After Dan Scavino posted a tweet on March 7th with the famous Q statement "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming," an user posted on the board asking Q+ (POTUS) to retweet Scavino.
17 hours later, POTUS retweeted Scavino.

(The number 17 is significant in that Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.)

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Imagine still talking about Q

Now, imagine actually believing this boomer tier BS

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post links and caps, or gtfo

Numerologists are the only people more retarded than christians

>Schizophrenia is significant in that you have it

Is dis real?

Yeah real stoopid

Attached: 1241E228-BB0B-4FFE-B70F-E60F0371560E.png (600x339, 313.55K)

When will this utter distract bullshit die?

take medication retard

Q is somekind of kushner/trump propaganda operation, so my take on this is that it's just another angle of Trump trying to avoid panic/hysteria, this time targeting conspiritards that buy into that Q shit.

>hurr durr muh dumb wojak graphic
>ignores significant demonstration that Q still is, and always has been, in a position to connect with POTUS
Yas Forums 2020: worse than ever.

Imagine being a glownig shill getting paid to run cover for satanic child rapists and war criminals.

Imagine having handlers so lazy and incompetent, they can't even be assed to update your script for over two years.

Imagine getting hanged by the neck until dead live on c-span for statutory treason under 18 USC 2381.

The Holocaust alone is a giant conspiracy that is doubted by most on here, not to mention 9/11, Sandy Hook, and numerous other claims made by governments. Anyone who says "conspiritard" on Yas Forums in 2020 is literally trying to (((shut it down))).

The last president

That's a neat theory but what it actually means is it's HAPPENING.

And now it over.

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Q LARPers still exist? I thought that meme died a long time ago.

Attached: canwepleasegobacktoqbeingalarp.jpg (1283x640, 222.18K)

Wow with the power of Q we can save Israel from the muslims. Praise kek.

Im finna need a link to the OP on that


>Republicans locking their lives down down due to "coronavirus exposure"

Is the storm upon us?

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>Canadian telling goyim to go back to sleep
>as always
Its like you WANT me to side with OP.

>8kun DOT top

What is Q promising these days? What's the pull? It's been what, three years of "punishment soon"? I just don't get it.

More of the same... but it's getting closer... Q hasn't really changed too much desu, but Trump and his campaign surrogates have been tweeting and saying Q shit a lot more lately. Trump's fiddling tweet last night was the climax thus far but making "the best is yet to come" his campaign slogan is pretty telling.

Damn, I mean that's pretty much statistically impossible. So in my best estimation at this point Q is not a larp but he is indeed Qushner

Dude, if you follow the "online conversation" you can see the shill Jews starting to claim Hitler build luxurious resorts (camps) for the Jews in WW2 instead of arguing for the Holocaust. People keep crushing their lies and sharing how Israel was created by the Balfour Declaration for getting America into WW1, and Hitler infact allowed Jews to leave for Israel or stay in camps. We are winning.

Just making a point for people who think Q is bogus because "nothing has happened yet".
>The Gambino crime family was the biggest mafia family in US history.
>It took over ten years of undercover work and legal maneuvering to put a significant amount of the organization behind bars.
>They were far smaller than the Deep State.
Do you really expect that the Deep State is going to be taken down in the same fashion inside of three or even four years? Do you not understand how the justice system in this country works, especially considering the sheer corruption? If there is a happening where they get taken down - and that's a big IF - it will take fucking years upon years. Expecting it to be wrapped up in a couple of years is the fantasy of retards.





another "proof" that contains no tangible information, just clinging to synchronicity in the hopes of meaning that isn't there

Found the pedo

2-4+7-2+3-8+4+6+9 = 17
um user, are you Q??

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>zero argument
>muh cope
seethe more, faggot. you can't argue my logic. expecting a quick and satisfying happening with hundreds of big name arrests in a short amount of time is fucking retarded, and you're a prime example of the kind of dipshit incapable of appreciating the scope of what is being fought.

