Stop giving your kids up to the state!
Stop giving your kids up to the state!
Homeschooling your kids will fuck up their social development and will 100% make your daughters into huge whores and your sons into incels
im a homeschoooled girl
Did homeschooling fuck you up, girl?
You can socialize your kids with out the help of the state, take them out a lot when they are 5 and under, there are tons of places for this around this age and then 5+ get them into sports and activities like a good parent should. They don't need to be around fucking monkeys all day to learn how to be a person
Public school is what fucked up my social development. They’re essentially prisons ran by welfare pigs
What evidence are you basing this on?
It is all up to the parents, homeschooling can do this if you are in a fucking oppressive cult, but if you are a healthy free thinking person your kid will come out on top
>proper social development is bad!
>you need your kids to learn to behave like niggers!
>all girls who go to public schools are chaste and virtuous!
You need to be WAY more subtle rabbi memeflagberg.
Complete bullshit.
They don't get as much social contact as they would otherwise you retard, being in a class is good for your social skills
The fact that the kids will be isolated from others
The sons will become incels because they will be anxious social fuckups and the girls will become whores because they aren't used to male attention and will want to rebel hard against you when they get the chance
Complete and utter bullshit.
The only people who need to socialize with the degenerates in public school are the people at the gas station and mcdonalds, not my kids
Who do your kids socialize with then, faggot?
Co-ops the socialize with kids who have parents who care about them enough to homeschool too. I do take them to the mall to play with the kids in the lower demographics but it is for 1 hour a week not fucking 40. The dose determines the outcome
Also family, activities, play dates, etc etc. We can go any where and time and you know what? There are always people out in the world to socialize with
>The sons will become incels because they will be anxious social fuckups and the girls will become whores
That's only a small part of the problem with school. But yes, sending kids to school damages them, this is why home schooling is essential. Thanks for your input Chaim.
99% of children in all of human history never spent time in a prison with random strange children. Doing that just teaches them to behave like the worst of those children. Children learn proper social skills by interacting WITH ADULTS you fucking idiot. Every fucking study ever done has had the same conclusion, home schooled children are better socially adjusted and more independent.
Are you planning on homeschooling them till they go to fucking college or something user? You know what happens to sheltered kids in college right?
Most parents don't do that though, my parents has literally only invited one family over for dinner during my whole childhood so I know my social development would have gotten completely fucked if it wasn't for the fact that I was in kindergarten and public school
>But yes, sending kids to school damages them
>Every fucking study ever done has had the same conclusion, home schooled children are better socially adjusted and more independent.
Link some studies then
>I'm a lazy nigger with no social skills so I need welfare tards to abuse my children
Most parents send the kid away to be raised by someone else at 6 WEEKS OLD. Did you parents even know you, did they know what you cared about or liked? If you give your kid the time of day show interest in them and you raise them you know what happens? they become like you and you can have a good relationship with them. Send them to be raised by the liberal slut down the street, you know what happens?
Do people even love their kids?
>I can't jewgle a review on my own
Homeschooling is dumbing down.
Put your kids in SSPX schools instead.
It's worth it even if you're forced to relocate.
Thats a horrible outlook on yourself
yes and no
What happens when 30% of public school kids misbehave, introduce drugs, hijack learning ops for other kids. How does that effect their social development? Compared to being at home, doing your work for several hours, then going and doing physical activities with adults or mature individual s that you know are respectable and based
Kids should learn to scialize with adults, not with uneducated kids. This will make them adults not uneducated kids
Social science is garbage
Kids need to play with other kids, not hang out with adults, that's retarded.
Kids dont need to play with other kids.....if they desire to then you can effectively find a sport to go into. But until they know hpw to act, you should limit their interaction with people you dont know. Thats how kids get fucked up
>be shitalian born to hippie parents
>skip school until 14 even though it's mandatory
>become socially awkward, but decent looks and brain help in larping as a normie
>become closer nazi
Story of my life.
