roll for second circuit breaker...
2000 fucking points gone in 15 minutes
-13% is second break
Thats more than the great depression, if it hits 13% its historic.
It’ll bounce back. Trust the plan
second wont happen
It's fuckin over, ya poofta cunts
funny thing is boomers have approximately 75% of their nest egg in equities (stocks).
50% of boomers are 65 or older, they simply don’t have enough fruitful working years left to make up whats happened in the last 2 weeks.
This is a demographic bomb. They are beyond fucked.
It's irrelevant because they're all going to die from coronavirus.
>second wont happen
This timeline is 'the happening'.
Other weird stuff going down like the UFO the size of earth the just came by for a visit and blasted back home.
already rising again
Just moments ago, numbers.
Can’t that be from one guy like soros
I really hope so
the market's already stabilized. happening over, go to bed.
Post the link TARD
My last two digits will show the chances of the world being doomed
Well that's what you get for artifically pumping up the stock markets worldwide for over ten years. I'm really enjoying these boomers having a nervous breakdown.
I roll for terrorist attack to finish it all off dont you just love when rich people cry?
buy these dips
Roll for dead cat bounce
countering your future roll.
>Alien's coming to Earth
>Disease is running rampant
>Potential war with Saudi Arabia and Russia
>world economy crashing
I fucking love this timeline, I can't wait till another Caesar rises from the ashes and with Caesar will be a generation of strong men to put us back on the right path.
Quads of truth
My god.
Holy mother of god... those digits. checked.
Rich people exited after pumping up the prices. Now they short the markets while normies lose their money.
Think of all the idiots who got Tesla stock at 900 after all the news articles LOL
>ufo the size of earth
Welp im out, thats enough internet for today im going to sit in the corner with my head in my hands and rock back and forth.
It's over
Boomers BTFO
Yup, feds cut and people already buying the dip cause they know trumps going to get 4 more years
Hah, my dad cashed out months before the market peaked. Good for him.
>Rich people exited after pumping up the prices. Now they short the markets while normies lose their money.
How many times has this happened in the past 100 years alone? Your soul is more important than money. Turn to God's only Son, Jesus Christ, for forgiveness and salvation.
And that means the Boomers leave nothing behind except worthless pieces of paper. Any love they cultivated is the only wealth that never dies. .
praise kek
2007 2009 2012 2016 and now 2020, it's a steeo anomaly. When Venus gets in the frame at certain angle it reflects off a piece of the telescope and makes the shape on the recording. if you look at the pdf on the telescope design you can see the piece that is being reflected looks exactly like that.
this does not stop people from assuming it's an earth sized ship though. they'll be here talking about it again in 3-4 years, having forgotten it's happened several times before.
What does it mean? Is DOW basically a stock where the value for each share went down $2000 in value?
>funny thing is boomers have approximately 75% of their nest egg in equities (stocks).
>50% of boomers are 65 or older, they simply don’t have enough fruitful working years left to make up whats happened in the last 2 weeks.
>This is a demographic bomb. They are beyond fucked.
I have been saying the same thing.
When boomers loose 50% overnight they will be upset. Some will sucide, some will homicide. We need to be cautious of boomers.
So again... they leave behind nothing. Fucking scumbag generation.
include me in ebic screencap
There were some who made the right decisions... they raised their Families with love, and guided them to ebcome those who will be be Heroes of the future.
Live life in Love, and never surrender - death come for all, but Love lives Forever.
No, a point is worth 1 billion dollars, so what we just saw was 2.02 trillion dollars get wiped from the stock market or 12% of americas annual gdp. Gone in 5 minutes
I made like 500 off the Tesla rollercoaster last week lol
posting in epic bread
The great depression was 30-38%, great recession was 25%. Right now from peak a few weeks ago we're down 17%. Not there yet user.
This quote will be in lyrics soon
These bounces are caused entirely by machines, they shut it down because no human knows what the machines are basing their logic on.
The slowdown in china is causing the algorithm to panic-sell, it's not based on anything realistic which is why the gains in the stock market haven't translated to decent job gains. The stock market is entirely a computer simulation and since 2008 has had little effect on the actual economy.
no cause they still have their gay houses to sell off to some minority for a million bucks
or is that a Canadian phenomenon
>2000 fucking points gone in 15 minutes
Points are meaningless. Chad investors like me only think in percentages.
Its stabilized.. nothing ever happens.
All the boomers are going to be hacking up bloody mucus in 4 weeks anyways, over 50s unfortunately will not survive this disease
It truly is happening....