38 Billion of your dollars to Israel. Why?

>when leddit is more redpilled than Yas Forums
Why are Americans so brainwashed here? LITERALLY the biggest GIGA KEKS on the planet lmao braiwashed as fuck

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imagine thinking israel isn't owned by america.

America is owned by Israel cockboi.

GIGA COPE. It's the other way around. Both Dems and Reps passed an anti anti-Semitism law that prevents US citizens to talk badly about Jews and Israel SSPECIFICALLY. No other country is that supported by the US Constitution.


Same reason you're giving almost the same amount of money to Egypt and many other countries.

>38 billion and 1.8 billion
>the same
I guess when you receive them for free 38 billion and 1.8 billion are the same.

>passed an anti anti-Semitism law that prevents US citizens to talk badly about Jews and Israel SSPECIFICALLY.

that's not what the fine print says. you should learn to read the details.
what you're achieving here is convince more people of a lie they can easily check for themselves, effectively making your side more stupid.
how can you even compete ? you can't, on any level. such is life.

Imagine thinking America isn't owned by Israel

We give money to Egypt and other ME countries so they don't attack you.

those are not the numbers.
those 38 billion are slightly less, also they are stretched over a 10 year period.

try again.

foreign aid isn't like the parents in a family giving money to some other family's kids. it's like a crack dealer giving free samples/regular discounts. the money is relatively cheap for the U.S. to produce, and having more people use it raises its profile, standing, and long term viability

Hilarious. When is the last time Israel did our bidding? We literally can't even stop them from stealing state secrets.
Egypt is the largest aid recipient after Israel and only receives about half as much in aid/year, and has received substantially less than this if you step back and look at the aid received since 1948 (though I'm unsure of exactly how much less). However, it is true that Israel represents

lol is that so. is that why we obliterated everyone on the 6 day war without your help or your arms, taking hold of the entire senai peninsula, and then giving it back to them for a chance at peace ? we could have hold it. legally even. we gave it back.

when you attack and lose there is a price to pay.
regardless, in these days of modern technology, we are less dangerous somehow ?

no wonder most jews develop superiority complex.

You can't even fight your own wars without Mommy America's help. Uncle Sam has to bribe your bullies TOP FUCKING KEKS and still you receive more money than them. Zionists are the biggest PARASITES currently.

your pathetic aid amounts to less than 3% of our annual budget. but you obviously were aware of this.

>get 142 billion
>no help

$38b is from the Obama era. It's more than that now.

>“We’re going to take good care of Israel. Israel is going to be good. But we give Israel $4.5 billion a year. And we give them, frankly, a lot more money than that, if you look at the books — a lot more money than that. And they’ve been doing a very good job for themselves,” he added.

>You can't even fight your own wars without Mommy America's help.

lol, like a broken record, a stale one, see

Kalergi plan. Learn Hebrew of fuck monkeys. Those are your options. Don't forget to vote.

You didn't obliterate anyone. Your country illegally acquired nuclear weapons and threatened to use them.

>without your help or your arms
this is just blatantly false
but i expect nothing less from a filthy yid

t. Chomsky dick rider

I know why

fiscal year 2019 Israel's budget was approx 140 billion.

your aid money is like a cherry on top. nothing more. these are easily googled facts.

proceed coping.

Ok triplekike, then gib it back if it's so meaningless lmao

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So they can order billions of dollars worth of aircraft from us and make it look like they are doing something.
It;s like giving the nigger welfare and they go to the store and buy energy drinks with it.
Fake ally spending our money to enrich themselves.
How very kikey of them,no?

oh i see, is that what happened at the Suez canal during that war ?

brainlet. if you repeat memes long enough they won't turn into reality.

>this is just blatantly false

Israel had american aid and support during the 6 day war ?

>i expecting nothing less
oh the irony here does not elude the intelligent trust me.

> if you repeat memes long enough they won't turn into reality.
It worked when it came to the Holocaust, though. So, yes, it works.

>Israel crossed the nuclear threshold on the eve of the Six-Day War in May 1967. "[Prime Minister Levi] Eshkol, according to a number of Israeli sources, secretly ordered the Dimona [nuclear reactor] scientists to assemble two crude nuclear devices.



Kill yourself.

>if you repeat memes long enough they won't turn into reality.
What about the shoah?

that's not how tax dollars work, user.
in modern monetary theory taxation is purely deflationary--they just burn it.

It should be 0%, ya greedy leech

what if I told you, that you will unironically not take it back ? what if i told you that america shoves that money down our throats and we are bound to use this money only buying from the american military industrial complex , so basically most of it comes back to you one way or another.

And what would that be? Hmmm

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What happened at the Suez canal brainlet. the fact that we won in other fronts (naturally) as well does not render this piece of information irrelevant.

explain yourself shlomo, otherwise user is right and this is just another Jewish trick

>my leaders value the opinions of jews more when it comes down to politics, war, economy, and practically anything

what are you actually saying, that i should apologize that we are hired more based on merit, by the top companies in the world ?

im sorry you can't compete, maybe you should try harder.

Pilpul doesn't work here, rat. I encourage you to keep posting obvious lies it's only going to wake people up even faster. Please keep it up!

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The Jewish century is over. Enjoy a life of pain and humiliation for you and your tribe.

I'm making the case for the US gvmnt being a GIGA CÜCK. I'm not defending it. It should be ILLEGAL for US government officials to hold DUAL citizenship of ANY country, especially middle eastern ones, and especially ISRAEL.

Lmao you know this isnt true Moshe cmon man.
>hire more based on merit
why are national merit scholars disproportionately white and jews are underrepresented?

Here - do you actually believe the shit you say or are you just griefing goyim?

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Your'e are not allowed to make the distinction between zionism and israel or jews as seperate entities.