>show me the proof
>omg proof doesn't count only my feelings!1111
It isn't social science you fucking retard.
>Kids need to play with other kids
No, they don't. There is no evidence to support that belief, and overwhelming mountains of evidence to contradict it. How are you this bad at shilling? You are the worst jew in the history of cuckchan.
Wow, a fellow SSPX bro on this board! Greetings, friend in Christ!
Yes they need time to play with kids, but they need to learn behavior from adults.
Spending time with your kids shows you love them, teaching your kids things shows you care.
Only you are responsible for your kids, once they learn homeschooling was an option they will blame everything that happened at school on their parents, why didn't they care enough to protect me from that? Why didn't they teach me anything of value? Why did they trust the state and a stranger to care for me?
They do, nigger. Also I wouldn't want my kids to hang out with adults, because you know I don't want them to get molested
Half of all social science studies are fake
>but they need to learn behavior from adults.
From you and your wife or other adults too? And you know teachers also exist. Also parents make shitty teachers and the kids won't learn anything especially if you're homeschooling them till 18
Thats what im saying, other kids molest other kids bro!! More then adults. They dont need other kids in their life, you think they do becaise you dont want to be around them 24/7. Most kids that dont engage with other kids dont give a shot if they do or not
It isn't social science studies, and even if they were, that still leaves the other half that prove you wrong. Damn you suck Chaim.
I See you
>psychology isn't a social science
this is your brain on jew propaganda
It is
Nah, other kids don't molest kids more. Having your kids around adults means that they have a high risk of molestation. Also do you want your kids to be homeschooled till 18 user?
Good parents make good teachers, shitty parents make shitty teachers
Nah, they don't know shit about school subjects
No I think high school should be their game. Your telling me youve never heard of a little kid flash another kids, or some shit like that. Thats molestation in my book. Kids do that shit, esp middle aged kids around younger kids
Education is not pscyhology.
>10 memeflag kike posts
>zero evidence
>oy vey evidence doesn't count only my feelings
I was socially anxious in public school to the same degree as laster when I was homeschooled.
It's just my nature, I have to know somebody for 6 months before I'm comfortable talking to them.
What are you even talking about, good parents are smart. Bad parents are dumb
Parenting is a responsibility the biggest most important one. Most people push it off and act as if it doesnt matter and then wonder why their kids are on drugs.
>Stop giving your kids up to the state!
In other words :
"Stop giving your kids up to Chanty !"
Exactly, they think its someone elses job to teach their kids. The best parents teach their kids everything they know and teach them all their mistakes in life, so their children dont repeat them
>They don't get as much social contact as they would otherwise you retard, being in a class is good for your social skills
you do realize that being in class is essentially like being in a jail cell - you don't chose, you are just forced to be with these people.. it is only good for getting bullied if you are in any way autistic or different.. naturally risky/aggressive/extroverted kids will just flex their natural skills there, it's not like they are learning this shit. Besides if the goal is to prepare kids for real life are you preparing them to be free citizens or slaves/jail-mates? School is nothing like real life, you actually do chose people around you and who do you socialize with, to a degree.
It's illegal in some places.
>No I think high school should be their game.
Good, so you at least want them to be in public school for HS
>Daaaa jooooos
Homeschooling would have made that social anxiety worse
Teachers are educated on their subjects, parents are not
You can still parents your kids even if they go to school
the main reasons why schools are a thing:
it's cheaper to mass produce education
>>Daaaa jooooos
Yes, you're a kike.
You need to learn how to read, and it got better.
