>Germany's government is seeking a "coalition of the willing" to take in the children across Europe. The EU wants to avoid a repeat the 2015 refugee crisis as thousands of refugees and migrants gather at Greece's border.
>Germany's government is seeking a "coalition of the willing" to take in the children across Europe. The EU wants to avoid a repeat the 2015 refugee crisis as thousands of refugees and migrants gather at Greece's border.
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This bitch has been in power for as long as i can remember.
Don't they have term limits?
Patiently waiting for the next reichstag fire
Die schlampe haengt bald
>take in the children across europe
if that does not scream child sex trafficking and pedophilia, I don't know what is.
Why is any of this surprising? Merkel has done more to undermine Europe than anyone since that other German chancellor. Now Germany and the US are basically open enemies and Trump is ratcheting up the tariffs at the same time demand for German goods in China has evaporated. Germany is on the brink and people don't even realize it.
>Why is any of this surprising?
I mean, you have another thread up right now where literal subhuman retards believe she is finally "based" now for "supporting" Greece.
based, this
See, this is one of the delusional retards here: He literally can't believe Germany is as cucked as it is.
So don't tell me about what should surprise people.
>refugee children
they look like this and scream Allahu Ackbar
It's a bait thread by accelerationist happening faggots who want the world to suicide so they don't have to, same as half the shit on the catalog.
Krautbros u gotta do something about this fucking woman
>So don't tell me about what should surprise people.
There as difference between "does" and "should" Hans. What does surprise (dumb) people is a long list of the utterly obvious and entirely foreseeable, but none of that should surprise them.
Our political system is honestly too cucked.
Greek camps are in Greece.
You're posting nonsense irrelevant to the current crisis.
It’s okay to be a tyrant as long as you’re liberal about it. The only time it’s wrong to be a tyrant is when you’re a tiny bit conservative or even put the interests of your country first.
What a cunt
I never said that germany isnt cucked du spastenkind
but dw is pushing the marxist agenda since ever so no surprise
You braindead retard doubted the article, as if it was so beyond the pale that Merkel would want to engulf you in more fugee masses.
and where did I say that I doubted the article? with the brackets I meant the kind of people working there
The economy is shitting itself and she is doubling down with her bullshit.
She is literally begging for the day of you know what
its funny
germanys government seeks to distribute the refugees that are IF anything to be on greek soil and under greek jurisdiction ....
what the fuck is this woman thinking when she orders around and past the greek influence...
are there german troops at the greek boder stopping the flood ? no ?
as if she could order them around and distribute them like chesspieces
the woman knows exactly what she is toing she is making Foie gras out of every european nation that has the least bit of sovereignty left
i hope all the european leaders will know to show her the door
and i dream of some based countries leaders to state an example by publicly shaming her for what she has the audacity to do .
Just die merkel ya stazi cunt
absolutely evil
Didn't the afd take a load of seats off them in a region? And Merkel pretty much said she wanted a re vote because she didn't like the results?
How does this fucking cunt benefit from destroying europe?
>EU collapses
>Deadly pandemic around
>All the shit we need comes from a country that hates us, and needs it for the survival of their own people
>Ports empty
>Money soon to become worthless virus infested paper that you can't even use to clean your ass
Yep, sounds like a good time to import some more low IQ brown niggers.
I hope these toddlers find homes, it would be a shame if these infants were turned away, you would have to be a monster to not want to let these fetus's into your homelands. Someone think of the embryos!
What the fuck is her problem.
Sorry, Germans, it's not like the USA doesn't have it's issues but fuck me, y'all are hellbent on destroying yourselves before the True Happening even starts.
if get, you are annihilated in 2020. good luck.
Superbased and acceleration pilled
>What the fuck is her problem
>implying we are not still occupied and controlled
>Extract of member list
>35k US troops in Deutschland
Kill them. Kill the children first.
they know how to get the party started
invite the most fucked up cunts to your party so you know the thing will derail and end up in the house on fire
preferably done when the party is housed at the house of someone you dont like or party is houses at public polace but person you dont like has to compensate the owner for damages
like wrecked toilets broken glass and shit...
hapopened so often ... someone "invited" "their punker/anarcho/skinhead/skater/nigger/shitskin "friends"" as the party was cooking dgood and the host was already a little tuipsy , nobody checks the doors anymore and suddenly there are these niggers stealing stuff setting shit on fire , putting graffitti in the restrooms all over the place , smashing sinks , clogging drains flooding the place , stealing stuff , using the dishes as ashtray , aaaand the list goes on...
this is a political party and they are inviting the "guests" you are just a bystander but you have to clean up on the next day and or maybe even pay the bills
I have a sudden urge to piss on hitlers grave, but there's none
Shut up and kill something. Lots of somethings.
