Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Death and Damnation Edition


>Election analysis 2014-2019

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>AfD TV (german)

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>Death and Damnation Edition
great cant come soon enough

Erster. Rolling for 7 million deaths.

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Are you guys prepared???

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Sieg Heil

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I will repeat myself. The volk of all nations have long been remediated secondary to military. Our ability to have influence is diminished, without the backing of military intel/assets. Philosopher>military>bourgeois>volk is traditionally the hierarchy, it's been inverted such that the bourgeoisie have overtaken the military...such is OUR current then, if at all, are the germans working to break the mirror?

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you have the biggest military in the world and lost control of it so shut the fuck up

The German people are doing nothing to deal with this issue.
Why do you prop up your rifles like this? Always makes me cringe.
Nice loafers, though.

Gonna be a long and hard ascension from Kali Yuga, mate.

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Pretty strong recent discussion with Curio and Baumann.

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Loafers, yes, we call them couches, a loafer is a shoe here. Okay so, we've established Germany's military, and consequently people, have lost control of government. Is the plan of action to regain power through politic, subversive movements, Yas Forums threads...its all the same really. The other poster are correct, a revolution/ascension wont happen over night, WE must regain control of the military. Subsequently, true power can be wield. Do Germans who wish to have influence think to gain power, by joining the military and working through its structure is a good idea or no? Is it 100% fucked? Why not try to gain leverage through existing avenues...

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I wonder what he would have said about all those happenings.

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What's his friend up to these days? Forgot his name

I'm active duty military. The only way to attain a rank where you can actually wield power is to be a member of the right party (((CDU/CSU))) and never dare to speak up about poltical issues.
Not only is making your way up the ranks almost impossible because of the vetting process that'll filter you out, but it also takes too long. We don't have several decades to spare.

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You mean that fat guy? I think he is still holding the Neuschwabenland meetings in that jugoslawien-grill

>what is fragging

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>still having to discuss whether mudslam is primarily a political ideology or not
Lord help us. Thanks for the share, will watch.

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Wrong! The largest standing army is the American public, hence why we are subverted vs directly attacked...its why our 2A is under constant degradation. Our military WILL NOT directly go against the public because, even without miltec, our people will fight, and much of the public is exmilitary. Our countrysides are full of well trained folk who will stand up

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exactly, i bet in the future these guys will even try to ban masturbation. Truly sick people.

> posting on Yas Forums

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Reported you to BKA, VS and MAD

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This is unfortunate, portions of ours is in a similar situation. But not the majority, I have had the pleasure of knowing high ranking...Generals...and they are full fledge bad motherfuxkers who want nothing but the best for our people. I just dont see a way for Germans to rise up without the right trigger event, which would most likely be misunderstood without proper information channels and a substantive base ready to organize. I wish you all the best. I hope you can work towards a solution

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Like I care. Come at me glowniggers, I'm behind 0 proxies.
BAMAD Neger züngeln meinen Anus.

Imma finish skinning a badger...

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Nah, porn keeps the masses lethargic. What I could believe is them trying to force citizens to take 'refugee children' into their homes in order to integrate them better.

Agreed. And that trigger event has to be a global one with major destabilization effects on the US and Europe. Corona ain't enough.

Hallo Meldemuschi.

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just keep posting, friend :^)

daily reminder. fuck turks

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Are you the girl from West Virginia?

i have kripo at work right now and I'm posting hakenkreuze
fuck verräter nigger
tod dem judentum, totaler krieg jetzt

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does not matter, its about the transgression and power, as soon as people can't even decide anymore what to jerk off too they will have completely submitted their individuality to the Moloch, accepting that even their most private space isn't their own anymore.

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Wart i hilf da ... :D

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>Death and Damnation
get on with it

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No worries, I'm a proxyfag. You can go suck a nigger cock.

HAIL HORTLER. Beste Grüße, wieder mal.

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Correct, for as long as we are comfortable, we will remain in hiding. With major destabilization their will be less to lose, and an opportunity to strike. Be well eurobrats, you I have nothing but love for all

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Are you going to make use of the meat and bones?
>badger bone broth

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This reminds me of every American I know. Except those ugly ass white couches, wtf is that retarded shit.

my fuckin sides

dude that filename is too much


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as if anyone could forget about it

Latvincel, if you LARP as a woman, Tay has to 100% date you.
Heute lokale tagesschau reingezogen und der eingeladene Virologe fängt an von mortalitätsrate und Infektionsvektoren zu reden.
Wirkte wie Benzin auf Feuer auf Verwandtschaft und Bekanntenkreis, alle sind im Panikmodus. Und dass in Südtirol, Rest des Landes ist noch viel schlimmer.

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Es hat begonnen.
Immer vorwärts bis zum Endsieg!

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Italien ist vollkommen im Arsch. Es wird Zeit euch für unabhängig zu erklären.

We actually now have the TWO first reported deaths in the cesspit that is NRW

Zeitliche Einschätzung falls es wen interessiert.

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what have you done...

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> skins badger on his workbench

Mutt "hygiene"...

joke's on them, i have nothing but my iron will

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>China population - 1.4billion ish
># reported infect ~80,0000
>length: a few months
>Italy population: 61 millionish
># infected: 9,200
>length: a few weeks?
Yeah tell me it's a nothing burger and that Commie Hellhole China isn't undercutting their number by at least 1/3rd.

Bitte mich auch!!

true kek

All cash here. Will see how quickly we accelerate. At least we get some joy out of watching Yas Forums AAAAAA once again.

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Sieg Heil, und auch guten Nacht

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Die ganzen mammones werden nach hause rennen, sobald keine Versorgung mehr aus Rom kommt. Karpf und Alpini sind hier stationiert, aber werden im krisenfall als Prügelknabbe für die wütenden padaniamassen herhalten. Könnte hinhauen mit der heimkehr.

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Geruhsamen Schlaf auch!

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holy shit.
Du kommst aus sudtyrol?

Accidents happen ... :)

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