Teachers are educated to perform curriculum, not cater to each child's needs. As a parent you have an adult humans ability to accept the responsibility to learn what you dont know and pass your aquired knowledge to your child. As an adult when you dont know the answer you look it up. You can teach a child that, and essentially teach him how to learn on their own. A teacher will have to follow curriculum and add hours to their day to provide the catered learned an individual child needs, do you think they will do that times 30 kids? No, they will just move along with the curriculm
a whole bunch of "lol f u do what I say pleb" non-arguments
Yeah you can be a parent, a part time exhausted parent who competes with his wife because they both work and want to wear the pants, eat crap food because you have no time after getting the homework finished and getting them back from band practice, stress out and have to take them to a doctor everytime they are sick so you won't be called to court for a truant child. Have to take off work because you both work when they are sick or when school is cancelled for a month because of the coronavirus. The school lifestyle rips a family apart. IN A MILLION WAYS
if your kid is ugly homeschool him if hes goodlooking theres no need
There is definitely a "social" element to public schools; your friends are around you 6 hours a day 200 days a year, you have recesses, lunches and group activities. This can not be replicated at home alone. On the other hand education today is so bad and insufficient that we are left with a hard choice. Personally, I'm leaning toward homeschooling with an emphasis on sports and extracurricular activities after studying.
Be a man, keep your wife and children safe and at home and provide for them.
Let the teachers teach your kids about school shit, and let parents do parenting
Saying daaaa jooos is not an argument
School life is good for families since it's nice to have a break once in a while from each other
Kek, fuck that. My wife is gonna have to work too, no way I'm having the "I want a muuuh housewife" cuck mentality
Co-ops have field trips, YOu can go out on lunch dates at home with whoever you want and where ever you want. It can't be replicated at home, only done better
Do it, social sports and activites, imo. Should be introduced later on, kids are capable of finding social circles just like adults. Friends arent better then a strong mind and definitive desicion making minus the peer pressure so common when raised in a social enviroment
If you can't homeschool your children you have failed as a parent. If you're white and sending you r children to a majority black/brown school that should count as abuse.
Teaching kids is parenting dumbass, thats all parenting is......
>being in class is essentially like being in a jail cell
>you don't chose, you are just forced to be with these people
>free citizens or slaves/jail-mates?
>School is nothing like real life
Shutting yourself off from the real world is not the best way to learn about the real world.
In addition to contributing to mental health issues, this meant students weren't adequately prepared for the outside world upon graduating high school.
>Teachers are educated on their subjects, parents are not
heard of private teachers/private schools?
Making your kid food for naturally sadistic people to please some asshole's opinion is retarded, Who cares about socializing with that scum? All that matters is being able to make money, surrounding yourself with people who give a shit, the rest is secondary.
Your wife will be a man then, she will act like a man. Because she has to go out and interact with other men and she wont value your income, why because she has her own. SO she makes the kids, cooks and cleans (cause you cant do it right) and breastfeeds (if she has a brain) so what do you do? your another kid for her to pick up after.
BUT BUT BUT if you bring home the money, you have a job, she has a job and she doesn't feel resentment.
You have to understand that when an institution doesnt have initiates, they go broke. So naturally everyone will tell you that you must send kods to school or else.....
what do you mean by the real world, and why do you assume that not going to prizon every day is equal to shutting yourself from the real world? You aren't forbidden from talking to neighbour kids or maintaining relationships with tens of relatives. How is this less? You've bought into the propaganda promoted by sadistic people who themselves send their kids to private schools.
teachers are idiots
only an idiot would choose to baby sit highschoolers
you dont even need a teacher to learn or to work through a text book
Id like my kids to at least get laid by 16.....
why is this so important to you
I can teach my kids basic math and geometry and algebra. I can teach them how to use tools and repair things. I can teach them electrical and plumbing and hvac. I can teach my kids how to cook and eat healthy. I can teach them social skills and morals and how to dress. What more is needed
Nah, most adults don't know shit about math for example
Who cares, I hate working and she'll have to bring in some shekels too. I'm not getting cucked by the muuuh provider for da housewife meme
>Id like my kids to at least get laid by 16.
Good, so you at least aren't one of those people who wants to "protect" their kids from dating
This jew is going all out