Can we into the bonus hour please?
TDS 565 bonus hour
Other urls found in this thread:
Cope pay piggies
Lol no. Fuck off. If you begging for the show and you aren't antifa you are just as pathetic. It's like 20 cents an hour. 10 bucks.
Is that Jesse's new Twitter?
Yet we always get it don't we
i'm going to post from my rule34 folder until someone posts the show.
My monthly welfare check went towards new air jordans and weed. Pls paybro
fuck off sven
Hurry up paycucks stop fucking around and just drop the link.
Is there a download for all the pop songs with edgy lyrics? I love those.
the folder is endless btw so the longer you don't post the show the worse it gets..
when u reverse picard and ryker's face they look like moike and alan McTab
At least don't post this underage korean girl you degenerate fag
they have some of them on bitchute, and some of them are still kicking around youtube (re-uploads)
>wants to save his race
>spends hours listening to edgy content
nigger get real
Give me a link or something
are jewesses white thou?
Of course the are.
you should see my webm and shorts collection. overall the r34 folder is just above 150gb. prob a lot of duplicates tho but i haven't gotten time to clean stuff up.
>listening to the kikefucker in 2020
What in the actual fuck
lmao kike get back to israel and die from a palestinian knife attack. faggot
you realize every part of the site is tracked, the Five Eyes considers it a terrorist organization
Literally who cares at this point, no escaping it
is arnold ouglan wite thoue?
Gibs it, NSA muffugah
lel now she rails on Twitter against that Mindy MAGAthot for showing tits etc and mocks her simps, goes to show once again that all women are whores
ere ya go lads
t. degenerate manchild pedo cope
hand it over white boi
Thanks lad
post show or else
Yo alright whitie
based and redpiled
i hope iran nukes israel into glass and all kikes die from nigger cum overdose in their asses and mouth.
listening to TDS angers the pedos
I wonder what pisses the tedious guys off more, losing potential paycucks to or nobody wanting to listen to them at all, not even for free.
So TDS isn't selling user access to third parties?
based paychad
who'd want to buy it, google adsense isn't going anywhere near that
Dude they are Federal Informants don't you read? TRS is a sting operation
Thank you very much.
They are funny and enjoy their content, but they will never again get a cent from me.
It's true, I am facing 758 charges of listening to a podcast. I am fucked.
Have you not read Anglin's shit on why you should avoid TheRightStuff and TDS?
They are literal fed informants
Yall are fucking pathetic
Not yet but I'd bet they def know who you are and are looking into you, and are doing so because the guys at TRS help them to your info
checked. very spoopy stuff there nnnguy.
they're funny and i enjoy listening
If you think you can enjoy any far-right stuff on the internet, whether its a message board like this, a forum, videos, podcasts, whatever and avoid getting logged by glowies then you're just retarded. Doesn't matter if the people running the site choose to help them or not, they'll get the info they want.
All the cool kids have an FBI file.
>anglin extrapolated 2 lines spoken by Jay-Oh from when Jay-Oh was a libertarian
>i have unconditional unspeculative proof everyone at TRS is a federal informant
>ever seeing a picture of Jay-Oh and thinking he was a hardcore PMC merc type guy
>weev is literal jew
>implying anyone advocating for whites publicly isnt a fed