When you really think about it, a woman having an elective abortion really might be the most heinous and evil behavior in all of human history. When you break it down and analyze the psychology behind it, the systematic dehumanization, and how it has the complete backing of society. Killing your own child for no other reason than to avoid responsibility so you can fullfil your own selfish desires for social and materialistic achievement. Like how are so many people okay with living in a society that allows this to happen? It's to the point where I can't even talk to most girls anymore after I find out she is pro choice because I get visibly annoyed. The obsession that modern women have with abortion is easily the biggest black pill of them all. Our ancestors would be nothing less than horrified if they could see what the society they built allowed it's women to do.
When you really think about it...
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I could not deal with a woman who is against abortion as I would be too afraid of being stuck with a parapalegic or defective child.
The only abortion I'm against is that of healthy white children. Everything else should be aborted.
Yea my GF aborted my child. I started using drugs. Im 27 and still dont have a kid RIP. Fuck that shit anons.
it shows that there is nothing women cannot be convinced to do if the propaganda is there and society accepts it as normal. killing your husband if you get bored of him? killing your parents if they get old and become a burden? lets think about it, are these things truly that much worse than killing your own defenseless children? i dont think so. roasties dont have an inner break or inner voice to stop them. they are as evil and degenerate as they are allowed to be. they are dangerous
>Yea my GF aborted my child. I started using drugs. Im 27 and still dont have a kid RIP. Fuck that shit anons.
did she tell you or did it on her own? also if she is willing to kill her own child leave her, she is not mother material and will fuck your kids if you have any
Your post reminded me of the old European monarchy, where even if the child was clearly defectous it would still become someone with power, and nowadays a normal child is aborted for absolutely no reason.
The part I find particularly disgusted by is this attitude that women should feel proud after having an abortion, and that any reason is a “valid” reason. Shame is a powerful tool, and some chick aborting a baby created from consensual sex because it would be inconvenient should feel bad about it at the very least.
it's not different at all. it's just so completely demented that today's women literally don't view they child as human until they "intend to keep it." What kind of world is this where an individual's humanity is completely derived from such an abstract and arbitrary notion. It is honestly terrifying to try and think what goes on in a woman's mind when she finds out she is pregnant.
society is not set up to support unplanned children. if we were still living in a world where one mans unskilled labour could support a family of 4 then there would be less abortions
>how are so many people okay with living in a society that allows this to happen?
People are ok with anything that make their life easier. Also kike propaganda.
Based. For all these reasons.
The most fucked up thing about it all is when complain about the stigma. Absolutely refusing to acknowledge the possibility that someone might be against people murdering their kids. Now abortion isn't even about ending a babies life, but a badge of honor to show how much adversity the woman has endured. Fucking madness
newsflash, unplanned children have tripled since abortion was legalized. turns out the health of culture is much more important than access to a fetus vacuum
It's the same as the Sacrifice Your First Born for good luck cults of 2,000 years ago. Just a more modern take on infanticide for convenience. Humans are not special. Women aren't special either. They kill when they can get away with it.
The difference is we know better now. And today it isn't limited to isolated cults. That's the black pill about abortion, the fact that society fully endorses it.
i was prochoice till the moment i held my first born son. what the fuck was i thinking bros? i creampied so many snatches and it was only the grace of God that saved me from willingly participating in the murder of a child.y own fucking child. what the fuck did my parents do to make me so fucking sick inside that i tjought it was okay?
Similar story here. My ex killed my kid too. Thought many times about killing her myself.
back then each couple had 10 children and could feed only 7 or 8, so sacrificing children they couldnt sustain anyway, was perhaps evolutionary advantageous.
I'm 27 and been through all manner of horrible shit but still don't use drugs. If you think life is that fucked then just go down fighting;.
Fetus and babies are NPCs. They are not conscious of their own existence. They are just bodies without incarnate souls. True consciousness doesn't come uintil later.
>Wanting to bring a new life into this overcrowded, decaying cesspit of a clown world
More like a mercy-killing if anything.
cool bro too bad none of what you said changes the fact they are human
>implying the future life satisfaction of the dead baby ever crosses the woman's mind
So what if they are human? All humans die. What is your definition of a human? Babies are only biologically human. They are not sentient and therefore not human in the philosophical sense as sentience is the defining trait of man. There is nothing morally wrong with killing a baby, it is however a huge waste of time and resources, potentially. Spending months or years to raise a child and then killing it is pretty bad, unless the child was defective.
I have a parapalegic retard vegetable brother btw so I will always be pro-infanticide. You guys don't know the suffering of raising a living corpse kept alive by a breathing machine that just shits itself every day.
>defending the mass dehumanization of the earliest stage of life because you know a statistical freak of nature
I can't tell if you are a woman or not
It's a kike. All memeflags are kikes. The are the only people 100% comfortable with lying about their heritage.
yeah but orphan homes are full and nobody wants them or cares about them. In some cases never being born is better than getting forced into life and being unwanted and suffer.
How many father and motherless children have you adopted so far?
It's also stupid to put the blame on women alone. Many men just don't want to take care of their child.
What satisfaction? This world is falling apart, and fast.
Just look at what this fucking virus has done to the world within the span of a few months.
If this ever happened to me, I would murder the woman without even thinking. Praying for you and your child, user.
Pro-abortionists implicitly agree women have no agency. The question isn't about abortion. The real question is why do we allow people without agency the freedom and privileges that people with agency enjoy?
You haven't refuted me at all.
Babies are not sentient. They are NPCs. Killing them is not immoral, it is not much different than killing farm animals, except that this particular animal has the potential to become conscious. Just like your sperm has that potential too. Doesn't mean much.
