Yas Forums What do you hate the most?

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the sun.




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OP's. I swear to god, they're sooo fucking gay.

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I unironically like cloudy stormy days better. The only redeeming quality of winter are blizzards.

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You're the homoscheksual

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Choke on a lispy dick, Jerry.

Modern music.

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I came here to say this

Holy shit why?


still being alive

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This. I hate this guy.


was kind of hoping he would kick her down the stairs for good measure though

When i'm on the toilet and I take a big shit and the water splashes my ass

What about when you're taking a shit and the shit touches your balls? Hot or not?

Never happened to me
But I just remembered something I hate even more
When you sit on your balls


Picture this: you've been working all year doing hard work, have to listen to dumb fuck bosses and make rich people richer, then summer comes. Perfect summer day, you go to the store, buy a grill, some steak and hotdogs, invite some friends. You start up the grill by the lake, everything smells amazing, people are smiling, the water is perfectly clear then you hear bzzzzzzz, silence bzzzzzzz. Fucking mosquitos. Every single fucking time, they have to ruin a good time. It's like having an all white party, everyone is laughing, then some fucker invited Jamal because they didn't want to seem like a racist for some fucking reason and ruin everyones time, people start fleeing the party one by one fast. Fucking mosquitos.

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>When you sit on your balls
Nothing wrong with that.

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kek same

get the fuck out of here you fucking social fags, fucking normal people, fuck u

The second dimention, its fucking gay bro.



>you will never thot patrol this hard
Why live?

when you lift the toilet lid and go to sit down and the lid doesn’t quite reach the top but its motion is damped to prevent slamming so after you turn around it slowly comes down in total silence and by the time your pants are down and you’re turned around it’s at a 45 degree angle and you sit back expecting to sit on the toilet seat but your perineum hits the lid and your balls swing back under it and you lose your balance and fall backward and your whole body weight comes down at falling speed and slams the lid down against the seat with your balls still swung back between the seat and the lid so you basically jumped onto your own balls and crushed or outright severed them depending on how much space there is between the toilet seat and toilet lid and how much the toilet lid flexes under the impact and how much you weigh

>invite some friends
fucking normie. GTFO this board.

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Then you've clearly never sat on your balls before. Only men with big balls understand how painful it is to squash your balls on a hard chair under your body weight

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Yas Forums

Dont you krauts have to pay extra for that?

Political correctness absurdity.
This is perfectly fine but hey you cant say nigger.

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Bitch had it coming.

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Poor people

Not yet. Maybe it changes in the not so distant future.

>normie gtfo from this board
I came here in 2005, just because you autists can't get any friends doesn't mean all of us are like you.

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Sean Connery on holiday in Germanistan?

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unfathomably based. This leaf survives the day of the rake.

>because you autists can't get any friends
I changed my mind, to answer OP's question, you are the ones I hate the most

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Good, good.

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>you autists
No u.

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Twitter and Tumblr users

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The lack of social cohesion in european countries and the demographic collapse and replacement ongoing in europe.

>tl;tr: The jews

nice LARP, david

not only the jews, everyone that believes and upholds these ideologies (which in essence seek the destruction of every social structure present in europe prior to 1945 and the division in our societies. with things like feminism, open borders, nu-leftism etc.

I feel you.

You bastard, only weak men attack women.


Niggers, more specific niggers from the east coast of Africa.
They're all retarded and can't follow simple instructions. No wonder that the Arabs neutered their black slaves, but I wonder what menial task the could be used for. I think picking cotton is too advanced for them.

Young progressive liberals, especially the podcasters. I want them to all hang. I want them to meet the firing squad. I want to piss on their graves.