Would you faggots redpill her and bleach?

Would you faggots redpill her and bleach?

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No, I would take her out to a nice dinner and call ICE to embarrass her in front of everyone

No, I'd just ignore the thot

I’d give her the red rod

in 3 years she will look like this

Attached: mexican-woman.jpg (1300x953, 137.91K)

One thrust into this Socialist chick and she would be an obedient woman.

This is now the 10th thread I'm seeing on this 'female' What is going on? Who is 'she'?Why is this person being shilled so hard here?

And is it a he or a she?

deport that thing

If she's a Berniebroad, she's already redpilled. It's the Trumpfaggots who are brainwashed and bluepilled.

I'd seize the means of her milk production.

it's a she, pajeet

What race is this, south/southeast asian?


She’s actually so hot

Well Ok thanks. At least not another tranny. Thats progress I suppose

>constantly dabbing on boomers
>votes for an 80 year old jew

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it's already bad enough right now, what's it gonna be like in my 40s, 50s, 60s when I have a less than zero chance of touching a cutie like this. I hate seeing them I hate this place

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She needs corpus christi.

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wouId bash her fucking brains in

careful deano plods about tonet

just miscegenate, goy

Why do you keep shilling this spic?

you can always pay a whore, i mean, look at her dumb face, i'm sure she would suck cock for money

She was made for black dicks like every women on this earth

Dude, go outside and find something to do.

Go back to Yas Forums

you alright white boy

100 fucking percent

already doing to my 18 year old half latina gf

Funniest post today

looks like she has BPD

Young people truly disgust me. I pray for nukes everyday

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Based and redpilled


Blacks really are willing to fuck anything

She's an ugly whore so Red Lobster might knock her socks off or make her suspicious.
Better stick to Taco Bell, In n Out, Whataburger, 5 Gays, or some other shit swill sewage swamp to keep her from getting suspicious.

Fuck yeah she needs the BWC

Especially if the glorious socialist revolution comes. Then she'll really need the money


Look, the huemonkey only has access to filthy favela monkeys.

Go to Amsterdam. Seriously. High-end, EU-inspected, globally-sourced trim.
8-10/10 cuties available at all times.
Bonus: They don't want to fucking talk to you afterwards either, they want you to leave their fuck-pen.

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>i took a picture of a random stranger, walking down the street
>I own this
Pay me money and I will give you access to the likeness of this stranger


Coom inside her

latinas>white women

I agree

Oh course I would. She’s Amazing. Pretty face, dances well, hot body. Introduce her to BDSM and slap the democratic socialism out of her.

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I'd keep her.

Attached: Screenshot_20200309-132536_Instagram.jpg (1079x1512, 649.91K)

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Only if it's the fake version of her with all the filters and lighting.
Not pic related version without filters and lighting

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>tfw no spic gf who has poo face

would redpill but as a fellow latino mongrel mutt I wouldn't "bleach" much of anything.

Ugly Dumb spic roastie is buthurt that she's never going to take place of our queen

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Based poo

mutts law

I fucked her. AMA


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Lmao you’re a faggot

The Daily Stormer has already decided.

she has to go back

Describe the smell.

Makes no sense.

checked and based

Bernie supporters are the most deranged and violent retards on the left. This cunt would probably castrate you in your sleep if she found out you weren't a communist


What I love and hate about this memelaw is that its spread is largely responsible for the behavior it tries to explain.

At least post webm

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Muh dik

Wtf I'm a berniebro now

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oh fug im gonna C0000000OOOOO00000000OOOOooo0000OOOOOOOOOM

just the slut of the month incel magapedes are going to pay pig till the next one comes along last month they gave some girl at that works target 50k then forgot about her not even joking

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>posting this roastie is all the berniebros have left - their final shred of hope
Fucking pitiful.

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