“It’s just the flu, bro.”

“It’s just the flu, bro.”
—Donald J. Trump, President of the United States.

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Why is all this whining on Yas Forums the same whining coming from people like Bill Kristol?

i hope cheetokike gets corona and dies

>it's just the flu, bro!

famous last words

He does know that you can't stack up a full year kill history of one illness to another with only 3 months of activity right?

is this guy for fucking real?

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based god-emperor btfo-ing all the discord trannies and media matters shills pushing this nothingburger hoax

hes the most american man to ever live


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What, do you think the flu is contracted year 'round or something?

yes, i have been sick in every season different years throughout my life. when it's winter where you are do you believe it's winter everywhere?

It started as a psyop but now it’s out of control.

>“It’s just the flu, bro.”

Actually, the flu is worse.

This hysteria is completely ridiculous.

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The difference between the coronavirus and the flu is that we have no vaccine nor any antiviral drug for the coronavirus. There’s remdesivir, designed for Ebola, that targets viral RNA polymerase but also attacks our own cells’ mitochondria. It’s been tested in like 1 patient. In the US the flu has a 0.1% mortality rate. Covid-19 has around a 3% mortality rate. Big difference there too.

He has the coronavirus

>its much worse than the flu

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roll for the death of cheetokike


It’s literally nothing bros.

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That guy is a major outlier.

Homosexual semitic troglodyte.

still higher than when Obama was in office :)

Way to copy and paste Eugene Gu's tweet you fucking shill.


im not gay or a jew



It IS just the flu. It's been exactly like the fucking flu. The only people who are dying are immuno-compromised. Fuck you and your emotion trap.

>The difference between the coronavirus and the flu is that we have no vaccine nor any antiviral drug for the coronavirus
the flu vaccine has no effect because hardly anyone is getting vaccinated and the anitviral drugs against the flu are useless too since they are only effective when given before symtpoms occur.

>In the US the flu has a 0.1% mortality rate. Covid-19 has around a 3% mortality rate. Big difference
they arent measured the same way so you cant compare hte data. flu incidence is only estimated, since testing is useless, because as i explained no antiviral drugs and hardly anyone vaccinated.

Up to 70k die from flu per year.
Let's get a count, if you know someone who has died from the flu, comment below. Because I sure as fuck don't.

9 people i knew died from flu, but they were all old af

For someone who wants to twke so many preventative spets to protect us from brown people he sure has been dragging his feet with this Corona outbreak.

>yes, i have been sick in every season different years throughout my life

Spotted the problem.

Don't suppose there's any message in that for you, Tiny Tim?

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He's right, though. The common flu is more deadly than the Wuhan Virus by any metric you throw at it.

based and boomerkillerpilled

wasn't every year lol god damn, my point is you can get sick in any season

he was never a president, a mere fucking conman.

>tfw been following Corona closely
>looked in a dozens of the general threads
>done some prepping
>Suddenly we have this new dynamic where the media is saying this is serious, and Trump is saying its not.
With the sheer, CONSTANT, AND FUCKING PERVASIVE dishonesty, of the media, I'm forced to acknowledge that this MIGHT be a nothingburger.

The only way I can reconcile that idea with events from around the world is if I think, "Maybe this IS a bioweapon, and we DO already have a cure for it", meaning that it COULD be a major happening, but Trump is basically spoiling the ending by saying it won't be.

inb4 shills, who are somehow more dishonest than the media, try to convince me of ANYTHING, as if I would accept anything they say.

>facts are shilling
>orange man good
back to /ptg/

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Dont worry, trump's uncle was a super genius doctor so he has the gene.

>we have no vaccine nor any antiviral drug for the coronavirus

>there's an effective vaccine for the flu

t. got a flu shot in the fall, been out sick from work twice since then

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I mean, if you use common sense and do the maths, its looking like we are going to get less than 1000 deaths from this....

Drag him out and hang him on the wh lawn. He's going to get a lot of people killed.

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>canadian saying "back to /ptg/"
Hows that consensus-cracking been going for you?

Oh shut up with all that sense you're making. We want panic and doomsday porn only.

>falling for the flu shot jew
i bet it cost you 5000 shekels too

Shut the fuck up faggot, nothing ever happens.

No meme go to /cvg/ lurk and shut up. You're heading for a potential ventilator if you're lucky enough to get one. No more response good luck.

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How does a cuck like Gu get a medical degree without learning that you can't effectively derive a mortality rate from less than a thousand cases?

We should send him and every other infected case to Toronto tomorrow morning.

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546 confirmed cases means little if you aren´t testing people.

China had about 500 confirmed cases by January 22th. It was 2000 by January 25th and 6000 by 28th.

the flu shot only helps with influenza, but there are 200 other viruses out there, that can cause flu like illnesses.

and the influenza vaccine isnt 100% effective on top of that.

I know of 2 personally. Just last year. One was healthy but had a history of drug use, the other was on dialysis. Both in their 50s. One of my uncles, and one was wife anons uncle.

Oh so exactly what all the faggots were cheering for, but when Trump follows through with your wishes you suddenly recant?
All you happening fags and concern fags are pussy bitches.

... it's past a 1000 deaths,do you think people report everything down to the wire? lol fuck no

how much faith do you have it's not happening, because doomers have more faith in it happening

Relatedly tho, if it turns out that this IS something where we've got a cure in out back-pocket all along, will that be the biggest case of "Trump was right again" ever?

I had to squash a Palestinian house with a tank to get the money, but that part felt good.

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Even if the entire worlds 7billion gets infected, and say the mortality rate triples to 10%, that's only 700million deaths

Africa & India alone have +2.1billion shitskins, that's barely even a dent in this over populated world

We need something stronger and more deadly desu

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kek you're probably going to die too enjoy

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>tfw jews talking shop

Would like to see source.

Trusting the guy who asked if the flu vaccine would work on corona virus lmao

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its his most recent tweet.

palestine must go for greater romania

Nah Ill be fine.
t. Immune O- hyperborean super aryan

Well it would.
In that scenario, the media would continue screaming about Trump downplaying a virus that COULD have killed everyone, but nobody will care because it didn't.
A lot of "Trump was right against" scenarios play out that way.

just a little more, go out and spread SPREAD!!

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This is him saying "look how good our Corona prep was, we've had hadly anyone due so far." He's been quite vocal about how dangerous it is.

Is CNN paying spergs to start a load of these threads? Because normal people read that and think. "Yup, classic Trump, bragging again." But lefty spergs read it and think "OMFG he's downplaying a LITERAL BIOWEAPON"... Get a grip little buddy

its doing work in iran