Fucking dumbass

this man is retarded

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He’s freaking out.

Is that why he lied 30 minutes ago about closing international travel early

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Peak boomerism

OP sucks cocks
Based orange man is factual
CNN seething right now. World ending was their last hope at avoiding consequences

This is how you lose an election. Fucking moron

>Trump: Muh economy!!! Muh reelection!!!

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He banned a bunch of muzzies years ago.

Not only does he absolutely refuse to take any form of blame for not handling the problem sooner, he STILL is shirking his responsibility as the leader of our country. What a pathetic moron.

500 people have the flu... What problem?

Fuck off shareblue faggot. When Orange man shut down travel from China you fags were hollering raycist.

There's prob like 5000 cases overall that are undetected because we have almost no testing, look how Italy shot up from like 300 to 6000 in a week.

imagine getting triggered like OP.


Try harder faggot lmao

kill yourself.

Haha the libtards have surely been triggered by the crashing stock market and irresponsibly handled pandemic situation! Epic win, my fellow CHUDs! XD

He's right you delusional idiots.


Fuck you cuck, you will cry again in November 2020, you filthy cum rag

Holy fuck you are so retarded.

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No he's not, go dilate your front hole tranny

What's retarded about it?
Can you elaborate?

He is absolutely right. The mortality rate of COVID-19 is 0.7% in Western countries. What is your fucking counter argument apart from hysteric feelings of teenage angst?

You're the one with the banana right? fucking tranny

He's right tho

Its like freaking over a mass shooting when car crashes kill a ton more people. People are just manipulated by the news too easily.

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Because norther Italy is basically mini China, there are 300k chinks officially in Italy. Excluding all the illigals who work in textile sweat shops.

Guess why Italy exploded with cases 2-3 weeks after chink new year. Italy let in hundreds of infected that spread it everywhere.

>B-but there are only white dead.
How many illigal chinks you think will go to a clinic where the get deported?

What's the alternative? Say the sky is falling and panic everyone? That would be like yelling fire in a crowded theater.

He's not necessarily wrong, but its clear he is panicking about stock market and economy.

Maybe he's worried about not getting re-elected since he abandoned his 2016 voters

Damn, Asians have no ass. Sad.

Jr is doing the tweeting

Lmao Italy has a death rate higher than 3.5 and we have 22 deaths with 300 cases

Kill yourself

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He’s right it’s a literal nothing burger.

>Because norther Italy is basically mini China, there are 300k chinks officially in Italy. Excluding all the illigals who work in textile sweat shops.
>Guess why Italy exploded with cases 2-3 weeks after chink new year. Italy let in hundreds of infected that spread it everywhere.

Can you elaborate on how he "abandoned his 2016 voters"?

Dont be a delusional lying faggot for one maybe, because everyone will actually panic when they realize you're lying

>n-no ur a tranny
america will never be a socialist country, xir

This. Over 500 people have the flu! He should shut down all travel (but keep the border open because closing that would be racist)!

Didn't build anything close to a wall, just a few hundred miles of replacement fencing.

We already are socialist you retard. If the fed wasn't pumping trillions if dollars of handouts into the market right now the Dow would be at zero. It's corporate socialism.

That's a success, that's not abandoning. Did you expect him to crown himself king and build the wall by royal decree?

So are the numbers themselves wrong?

I can already tell that even if the numbers are accurate these numbers are extremely misleading due to exponential infectious rates, mortality rate ratios, he compared a whole year for the flu to spread to just a week of corona spread, etc, but did he at least get the numbers right?

"D-Don't worry, it's just a flu!"
>spends 8.3 billion dollars to fight the shit

Fucking Mr.Satan.

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The amount of shilling for the coronavirus is out of control. And these nibbas actually eating this shit up. Fucking ridiculous.

I mean seriously? The spaghett mofos locking down 10 million people for the cold? Italy are a lost cause. And not because of the virus but because they got cucked hard.

Media whipping up a shitstorm and people are actually eating it up. Moronic, really. All in a global push to get rid of Trump. Their final attempt.

Get woke on this Yas Forums. You’re getting played. Society is getting played. All over some soft bioweapon equivalent to a soft version of the flu.

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He's not wrong about the flu causing tens of thousands of deaths, and so far coronavirus hasn't killed many here (though most are in my neighborhood in kirkland).
What he IS wrong about is that he is clearly only seeing things through a stock market lens and re-election lens.

Anyone who reads his tweets can see that he only cares about "money"

Building what he can while leftists basically try to cockblock him at every step.
He's got my vote again.
In fact, I don't know a single person that voted for him in 2016 that isn't voting for him again in 2020.
What's the alternative? A Democrat?