Oh, she's ASKING people this time us she? As opposed to last time when she TOLD people they would be taking their "fair share"
No thanks Merkel. Children bring their families, the family bring their extended families then marry off their kids and bring those new families in.
Not to mention this will just encourage them to bring their kids along for the dangerous journey. They'll send for their 4 burka donned babymakers after they arrive and have started leeching off the system
I feel so bad for u Gallbois, I really do, I wish you had majority white police force that would defect and execute merkel by firing squad, then build a wall through Germany to separate Somalishit from the Gaul stock.
May God guide your hand for the sole reason that German brutality is 9000 times more interesting and creative than milquetoaste nigger cannibalism
It's time for the next Reich Schnitzelbros.
and germany is left with them all
>Merkel has done more to undermine Europe than anyone since that other German chancellor.
Go back to Breitbart
I was wondering the same thing. Why is this allowed?
„a 16 year old..“
Miss me yet?
Someone needs to kill that stupid bitch.
based, think about all the German women who will willingly spread their legs for refugee BBC
I'm just curious about how many assassination attempts there has been that aren't made public. Probably won't know until she finally kicks the bucket, as per usual with these sort of things.
Yet another reminder to encourage all Germans to kill themselves
whose law?
Merkel is right this is not our flag, we are the leaders of Europe.
American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and Jackie Robinson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.
And Greece should have sole power to do what they want with free peoples? Germany has bailed them out, we get a say in what happens now du hinterwäldler.
this cunt will hang one day
I wish
Ja komm, Mutti hat das Bild gesehen.
1500 unter 14 dürfen jetzt rein, bevorzugt Mädchen.
You don't say, Friedrich. You need to do something about that before your country becomes majority shitskin.
To be fair, our (((media))) is the one obsessed. The average American couldn't care. Don't confuse the two.
I hope merkel dies
The average American is a nigger loving nigger. Cope harder, mutt.
He is right in the sense that Merkel avoid every Macron proposition to increase EU strenght, but she comply to most american wills.
>Yet another reminder to encourage all Germans to kill themselves
what the fuck is wrong with her? she looks like a literal demon, why did Germans vote for her?
>writes tl;dr paragraph
>s-stop it m-m-mutt
The last German died died in 1945 in Berlin fighting commie scum
Everything you said is true. I hate this fucking country.
Why don’t you DO SOMETHING for your country and assassinate this whore, you gutless Kraut faggot?
Where do you worthless cuckolds come from? Do you think you're cool or funny or something?
Mentally ill piece of shit.
Based. Germans need to suffer.
Why don't you Americans stop talking big game on the Internet and start smuggling guns into Europe?
You've posted this pasta all week. Keep coping. We're literally more german than you at the moment.
I've never understood America's obsession with blacks, sure they're opening to Mexicans, but nothing could ever replace their pet niggers.
>more german than you at the moment
you never were german and never will be
Why? You have manufacturers in your own country. Besides we already do. Go to potatoland and beg the IRA.
Post physique then, to prove your point.
Nope, there are no registrations. Helmut Kohl was in power for 16 years. Merkel is in charge since 2005, that‘s 15 so far. Merkel IS the reason why we have had discussions about limiting terms in the last 1-2 years!
>merkel is a lying snake
>I see a Doctor , an Engineer, a Philosopher, a Rocket Scientist, a Physicist and a Lawyer.
They contribute so much for the ungrateful, lazy, dumb German swine.
Having firearms manufactures and having the ability to actually get your hands on their products are two vastly different things.
You can't be like "OMG!!!!111!!! You have to overthrow the government! You're all cowards!" and then pussy out when it comes to supporting your white brothers.
If only I had Corona I would spit into her face
Because of course she would... someone should have taken the L and dicked her down back in the day, maybe she wouldn't be such a hateful jew boot licking cunt.
I am German. The reason nobody's ended this cunt yet is simple, all of us worth a damn were killed in WWII. Same with Britain. The women were forced to breed with the cucks who didn't fight.
>From East Germany
>Allowed to be in politics.
pls stop.