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>believes a LARP created by Jared Kushner and Brad Parscale

tell me how long you think it would take to bring down the deep state via legal means, faggot.
>protip: you won't, because you're a brainless nigger who can't even fathom it.

>legal means
And that's why you'll never win.

>still refuses to answer
That's because you're a brainless nigger, like I said.

Yeah fuck off one-dimensional retard.
>Hey I want to take down a cabal of child sex trafficking rapists and murders so you know what I'll do, I'll play by their rules in their system instead of doing the one thing they can't file an injunction or lawsuit against: physical removal

Best of luck to your continued zero progress.



Attached: q movement boomers.jpg (2180x1960, 858.98K)

>Qanon isn't real
>The Jews want us to know that they actually fuck kids behind closed doors
Pick one

>believing Q
>not being asleep
Are you unironically retarded? The entire qanon shit is an absolute fucking psyop. It's a pressure relief valve for all the anger and pissed off conservatives that are pretty much to the point of wanting to either go full civil war or just overthrow the government.

>nooo goyim don't rise up and do anything, look at qanon, trust the plan, 99D Chess, /ourgoy/ the sourceless user will magically take care of everything and deal with everything wrong with DC and you won't have to do anything, q will fix all politics, and the government as a whole
That's the bullshit happening with qanon. Fuck that, fuck you, and fuck everyone else who falls for this bullshit. Stop sitting around looking at some qanon bullshit and actually get angry and advocate for rising up with your friends and family. Reading bullshit from a larping psyop user isn't going to fix shit and make it better.

this. it's controlled opposition combined with project zyphr to attack the awake and almost awake population

>wow i discovered a psyops
nobody cares

why would you help whoever's deep state to destroy yours, just wondering

Trump is Q

Attached: zios.jpg (725x483, 67.79K)

>>Qanon isn't real
>>The Jews want us to know that they actually fuck kids behind closed doors
>Pick one
Q wanted to take credit for 8-Yas Forums/wikileaks exposing the gnostic/kabbalah-mossad-commie deep-state pedo rings... (much like Alex Jones, Bannon, and Spencer wanted to take credit).

Then Trump arrested Assange, and covered up for Epstien's fake suicide.

Attached: pol historic disruption.jpg (768x768, 190.79K)

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

But my natural skepticism is blunted somewhat by the fact that all of the most obvious shills very badly want me to NOT believe a word of it.

I love Trump and I love Q. Imagine being the fake news and NOT asking Trump the 'Q' at this point. I'd NECCC.

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Its going to be BIBLICAL!

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>Trump is Q
Jared is Trump

Attached: (474x474, 20.71K)

>violent action or nothing
>totally not a glownigger
seethe more.

stop trying to poison wells. this tactic failed a long time ago.

>>nooo goyim don't rise up and do anything
tell us what we're supposed to do that we're not doing. go ahead. be specific.
>protip: either you won't answer, or you'll respond with vague bullshit
also pic related: Q literally tells people to do their own work.

Attached: research for yourself.jpg (677x475, 91.67K)

>Imagine being a glownig shill getting paid to run cover for satanic child rapists and war criminals.
Imagine Epstien didn't kill himself and then Trump covering that up.

Attached: Q trump internet movement pol.jpg (1802x2960, 658.62K)

Cope more, your cavalry isn't coming.

>ignore the first time in history that the most powerful man in the world has created a backdoor comms line to an anime shitposting imageboard because KUSHNER
boring 2017 shit.

Attached: 1553740578993.png (360x3596, 538.2K)

>research for yourself
>trust us
>ignore Yas Forums, it's us!

Attached: 1568237733686.jpg (468x661, 72.61K)

>refuses to engage on anything
you shills are still here, three years later, doing the same shilling. tells us all we need to know. you wouldn't be here if Q was nothing.

Sometimes, I really think so. 8 more years, fucking shit.