I would personally go apeshit if I had a wife and she aborted a healthy child of mine but I'm not against libtards, shitskins, etc. culling their spawn. Everyone on Yas Forums should be pro-choice and even pro-mandatory-abortions to help wipe out our enemies. Abortion does not effect normal conservative whites.
If you make abortion illegal you're just saving the nigger and libtard and criminal and retard populations from extinction.
newborn babies in america never go to orphan homes. the system is literally designed for that to never happen. there is always an adopting couple waiting for a newborn. orphan homes are filled with kids who's parents lost custody for whatever reason
Your mother got stuck with a defective child herself, you can manage.
dumb fucking slide post
I hate women so much.
>Babies are not sentient
Neither are you when you are asleep.
ask yourself why the world is falling fast then? maybe it has something to do with our sick society? maybe women deciding that it's not cool to be a good mom is a huge part of that
You don’t know any of that to be true. Get help; get help soon.
>the world is overcrowded
Oh, Sweetie...
Not true as I lucid dream always. I don't understand what it's like to go to sleep and lose consciousness. Also I was put under anaesthesia once during a dental surgery and I was still conscious through that all, even though they said I wouldn't be. I was so terrified that I'd be unconscious but I wasn't even for a second. I don't know what it's like to be temporarily unconscious, but for those who are capable of such, I assume they wake up and are the same person and not an impostor.
This makes zero sense because more kids in primitive agricultural societies are always a plus in labour output. A 5 year old child can pick more rice than he could ever eat.
I know it to be a fact.
For me my consciousness only started when I was 5 years old.
Prior to that I have no memories at all. I was undoubtedly an NPC, an instict-driven animal, not truly conscious.
I think some people become conscious earlier than 5, like for example I know a man who remembers being 3 years old. I think it happens at different times, and maybe in some cases, some people never become conscious; though NPC adults.
read this article and tell me why abortion would not be the best choice in this case.
Stop baiting, dirty kike.
>I’m an NPC therefore everyone is an NPC
*e-high five*
Literally no woman is thinking “but what if my child is born disabled?” That’s a ridiculous example. Just like almost no woman aborts because of a “rape,” which is the media narrative. It’s almost always for self-convenience.
It seems I have triggered you NPC programming.
>oh noes, not the heckin' non-sentient babyrinos, not the based niglets and downies, what will we do when all the libtardians abort their own offspring! We must ensure a future for criminals and degenerates!
Trust me, those women wouldn’t be good moms to begin with.
You’re just bringing more unwanted people into a dying world and not doing shit about the orphans who were forcibly born into this hellhole.
>I don't understand what it's like to go to sleep and lose consciousness
What a fucking cope.
I was an NPC. I became a player controlled at 5 years old. You probably haven't developed sentience though so your programming can't distinguish the difference between a baby and an actually sentient adult.
GF killed my kid after I told her she shouldn’t. Something died between us that day. I don’t think we’ll last even though I like her. In the back of my head I always think you killed my child’ and whenever the topic of abortion is brought up to starts crying or curls into the bedsheets and covers her face. She regrets it but it’s too late
its voluntary eugenics for psychopaths
I have heard women voice questions like that though.
Just let the libtard women abort their babies. The next generation will not be susceptible to brainwash and will be massively conservative.
Went to school with her. Good chick, but she probably got diddled. Turned into a lesbian shortly after HS, but it always seemed kind of affected.
Coping with what?
This, women don’t have morals. They can act in moral ways but it doesn’t come from a foundation of moral principles
>I fuck men like a whore and then kill babies because I'm too lazy to use contraceptives
You're also a clear masochist if you wear a shirt like that.
Just because you don’t remember being sentient doesn’t mean you weren’t nor does it mean other people are not.
You have no basis for making the statement that babies are not sentient. Your own experience is a mere anecdote.
Also memeflag
>mfw I realise the person wanking their kid is the dad....
>puts dick away
Leave her. She’s a murderer.
then it's better if these evil whores weed themselves out of the gene pool
Yup, I think abortion should be legal but should cost money and you should have to apply to do it as an emergency situation, stating reasons why etc. You should also be put on a list and potentially face jail time for serious violations or attempting to defraud the system for personal gain
Women look to men for guidance; in Bongland, there are no real men left.
prolifers are the post war degeneracy we have to live with as a consequence of losing the war
Are you saying I have amnesia?
Everything I've studied on the matter as well as common sense suggests that sentience does not appear at once. Babies fail the mirror test for sentience. They are lower IQ than dogs and pigs. It takes awhile for sentience to appear in a child, it doesn't happen instantly.
The only explanation for me not remembering anything before 5 years old other than I was not sentient at the time is that I have amnesia. I doubt I developed amnesia.
>Anecdotally I personally am unaffected by medications and don't experience consciousness therefore my point is proved
Hey never found out what it's like, could always kys and find out.
10/10 article.
Nearly got me.
Women can feel the spirit of the child growing in them and when it dies they can feel it dying. Girl I got pregnant once had an abortion and we did weed brownies while it was going on (she took the pill) and she had a bad trip. she literally looked grey and told me she could feel it dying in her. Also afterwards they go to the toilet and gradually excrete the child in bloody bits every time they go to the toilet. They are advised by the doctor to not look in the toilet bowl in the guideline manual as they may find what they see ‘distressing’
Hitler killed the parapalegics. He would be for the abortion of mongrels and defectives.
Just because you don’t remember every detail of your life doesn’t mean you had amnesia; also, the mirror test doesn’t prove sentience one way or the other.
Oh shit I just realized you’re probably an atheist too.
>Something died between us that day
Yea. Your child.
You're still with her?
Utter fag. You deserve everything coming your way.
Abortions should come with forced sterilization except in certain circumstances.
How can it grow and react to external stimuli if it is not alive and conscious? Checkmate