>i love jews but zionism is evil and should be banned
It makes no sense, eventually those that would be directly affected by any "anti-zionism" anything would be jews in israel, so you might as well call it what it is. It would be like being anti christian but pro america, how would you take it ?

Reminder that how grateful these people are for the money they receive.

They make blacks look grateful in comparison.

Because muh return of jesus

>googles what happened at the Suez canal between Israeli forces and Egyptian forces during the 6 day war

imagine somebody reading your bullshit would actually do that user. lol. imagine how retarded you would appear.

There are plenty of people who are anti Christian and pro America and they are all kikes lol

I say we put it up for a referendum, kikel! What do you say?

Makes sense. So you admit that being against white nationalism is equals to hating white people than?

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we are not talking about scholars now. try to stick to a single topic without trying other angles, this makes debates goy tier as we constantly throw comebacks at one another.

do most companies in the world, who would also be called the best in their field, not hire jews in a disproportionate value ? why are they doing that ? how the fuck can you even answer that without hitting a logical brick wall ? so we secrectly own all those companies but they won't hire us if we didn't based on merit ? that makes zero sense, what made us able to control you so much if not based on merit ? oh don't tell me. it's Saturn. no. it's the black cube.

It's almost as if all the Muricans here are Jews or their paid shills

it's only a reminder of how stupid you are. coping endlessly.
we have congressmen who want to remove these pennies you call "aid money" to give pathetic cucks like you less excuses, but luckily most of us don't value your opinion at all.

How can one possibly be as dishonest as you?

Mutts aren't very bright in general, you may never know

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america has weird values
we hate jews for loving money
but we love jews when we want to sue someone

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here's a simple exercise to check your work
if money stopped moving, which one would collapse?

The strong will always seek to consume the weak, every nation tried it, everybody tries to enforce global policy today in their own way, be it Islam, be it Christianity, china, russia ... why cant we all live in peace ?
turns out we can't because humans are not peaceful and never were, we figured t out and our version of the plan (you ALL have your own version of this plan.) is what you would call tikkon olam, where, unironically, we decided that the best course of action is to breed you into something more manageable.

now, should I apologize for our success in bringing this plan into fruition ? i don't think so. you would all do it too if you were able. that is the natural course of things.

imagine being a braindead trump nigger

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being americunt basically giant cope

Then do it already

But you wont. Because slimy kike

FED is an expensive service you're paying for. And there are probably few others. You use some benefits of jeury, it's only honest that you pay some price for it. (ironic mode off)

>the strong
>group of parasites absolutely incapable of producing anything or inventing anything on their own
>going around the world undermining every nation before getting kicked out every 100 years since the dawn of times
Tictock, faggot. And this time you went too far to just get peacefull removement.

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>texas state
>under trump's control
confirmed for zoomer lulz
>b-b-but muh publicans

>without your help or your arms
Holy keks, how delusional are the Kikes? They actually think Kikestan would exist without dumb amerifats

funny thing is even if you're wrong, that only makes my point more clear.
but nah, i can assure you we can produce ruski. and in our case it actually has value, let's name all the top 100 russian software companies and then name the israeli ones, wanna have a laugh Ivan ? or would you rather we didn't

even if you're right*

No we wouldn’t you fucking kike. All you people do is project your bs onto others. Accuse them of what you yourself are guilty of.

I would rid the world of Jews though. Everyone else can stay they just have to return to their homelands.

I unironically agree with these dumb plebbitniggers in this instance.

America is so kiked at this point.


>parasite thinking it can survive on it's own
How cute. Too dumb to even understand the point. I guess you aren't even ashkenazi then, the rest of your kind has literal arab tier IQ.

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our annual GDP is 7 times yours. your opinion is irrelevant.
Furniture is like 10% of your export.
how old is your shithole ? it must be a new country compared to ours right ? lol.

>you cant have differnt opp cuz i more rich
Literally jewish tricks

Never ever trust a jew

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>I would rid the world of Jews though.

im sure you will, luckily you have minecraft.
the perfect coping mechanism for your age. it will all be over soon, in our lifetime. one day we will look at your children and all have a nice laugh, the kids most likely will be too retarded to realize what we're all laughing it, but laugh we will.

I'm not even american and this makes me mad. I can't possibly imagine how my country would react to giving tax money to some other country and being literally banned from speaking out against it

Lithuania is older than Kikeland, Schlomo.

Lobbying and MSM interference into politics.

It's illegal to hate jews in jewmerica, jew.

>"hehe your aid is just pennies in our pockets goy"

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This is just a fucking stupid post do you even know about super pacs and their funding or aipac

The colony has to pay money to it's rightful owner.

that makes them even more pathetic.

It truly is the ultimate and final cückoldry.

Daily reminder to all gentiles that jews hate you, and want you either enslaved or exterminated. Never forget, never forgive. Encourage other gentiles to accept and speak the truth about jews.

At least their wealth is honest. Yours is that of a scheming whore.

>we own Israel
>not the other way around
>that’s why we give them $38 billion/year free and clear
>that’s also why we fight their wars
>you wouldn’t understand me big brane
t. double digit brainlet

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>Why are Americans so brainwashed here? LITERALLY the biggest GIGA KEKS on the planet lmao braiwashed as fuck

cool story bro

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>what if I told you?
>what if I told you?
You'd be lying like you always do

I'll give you a hint, he's Jewish.

hmm .. yes..

well then im off. it's been fun, you're all obviously brain dead unable to cope with a single jew. then you wonder why you live under my boot.
have a pleasant evening kids. and remember that your girlfriend dreams about Jewish cut penises most likely when she fantasizes about sex, statistically speaking that is true.
personally i think owning porn was one of the most hilarious things we did.