Why are leftists so unhinged? This man is a politician

Why are leftists so unhinged? This man is a politician

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i agree with keeping conservatives out of government.

lmfao imagine firing everyone in the military that voted for Trump


How to start a civil war

Imagine a military run by basedboys

all orange fuck's supporters should be put in concentration camps and disposed of like the human trash that they are, they have prevented us from bringing about social justice and actively opposed bringing humanity and compassion to people of color, fuck orange fuck, fuck doritos squads, fuck racist trump agenda, no hispanic individual will ever have to listen to whitesplaining ever again, no women of color will ever be put down ever again, down with cis supremacists, castrate all cis csum

please don't hire qualified people, it is discriminatory to unqualified and transqualified people

They don't hate Trump.
They hate us.
Leftists need to be genocided.
>Tit for tat
No, we want to be left alone.
They won't leave us alone.
Someone here is in the wrong.

There is no way you can get that accurate of a percentage. Even if you could that’d be roughly 20% of government jobs. Any place that cuts 20% of staff will be in turmoil for 6+ months.

Yes it would be a utopia in only three years.

Half the problems Trump had was because he left a lot of upper middle tier Obama hires and Appointees in place

Lefties always think that they get to make purge policies that will never be used against themselves.

Do it, disenfranchise even more white men, especially ones with military training. Show the world how much you hate them. Nothing bad could ever happen.

Leftisim is a collectivist religious cult.

They feel weak as individuals, but they gain a huge sense of power when they are with a group who agrees with them.

In their hearts Leftists are truly cowards.
They'll do anything to form collective groups from which they draw power

Can social media companies be sued for making records of users available to the public?

>having social media presence

Attached: 7 minutes.png (500x484, 135.49K)

> transqualified
top kek

creating a group of young military trained men with a grudge against the government and nothing to do
sounds like a good plan

Literally asking if it's okay to go against your political rivals jobs....okay Democrats we see you, care to hold onto some of my ammunition while you're at it?

>People who disagree with me belong in camps

How are you not a nazi, kike?

And of course the media always chimps out about abuse of executive power when Trump fires any of them.

If they intend to victimize and do harm, physical or financial (and causing you a loss of income counts) yea I'd say so. Especially if it's because you voted.

>In 2021
he starts with a flawed premise

>abuse of power
Does anyone even take this seriously? Every head of state does this

Literally why?

Post link faggot


It seems he has deleted it you can see his response in which he claims it is just a poll if you google


Not proposing policy - just seeing where people are on this:

In 20212, after Trump is re-elected, we will be able to revoke the citizenships of all Anchor Babies.

Should we deport all anchor babies, including naturalized citizens, in order to protect the Nation?

Attached: ash-wednesday-world-2015-02182015-7.jpg (1200x797, 154.11K)

wwe call it gulags, you nazi piece of trash, we will empale your fucking decapitated head on a pike and piss on it and take delight in the rancid stench of our internationalist urine infusing your rotting carcass, the rest of your remains will be thrown into ovens and incinerates and the heat generated therefrom will be used to brew our communist coffee. all nazis will be exterminated so that no transsexual pregnant hispanic woman is harrassed by a a bunch of white cis scum, no transwomen of color will ever have to put up with obnoxious manspreading of white cis scum exposing their morbid genitalia on the subway, those days are over, we are taking over white cis scum

Trump was to nice as he figured they were middle to upper level functionaries and knew what they were doing and left to many in place.

It's like Stalin purging the Soviet military, and then all of the purged soldiers joining forces with Germany.

Thanks for the LINK you fucking faggot ass loser. POST THE FUCKING LINK RETARD OP. How many fucking times do we have to go through this? SAGE.

I'm all for it, but I think it should happen in 2021 instead of 20212. By that time, we should be deporting grays from our solar system.


he deleted the tweet doltard

Welcome to nu-Yas Forums where OP only posts once without a link or an archive.

Yea i tried to find it but he deleted it after he got ratioed hard. Pussy ass bitch.

armed with the new Dildo Bayonet

This faggot is crazy.

no it's gonna end with a few Soiboys impaled in the ass on fence post alive and left there as an example and it will be over

I think this gentleman’s point may be that the current administration has been firing people from federal employment who are not “loyalists” to the current presidential agenda or who are critical of the president OR who are considered “enemy” by the president. I think he is posting this question to see if people who sympathize and support this administration would allow/tolerate the same from a different administration. Quite a unique time in American history.

How very fascist of him

Eh, if it nets the post-2017 Trump supporters it may be a necessary sacrifice.


this would be the entire military

So if Trump wins can we purge all leftists, liberals, and Democrats from federal jobs?

No, leftists and liberals are so delusional that they actually believe they can purge the government of their political enemies without any blowback or retaliation. Purging the military will result in a civil uprising or a military coup that ends with most of these retards in prison or in mass graves. The left wing does not have a demographic that can take on the Straight White Right Wing Male in a war and win.

none of them have federal jobs anyways man

removing a few untrusted people is far far far different than a blanket banning from federal employment

There will never be a civil war. People are so lazy and fat. It just won't happen. People will put up with or even grow to enjoy all of the sexual sickness they bombard people with. Animals, children, dead bodies. It's all coming down the pipeline. And I'm a former NatSoc proponent

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Are you retarded?

neck yourself you ignorant pile of shit

-Do-Nothing Donald has had nearly 4 years to do exactly what Mark Judson is proposing
-Everyone with 2 brain cells, including the entire Trump team, knows that D.C. and the D.C. metro area are 95% Democrat
-The federal bureaucracy, which is simply the executive branch, of which Trump as president is the boss, is 90% Democrat if you exclude active duty military
-The president has the right to fire at his sole discretion up to 3/4 of these useless overpaid underworked miserable failure Democrat employees of his

FDR created these entities under executive authority, they can be destroyed under executive authority AND THEY MUST BE DESTROYED

Do-Nothing Donald has literally nothing to lose from firing the millions of tax-parasite civil service Democrats, who by the way are the ones behind every leak and act of obstruction and sedition, e.g. all of the rats involved in the Ukraine Scandal Jew Coup. Did you see how the entire political establishment cried out in terror when he actually fired all of THREE of them and got away with it? He has the authority.

Literally this You guys are legitimately retarded. Especially this You cant just fire someone for disagreeing with you. That is one of the biggest things conservatives spew non stop when defending their intolerance to anything not of the norm in the 50s. I dont understand how i can see these hypocritical statements non-stop from the right and none of you pick it up, understand, or choose not to continue looking and acting like retards. There is not one person in your life who thinks you are legitimately smart with your views. You REALLY have to be slow.

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Politicians don't count. There are tons of leftists in 'figurehead' positions, but 99% of people in federal work are either centrists who respect the sitting president, republicans, or diehard 'Don't tread on me!' types, with the latter being the majority.
t. navy

actually I think you'll find conservatives are the ones that pushed for at will employment you stupid shit. if you're ignorant of that then your opinion on the matter is just you spewing uneducated garbage like most leftists do

Listen to yourself holy shit

>noooooo you can't just fire Obama hires/appointees who are leaking information/documents and generally being obstructive shitheads so you can replace them with people who won't undermine you!!!

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You guys only like the law when brown people are taking the brunt of it. Actual trash.

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