therefore should provide treatment. This is the opposite of fascism.
2) This is not social darwinism, this is already what's happening, unless you think the virus has a political agenda.

You bottle coughs and sell them as bio-grenades to reduce property prices

libertarian != ancap

this is why minarchism is the superior system

Legalize price gouging and remove all price ceilings on vaccines/supplies.

Turn the kid bouncing on your dick around so they dont cough in your mouth

kek. People still trying to poke holes in how nature works. Meanwhile libertarians know to stop trying to change nature.

Tell everyone to work from home, plus this: Probably results in a lot if snake oil being sold, to be uhn ist.

typical whiny jew

>the state controls everyone's lives and therefore should provide treatment
A doesn't beget B here, buddy
It's actually easier to envision a fascist regime that wouldn't "provide treatment" than one that would.

people self-quarantine

don't spread on me

Don't cough on me

>wonder why Lincoln Labs hasn't started selling DRACO shots

Vitamin C

>Tell everyone to work from home

Coincidentally I get to do this. Feelsgoodman

Stockpiled food

Gassing kikes, obv.

>This is not social darwinism, this is already what's happening, unless you think the virus has a political agenda.
The effects of the virus can be mitigated through a coordinated response, e.g. forced quarantines
And of course providing medical care to sick people would result in a lot fewer casualties than not providing medical care. Not helping and just leaving people to fend for themselves "and let the strong survive" is pretty much social darwinism.
Instead of pretending otherwise, you should do like all the frank Libertarians and openly proclaim that, akshually, social darwinism is Good.

Mercenaries for hire



Attached: why.png (500x500, 7.71K)

The free market

Coughing violates the NAP, boom headshot.

prepping and brapping

German doctors were enthusiasts of nazism and early supporters of the ideas. Racial superiority, eugenics, militarism, youth fitness and universal healthcare went hand in hand under Hitler. To racial germans only, of course. The same happened in other right wing dictatorships. If a strong leader controls the state to supposedly serve the people, and if the country must prepare for wars and military action, there's some expectancy that the state will provide the means for the people to be healthy, fit and ready.

Get some daily vitamins boost immune system be fine

Volunteer to look after the kids.
Then fuck all of them.

>So social darwinism, basically?

...its a fucking virus, it doesnt care how much money you have on your bankaccount, only your biology makes a different.

In a libertarian system Jewish Billionaires who actually do work as a team control everyone's lives. Yeah, I'll take the State.

I'm a libertarian, and i believe in strong borders.
It's one of the few things a government can/should do: border protection.
So, personally, i would have shut this shit down immediately.

Having a strong pre-existing preparation mindset coupled with heavy incentives for those willing to produce effective treatments and cures.


>I'm a libertarian, and i believe in strong borders.
So you're not a Libertarian.

My take is that the US consented to bringing in the corona virus when it gave all its manufacturing jobs to chinks. Turns out if all your medical supplies comes from over seas. You dont ger medical supplies when they need em

The proper role of government is to respond to all threats, foreign and domestic. The effect of a pandemic is no different whether it has originated in nature or from a bio-weapon. Therefore, for all practical purposes, the government has as much justification to act in response to the threat of coronavirus as it would from a direct attack from a foreign nation.

Control the spread of the virus, and minimize loss of personal liberty while doing so.

Price gouging is fine. It provides more capital for the company to be able to mass produce the product in demand and encourages those with excess stock to sell off at the higher market price.

Immediate isolation of self-governing communities to counter the spread.

Libertarians have boarders. Where do you physically remove people from?

it's cool how libertarians have pretty much invented their own vacuous newspeak
Like, that statement doesn't actually mean anything practical. It's just a way of signalling "I'm a Libertarian"

When I was a libertarian, I would have said that a free market would be SO efficient that it would find a cure for this disease in only a few weeks. Also since selling vaccines is so profitable, they would create one super quickly

You're deliberately conflating libertarian with anarcho-capitalist, fuck off with your straw men.

borders on your private propriety and your own hospital inside your house.

