Eliminate one race from the planet


Choose wisely

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jew leaf shills



Neoliberals niggers


Jews of course.



Oh hey wh*Te boy, what's that noise, you ask?

Why, it's the wh*Te genocide clock, ticking down and down.

You see, your childish wh*Te race committed a lot of crimes against our race and other non wh*Te races approval, and wh*Tes colonized an entire continent. wh*Tes had no good reason to colonize..

Throw in the FACT that it was obviously an attack to throw BLACK people off the civilization trail leading Africa to its Ancient Egyptian past, and you've got not only a universally hated race, but a soon-to-be-genocided one too...

Pic related will be a common sight in Berlin, London, Stockholm and Paris. We Turks,Muslims,Jews and Blacks will take revenge and we will built statue of our lord and savior Mugabe in every corner of Europe.

You think you could plunder and raze Africa, enslave Black people and get away with it ? You think you could murder 6 million Jews and get away with it ? No wh*Te boy, You will pay for it.






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go back to r/asiansissification, faggot

ok goodbye

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Italians. Fucking disgusting wops.

Jews obviously.

fuck off r/hapas eurasian tiger.

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Niggers. at least I like spic food

whites....its going great now why fuck it up and try and change to another race?

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>no poojeets

You apu.

Whites including Jews and Italians

Jews, but only because without their meddling the other races wouldn’t be a problem.

Niggers are just wildlife that can't hurt you if you aren't near them.

>bitching about racism on Yas Forums
you do know where you're at right? This isn't social media.

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Jews and all the other issues will be resolved by themselves.

Jews followed by niggers, Muslims, Indians=spics, then gooks and it’s not even close.

hmmm probably jews, personally I don't dislike spics and i like fucking their women

infighting idiot. you eliminate the exact same race that funds your pantifa organization!? (that being jews)

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Spics are the most logical choice for an American. Jews have infected too many white liberals with their ideology so removing them wouldn't change degenerate self-destructive leftist policy at all. With all the spics gone, whites are a sizeable majority in America again and South America becomes almost 100% white with a ton of free land.



>beating anyone in a war

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oh you like their food so i guess that's a perfectly reasonable excuse to let them depress working class wages while also increasing real estate pricing.

Hard choice. I’d say Chinks.

>Eliminate one race
>Not a single race mentioned
>High IQ board

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fuck off you teeniebopper nazi, you would shut your panites if you had to go to war.

also this:


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Arabs just because they are invading Europe. I don't mind blacks that much because we have very few of them here in Denmark. I don't mind any race as long as they don't come here for gibs.

Your land was discovered by an Italian you fat American scum. *spits*

Fucking laughable
“Muh spic food”
When there are way better cuisines out there

The clock is ticking wh*Te boi. Pay us our reparations NOW or we will TAKE it by FORCE.

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jews are the only problem
if you said anything other than jews, gas yourself

Why are blacks so weak?

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If we eliminate one race, then we are all eliminated since there is only one race, the human race

Meanwhile, the average wh*Te boi.

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Jews, everything else should sort itself out
>Nigger culture loses thug elements from porpaganda
>Spics become redpilled
>Chinks could be exterminating themselves as we speak
>Arabs arent used as missile tests for Israel anymore, diplomatic relations improve

i think zoomers like it because you can make any dish with 3 ingredients or less.


>Eliminate one race from the planet


I'm fucking sick of their degeneracy, while at the same time pretending they're actually good people. Pro-tip: they're not...The only thing whites care about is making as much money as possible to fund their cancerous behavior.

Xtians are ironically the worst of the bunch and misbehave all week long until Sunday when they ask Rabbi Yeshua Bar Yosef to forgive them, only to restart the degeneracy that very afternoon as they worship their favorite niggerball team and get blackout drunk.

I want whites gone. The world will be better off.

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Dont care about what other races jews could import because theyre smart enough to know their tricks.

Chinks and then gas the jews

Swedes lol

Everything else will fall into place.

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Revenge of the kangs.

Spamming race bait won't make girls like you, Chang. Go work on improving yourself instead. Good luck.

wtf, i wish i hadn't clicked that

Whites in general /thread



wh*Te BOI

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it's a toss up between the Monkey People, the Lizard People, the Insect People.
First you use the Monkeys to get rid of the LIzards and just know the Insects are going to be a real bitch when you get to them.

fucking kek
בלי האשכנזים האיי קיו הממוצע כאן היה מתחת ל 70

Why is the T capitalized


Because Phonefags havent been put in a camp yet

Anglos because Jews are not a real race. Jews will be individually picked off later.

>Choose wisely

Jews technically are an Arab tribe with their own religion
So i pick arabs
2 birds with 1 stone

Discovered by Vikings 400 years prior, you fucking zipperhead. I fucked your mom in Pattaya.


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When I say israel your say BDS

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fuck wrong pic

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This. They're basically AIDS for national defense.