>started a minimum wage new job last month to help pay for shit (im currently in college)
>tore my fucking calf muscle after standing around nonstop on a thirteen hour shift with no breaks, covering for my coworkers shift
>now cant fucking move for 2 weeks and have to miss classes
is there any way out of this hell?
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Imagine being so fat you can't even stand for a while.
>not stealing money from the government
Where do you work
It gets easier
unironically take the drug-dealer-pill
>>tore my fucking calf muscle after standing
God damn amerifat
Lose weight, Tubby McFatass.
literally any trade job starts at $20+ an hour dude are you a women?
>Standing for a day tore my calf open
This isn't even remotely normal, is this the first time you've spent more time standing than sitting in a chair all day?
you're retarded for not asking for a break, if you work 6 hours or more your employer is legally obligated to give you one.
You have weak muscles, user.
>thirteen hour shift with no breaks
is this normal in your company or you are the only one doing so much?
>not being on disability benefits
>1 post by this ID
Nice fan fiction. You've never worked a day in your worthless life you fucking turd.
>1 post by this ID
This is the second most retarded meme in the history of Yas Forums.
t. memeflaggot
delicate gringos
>tore my fucking calf muscle after standing around nonstop on a thirteen hour shift
>is there anyway out of this hell
Proper exercise you sack of shit. The body is an organic machine and requires proper maintenance. Breaking your body from just standing for a long time is a glaring testament of how shitty you treat yourself, not how hard your job is.
i always catch you bozos lazing around staring at your phones in the stockroom. don't act like you're hard workers just because you have two jobs.
Hysterical. It’s because you spent your childhood inside playing video games and have no musculature to speak of. In the 1980’s we did this thing called play outside and developed calf muscles.
shut up retard
I was running 5ks until I worked in a factory and tore my Achilles tendon due to the constant standing up that my job required
>tore my fucking calf muscle after standing around nonstop on a thirteen hour
How are you so weak you literally fall apart from simply standing up? The fuck is wrong with you faggots.
we can automatize lot of shit nowadays, we are still wagecucking so fucking much because of the capitalists
Should have done squats
>tfw no upper body strength but walking on a cloud
Bruh running doesn’t build muscle besides your heart really, and it fucks your joints up
OP sounds fat as shit
You'd only hurt yourself by standing if you're morbidly obese
>running 5ks
>tears tendon by standing
Bad larp 0/10
im not fat actually, im a lanklet, i literally just did not sit down for a solid 13 hours and i woke up the morning after and that shit teared and it hurt like hell.
im 5'11 158lbs, maybe thats fat i dont fucking know? but yeah i mostly sit at my desk or at mypc dont exercise that much kek. i was surprised ngl, i was feeling perfectly fine during the shift itself then the morning after it tore.
exactly, this shit fucks your legs up bro.
get some dr scholl's feet pads
>is there any way out of this hell?
Then exercise at standing you mong. Do tiptoe stands, stretch. There's all kinds of shit you can do. And quit lying.
Be tougher.
What kind of shoes were you wearing?
>And then everyone clapped.
>be wagecuck
>get quarantined
>get evicted and die of starvation
american college education at its finest. although i you only need a minimum wage job to pay your way through, then you're probably an ESL illegal immigrant getting a free ride.
What is this body type called?
>tore calf muscle standing around.
I have a feeling that wagecucks are lab rats in some kind of CIA experiment and they're just pushing the limits to see how far they can go. I expect things to get worse for you, chinks already have the 996 system in place and your owners will adapt to it if it works out in a few years.
> have 10x more weed money than my neet friends.
> Debt free
> people depend on me not the other way around.
> sweet pension fund for when i retire.
> relaxed office work environment
> Just doing what I like to do and what I taught myself as a hobby in my teenage years.
Yeah boohoo what a shit life... it sure sucks not being a child in a grown mans body... School is unironically for suckers though.
Trade school.
shitty $80 nikes
nah cunt i knew that shit wasnt right but didnt feel like rewriting it, go fuck yourself grammar cuck
>is there any way out of this
Yeah, don't work minimum wage or labor jobs. Also don't get a shit degree.
>996 system
what does this mean?
do i even want to know?
god i wish i lived in europe, at least your wages are alright, im making 7.50$/hour on top of the bullshit. fuck my life.
what's a non shit degree
>ever working for minimum wage
>what does this mean?
>do i even want to know?
12 hours a day, 6 days a week
>what's a non shit degree
Unless you go for specific vocational shit like medicine it doesn't matter. It's all about the prestige of your school and connections.
>What's a non shit degree
It varies. Might as well tell us your degree and we tell you if it's shit.
t. Make 60k right out of college, IT degree
Stupid wetbacks
>It's all about the prestige of your school
well fuck me then, im going to a no name uni because i did fuck all in high school.
stretch lol
They make shoes that are specifically designed for people who need to stand on hard surfaces for long shifts.
They're not cheap, but they're a LOT cheaper than tearing your calf muscle.
Which in case you didn't know, that's the slowest-healing muscle in the human body. You'll find that out when it still fucking hurts a month and a half from now.
It's okay to wear a cheap shirt, it's okay to wear cheap pants, cheap underwear, cheap socks, it's okay to wear cheap sunglasses, it's okay to get a cheap haircut, it's okay to eat cheap food and it's okay to sleep on a cheap mattress.
It is NOT okay to wear cheap shoes.
Quit being such a liar
No job does 13 hrs no breaks
I work on set 16 hour shifts and half that time is spent sitting on my ass checking my phone
Quit lying u commie fag
its not even a joke, pretty much everyone who got rich is befitting from corruption or outright running a fraud and stealing
im not lying bootlicker.
you cant even read