It's a distinction without a difference. Being "ancap" is basically proclaiming "I'm Libertarian, only moreso"

>What is the Libertarian response to the coronavirus?

united we win

Honestly... I would say there is as much of a diversity of opinions among Libertarians on the subject of borders and immigration as there is on abortion.

The kikes fears the libertarian


Who the fuck is gonna stop me?

No, in Libertarianism the Billionaire Jew/ButtGoy has a right to purchase a cheap nigger or Mexican to work for them.

>What is the Libertarian response to the coronavirus?

>Having a strong pre-existing preparation mindset
Libertarianism is based on personal liberty, which means personal responsibility and trying to be as self-sufficient as possible. Those two things go hand in hand - liberty and responsibility. Responsible people are better equipped mentally to deal with hardships and are less likely to panic when things get bad.

>heavy incentives for those willing to produce effective treatments and cures
If someone produces a treatment or a vaccine or something that actually work, the free market will flood them with money. That's how markets are supposed to work; by rewarding people who actually produce value. In this case, they justifiably reap the rewards by helping to stave off a potentially catastrophic pandemic.

What's not to understand, brainlet?

There is no Libertarian solution if everyone expects the State to protect them.
Here you can not have legal guns, medicine is state-issued (even if you can pay for it, a physician has to authorize you), private property is always in question (can't shoot or even force a trespasser to go away), people do not pay for private health because they are already being heavily taxed for State health.
And again, the attitude. People expect a paternalist behaviour from the State. They do not anticipate the need to solve this kind of problem by themselves.

You forgetting that the government incentives donations through how taxes work?

literally the opposite is true. they want dumb goys to be autistic individualists while the Jews plot in their synagogues and board rooms/NGOs, etc. how to take over the next thing.

I know, that's why I suggested it.

Kill all trespassers on sight, but - since there's a pandemic going on - avoid making love to their corpse.

Your willful ignorance of the differences between these ideologies doesn't mean there aren't differences.

No. AnCap is a stateless society with no borders. Libertarians still think there should be a state and national borders, albeit with less power and authority overall than the current state has.

>They do not anticipate the need to solve this kind of problem by themselves.
Which also severely hampers a fix for the issue in question, because you've only got one set of people operating under a single idea instead of potentially thousands of people trying different things.

More money for Israel of course

A Libertarian argues for a minimal government. An anarcho-capitalist argues for no government.

Mate, I do research. Granted, not medical research, but I still understand the general process. Money can help eliminate a number of barriers in getting research completed, but not much is going to happen in a few weeks.

National response would be to support actions done by the states. Would support states closing their borders because they have the right to.

My understandment of Libertarianism is that you basically have two kinds:
1. The soft-core, weak libertarians who are basically just conservatives who like weed. People who read Sowell, went "hmmm, yeah, this make sense. Markets really do know best!" and have never actually had to work as low-wage employees to know how things work in the real world.
2. The real hardcore Libertarians (often self-describing as "ancaps", or minarchist, or whatever) who are just budding fascists who have still not completed their journey into the pipeline. Lovely people who read their Rand and Rothbard and who really really really love their guns and just can't for the day they get to exercise their right to self-defense on someone brown.

Seems to me not so much a "diversity of opinions" as it is "gullible rubes and True Believers"

China is a communist dictatorship with full universal healthcare. Didn't work very well for then. All other governents, including those with universal healthcare, are proclaiming it to be just the flu and that 98% will survive. They know that if everyone that coughs runs to public hospitals they are screwed anyways because there's not enough for everyone. Social darwinism is about rigid positions in the social hierarchy, not about pandemic survival.

>You forgetting that the government incentives donations through how taxes work
Irrelevant to the question, OP asked how a free market would deal with corona virus and I ppresented examples of private companies fighting it without the state

Even then its worth to debunk your argument, because its one of the reasons why the State is a satanic creation
>the power to tax is the power to sell or exchange tax relief for favors or donations, as well as the power to extort money so as to prevent taxes from being imposed. Corruption of political officials is encouraged. Additionally, these activities create differential taxation and costly economic inefficiencies

ok jew

>What's not to understand, brainlet?
How does any of it relate to actual reality, as it is in the real world, today, on 9/3/2020, with this fucking virus spreading like wildfire across the globe and killing thousands.