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He isn't lying, the known cases and deaths are limited so far. I'm sure he'll change his stance if we go all Wuhan.

He's panicking

>Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite.
Joseph de Maistre

He's the same as a Dem just with a retarded Twitter feed.

>Lmao Italy has a death rate higher than 3.5
I said Western countries
>22 deaths with 300 cases
And probably 5000 undetected ones, but yeah your medical system sucks news at 11 o'clock. In Germany we have 1112 registered cases and a single dead so far. Medical insurance doesn't seem that bad after all.

I don’t think he understands that the majority of his base don’t give a damn about the stock market...they just want a fucking wall and an end to immigration from shithole countries.

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It actually averages between 4000 and 70000, not 26000 and 70000.

God I wish Donald would shut the fuck about this. He known business but he is just repeating the same mantra of clueless people who don't understand that exponential growth applies to this virus.

Well, if Trump is "the same as a Dem" you might as well vote for him, right? What difference would it make?


>What difference would it make?
t. Hillary Clinton

This faggot is right.

No, it's not.
A virus meant to take out Trump would be the most globalist thing possible, like something targetting white people within america and saying "see? you need medicare!"
Something that wrecks the fucking china is the last thing the lefties need.

No wall
No send them back
No drain the swamp
No lock her up

He abandoned the "lock her up" part before he even got sworn in.
He abandoned the "drain the swamp" before he got sworn in.
He abandoned the "send them back" in 2017.
He abandoned "build the wall" in 2018/19 and settled for small amounts of new fence where no fence existed before (currently at 3 miles of new fence in 3+ years)
He abandoned MAGA early when he fired Bannon (who even gave an interview that warned us MAGA isn't happening and we're getting something else: kushner). Bannon told us point-blank that MAGA isn't happening and we're getting something else. He was right.

Pic very related
He abandoned his white supporters after Charlottesville.

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Sooo how are we going to make a buck out of this? Where theres chaos theres opportunity! I’ll get paid from stocks to helping burn the infected in the streets

>you might as well vote for a dem
Faggot. Conservatives don't vote for democrats, even when both parties are running one.

>democrat and Republican parties both nominate a Democrat
More conservatives are staying home in 2020 than 2016

Hillary, what are you doing here?

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The best thing he could do right now is declare martial law and allow RWDS to purge the country of anyone even remotely left leaning.
Problem solved. The streets will turn red from the blood of dead commies and faggot shills

Is that why Trump had more votes in Colorado than Biden and Sanders combined in the primaries? Colorado went Clinton in 2016 too, faggot

Do you remember all the libs declaring that Trump and AFD voters are just motivated by irrational fear? And now they are spouting hysteria about how the meme-rona virus is going to exterminate us while Nazi terrorists are covering the country in violent attacks and genocide minorities.

Ok sure, and by this logic we should dismantle the TSA, pull out of the middle east entirely, cut military funding, etc. because terrorists and sand niggers in general are just a massive nothing burger that kill less than the flu every year, even on bad years like when we had 9/11. Surely absolutely nothing will happen.

It was never "4D chess" he's just a moron boomer who got lucky.

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Bannon. I thought he was based until I found out he's just another Christ cuck. Burgers, really

You’re going to die

The difference between the coronavirus and the flu is that we have no vaccine nor any antiviral drug for the coronavirus.

60x deadlier
35x hospitalization rate

Italy is a Western country. Germany on the other hand......more like a shithole

>he couldn't think about that

>Italy is a Western country. Germany on the other hand......more like a shithole
lmao, what a massive cope. Italy can't even handle its fucking trash without the mob not to mention they are already Arab mutts so at worst our future.


For fucks sake, now Trump is talking like some ignorant suburban Karen on Facebook.

I really wish someone can slap him back to reality

The mortality rate of flu is 0.1% the mortality rate of COVID 19 is 0.7% and doesn't even take into accounts that only the most severe cases are diagnosed. Your numbers are bullshit.


two polar opposites.....

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Not really, healthcare systems in Europe are collapsing and Italy already discriminates according to age.

This virus takes a shitload of time to heal and the spread is 3 times faster than the normal flu, people don't die cause of the virus, they die cause you will not have enough hospital beds and respiratory systems to go around.

He closed travel to China in January and people like you called him racist.

Don't let your life be controlled by fear you pussy. The mortality rate is very low and the virus will probably die in the summer anyways.

I don't understand why are all politicians saying it's a nothing burger when they can clearly see the amount of deaths in every country and the rate of infection

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