Least Disgusting Canned Foods

Sup Yas Forums. Gibraltar fag here. Only a matter of time before the little peninsula shuts down completely because of the chink flu. Need to stock up. Which canned foods don't taste like complete shit?

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spam and deenz

Canned sardines are bretty gud

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The only canned foods I would buy are deenz and canned tomatoes. You should be stocking up on flour, oats, dried beans and bags of rice. I suggest finding your local resteraunt supply store and getting 25lb bags of dried beans and rice. Also stockpile cooking oil.

Roast beef hash and spicy spam

I appreciate the input but I fucking HATE fish


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Baked beenz & sloppy joe.

get some beef jerky

Corned beef and different jellies should do it

that shit's expensive as fuck yo, why not just salted regular ham ?

Also AMA if you'd like. White expat that fled here to live a quiet life away from niggers

Also, you dont have to eat. I just went on a 5 day fast. Your body really wasnt designed to eat three times a day or even every day.

Beans. Dried are more economical.

Also lentils; they cook fast. And also peas (high protein). Avoid meat it is too expensive and has minimal calories and virtually no nutrition. God speed

you can buy a slab of lean meat and dry it in oven
a nice dry cured ham is better, but more expensive

Looks rank before it's cooked but it tastes pretty damn good.

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Im impressed, I've never seen a burger in a can before kek.

Homie, join the legume train. Black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, lentils, chickpeas...all of them have loads of protein and keep you very alive. With some simple spices like salt, pepper, cumin, chili powder, garlic, bay leaf, and mustard seed, you can make a very tasty and healthy dish. Mix it with rice and some butter or olive oil and you're pretty well sorted. Add in a multivitamin and you can live indefinitely on that, all while being fairly happy.

Oh, and they cost fuck all and don't go bad. Did I mention that part?

Good shout actually. And I actually remember having canned chickpeas previously and they weren't so bad either.

why did you choose to "flee" to a place that is literally cornered?

Oh yeah, and get a pressure cooker. Saves loads of time and makes the beans perfectly tender.

Source: am bean shill

Blessed. Thanks for posting.

Vienna sausages. Also, FUCKIN RARE.

Soups are good if you can get them cheap. Watch the calories though because most soups have very poor $/cal value. Campbell's soups are terrible for that. Very expensive and you only get like 200-250cal at best.

It's best to just base ingredients for stews, soups, and chili. Don't buy canned chili. Such a waste of money. Usually most "finished" canned foods have poor $/cal value.

i doubt they pulled that burger out of a can

No niggers and very chilled out lifestyle. Don't need a car or anything. Just walk to work, walk to the store, walk to the gym, do your own thing, come home and browse Yas Forums in peace.


Quality of food? Housing? What's your income like? Is the scenery nice? And are the natives okay or autistic? Probably should describe the women as well.

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just had a thread about this. get info before they nuke this thread too. they nuked my rice thread which was super helpful. thanks jannies and mods

Are you not flooded with them what with your proximity to Africa and the "migrant" crisis? I would have thought you would be getting boat load after boat load.

Knackwurst with mustard


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Whole chicken

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Tinned protein + lard

Dak knock off by Aldi. Deenz obvi. Tuna. Canned chicken breast chunks. Asian Spam knock offs at Asian grocery stores--way better than Spam. Lots of good options.

Tinned sardines in olive oil in terms of micro and macro nutrients.

Corned beef hash. You gotta cook it on cast-iron, getbthe pan super hot and then press is flat on there with a flat iron so the grease all squishes out and you can hear it fry the 'taters. Give it a minute or two then flip it; after that's done, crumble it all up give it one last squish-n-fry then set it on a plate. Make 2 eggs over easy on the same pan, then drop them bitches on top of the hash.

>Quality of food?
It's alright. Morrisons is your only option if you don't feel like going across to Spain. I find Morrisons stuff to be hit and miss. The fruit is good.
Fucked. Insanely expensive. The cheapest, shittiest studio imaginable is £700 per month. Across the border in Spain you can get a big, bright, 2 bedroom for around 450 EURO.
What's your income like?
I earn £23 000 a year for a management job that is very easy and a short walk from home. I'm not trying to be rich, I'm happy to earn enough to pay rent and eat good food, which I do.
>Is the scenery nice?
Gorgeous. Going for morning walks is a great experience.
>And are the natives okay or autistic? Probably should describe the women as well
Spanish men are basically niggers unfortunately. They are ridiculously loud and dirty. A lot of the women are hot AF though and the accent is gorgeous

Deenz, beenz, hash, smoked fish, spam. Just go to the canned goods section and look, it's all good.

You use the spups to make the ungodly amount of rice you stockpiled more palatable.
You HAVE stockpiled an ungodly amount of rice, haven't you user?

Nah tons of niggers in places like Marbella and Fuengirola, the toursitie places of the Costa Del Sol.

The canned beef hash with a couple of eggs on top and a side salad is a kick ass meal. Upwards of 1000 calories, nearly 30 grams of protein and reasonable amount of carbs given its composition.

dry grains, beans, and rice. if things are so bad that people are starving (and i doubt they will get that bad) then you don't want your house to smell like thanksgiving dinner.

based weenies

i actually think rice stands on its own just fine, with some salt. hunger is the best spice anyway.


I get these at Walmart. It flakes nicely for chicken salad sandwiches and it's cheap. The bulk 4 pack (350g/12.5 oz each - I don't know the net dry weight but the amount of liquid in there is reasonable, not excessive) is $7.50; it's a little more expensive per unit in the 2-pack and singles.

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I just mix veggies, chicken and hot sauce into rice

Don't eat that shit if you are white. Lectin is poison. Also avoid retarded shit like "muh canned tomatoes", solanaceae is also poison and not fit for consumption by the white man. PUFA is also poison. Eat white.

God that's some nasty looking shit. I guess if you're used to it, maybe okay.

All the goop evaporates during cooking. It's just glycerol.

Canned sardines contain massive levels of fluoride. I would avoid them


Oh yea! Dats the funky shit!

The thing is I would literally rather eat this than fish

You could probably make 5x that for the same cost if you just bought the ingredients yourself

Chicken, tuna, salmon.

Sardines are good if very light fishy taste usually. Put some hot sauce on them drizzle it. Put them on crackers if you dont like the consistency. Sardines with their skin have loads of vitamin d. Which is good for immunity.

Plus you have those amazing, wanking, smoking monkeys there.

t. Ex navy that gave them beer.

I hate the monkeys because they remind me of niggers too much

They do fuck all everyday except wank, drink and smoke. You are right.

they come packed in oil too, so they're calorie dense.

Traditional Finnish pea-soup with butcher hand picked pigfat pieces on it.
Delicious and with military scale crisp bread.
I invested 300e to this prepping craze and only bought those two for me and my wife 3 month stock.
She wasnt happy but will be crawling on her knees when starving .

I bought from here:


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Not entirely dissimilar to the Spanish as well.

t. hotdog canner

It cooks just fine actually it just costs a lot (i believe last I saw it was like $20).
All the weird goop either absorbs or evaporates. It's a mix of glycerin, broth, salt, and other preservstives. You can't season the outside very easily though.

It's cheaper to buy freeze dried chicken unless you really really want a preserved whole chicken (though I'm not sure how long it will last). But really that chicken isn't actually bad at all don't believe the memes.