Gonna leave this here for those that think women hit a "wall" at 30 and then things get easy for incels/beta males.
Gonna leave this here for those that think women hit a "wall" at 30 and then things get easy for incels/beta males
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is that a mexican, a chinese, or a nigger or all three?
That's a jew.
Looks like one got through Greekbros.
post tits roastie
the nigger is going to kill her as soon as she signs the will.
shes rich you incel
She's a fucking multi multi millionaire and the best she can get is some rufio from pan lookin mother fucker with a mexican high schooler stash. If anything this picture works against your hypothesis.
You do realize that he only fucks her because she's rich, right?
I can't believe Madonna is this desperate
>believing only females can go digging for gold
yeah sugargrannies def get young dick.
Imagine being a male that gives a fuck about celebrity news.
She is the wall.
This nigger is more chad than you will ever be.
They’re both hideously ugly. What’s your point?
he only fucks her because she buys him weed.
What is the over under she ends up dead because of this dude?
You guys are seriously delusional if you think that woman wouldn't be able to get laid if she wasn't rich or famous. I've seen tons of white woman that age that look like that all divorced because they realize they can actually still fuck around and get black cock at ease. We men as a gender are desperate and horny, we will literally fuck anything.
Incels and Beta Males transform to Alpha with 20 years of effort.
The difference is that true alphas get there by age 23. Wheras most men don't get there until age 36.
This phenomenon isn't a function of belief, as you say. It's a function of biology. If you think it through, this brings the highest value males to the highest value females early on, and then connects up all the straggler girls with straggler males later on.
Mathematically it's the most efficient system that was defined by evolution, not people.
If the two peaks were the same, evolution wouldn't proceed as fast, and another culture with this graph, would replace it.
Is that Madonna? She's pretty much a pedophile. Imagine if a random working class man at the age of 60 was banging 20 year olds. The woman is a degenerate and always has been.
Her twat is like a petri dish. Imagine the bacteria and viruses that fester in that old box
how fucking retarded can you be if you believe this
He sure looks like he’s having the time of his life
Also, sage in all fields
>Gonna leave this here for those that think women hit a "wall" at 30
As proof? Holy fuck she looks bad even for an 80 year old kikess.
she's 61 you fucking zoomer idiot
>when your starter gf is famous and wealthy
You know she's probably gobbing him ceaselessly to, probably better at it than any 20yo, and probably smiles when she swallows. Looks like he's doing alright.
I wonder how much she spends each year on plastic surgery,fillers and botox to try and look 30 again?
She hit the wall at 20yo
>try and look 30 again
not enough. she looks awful by any standards.
To think I went to school with that hag.
More proof that the Juandovatos will stick their 'muh diks"in anything.
Desperate post-wall roasties has been a thing for at least a decade.
Go to any bar with milfs, they're transparently thirsty for schlong and attention both. Poontang has never been easier or cheaper my negros.
It's a lot easier for them when they have millions of dollars. Look at the average 30+ woman's tinder bio. Pure desperation and cope.
She fucked Dennis Rodman. Who wants to follow that?
She's worth hundreds of millions and her bf looks like a clown.
Peak smv is definitely not 23 for women. Sorry, sweaty.
But who breeds more
I'm built more for working and saving money than being a parent anyway.
>I've seen tons of white woman that age that look like that all divorced because they realize they can actually still fuck around and get black cock at ease.
The key word is black. Blacks are also more likely to be doing the whole down low craps as well, proving that they are degenerate animals.
>We men as a gender are desperate and horny, we will literally fuck anything.
We as white men at her age are banging younger women with daddy issues, since they are looking for stable father figure types, something any of the PoC males cannot provide.
Found the Madonna fan. Which album is your favorite? Is it Ray of Light? It's Ray if Light isn't it
Yuck. Poor guy thinks he's getting lucky. Old whore on cloud 9 for niggerdicks.
Society over!
There was a 50 year old lady that was trying to hit on me when I was on a work and travel program to Alaska. The problem lies elsewhere and it has alot to do with you anglos/westerners are filthy degenerates.
>We men as a gender are desperate and horny, we will literally fuck anything.
You yourself are part of the problem. The racemixing is a side effect of your degeneracy.
Also if you were in a decent and healthy romantic relationship you wouldn't need to be a degenerate. But no. Madonna and sugar grannies/mommies like her living the same degenerate lives such as their male counterparts as DiCaprio is simply leaving damaged people behind. And damaged people are prone to be even more degenerate. Such as girls with daddy issues. STOP BEING A FUCKING SPASTIC AND STOP PROMOTING DEGENERACY. STOP PUSHING DAMAGED PEOPLE (DADDY ISSUE GIRLS/INCELS) TOWARDS RUINING THEIR LIVES MORE.
Black guys have pretty big dicks. I think she doesn't care about emotional relationships at this point and would rather have her brains fuckes out before she dies. I still stand corrected, women never hit the wall. It's just a cope.
It's Madonna
What does the pic of an Italian organ grinder and her pet monkey have to do with your post?
Good lord! That brother is definitely slumming. The only good thing is he is saving a white guy from having to hit THAT. Mad respect for that.
Get your hand off of me you damn dirty ape.
>she looks bad for 80
>she's 60 so its ok
Hello plebbit.
Dios mio...
Why is "boyfriend" in quotes? Do even the authors know he's just there for the money?
Found the virgin
The wall isn't a situation where a woman ends up lonely for the rest of her life.
The wall is a situation where a woman loses access to the top tier men she was used to having due to youth.
Post wall women will still get laid if they desire it, but it'll be with men they never would've considered in the past.
It'll be with men who will remind her of how far she's fallen.
A post wall woman will look back on her youth, remembering all of the men she could've settled down with and then look at the nigger, or the ugly pathetic beta she settled for, lying next to her, and she will compare him every day to what she used to have.
In some ways, it's worse than being an incel.
Think about it:
>Your entire life, the world is your oyster. Society bends over backward for you.
>Whatever you complain about is fixed. >Whatever you desire is handed to you. >Whomever you desire is throwing themselves at you.
>Then one day, you wake up, and all of it is gone. You realize you've spent your last penny and you look out at the barren wasteland that is the rest of your life.
>You know how good things can be, and you know you'll never have it again.
Sure, they'll get laid. Sure they'll find pathetic men who will take care of them.
But the privilege and power is gone from their lives.
Two hideous Amerimutts living in a hovel despite the cunt being absurdly wealthy. It is to laugh.
>peak amber not 23
>The cope
Sexual desirability, strictly from a physical standpoint, is clearly 18-25. Now they pick up some desirability due to experience shortly after that but by 30-35 it’s over. Yes, they can pull desperate betas but their hopes of pulling Chads or HVMs are futile.
Fact. But it’s 14-25 to be totally accurate.
No Jamal BBC sucker it is your statments that are the cope. The fabled BBC is just that, and it is even being exposed that the Jamals are using dildos in porn to perpetuate that myth.
ofc I am. I never had sex I am not currently in relationship. And I was never turned off by the lack of basic morality of western women. Slavs are niggers and there is a pure statistical chance that Bulgaria does not exist. Therefore you're chatting with an israeli bot.
She has a nigger prostitute.
A former call girl told me this in total frankness. She regretted not being a call girl anymore but the laws of nature and her profession were inflexible; 15-25 and then you're out whether you like it or not and she didn't like it at all. She loved being a whore and travelling the West Coast track; Vancouver Seattle Portland SF LA LV and Honolulu. She loved the big money and blowing it shopping for clothes shoes and jewelry.