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Whats the opinion about croatians? Are they viewn as white or as sandniggers?

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>Whats the opinion about croatians?
Ok people. Except diaspora/expats. they should all be shot the second they step one foot back across our borders.

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don't care

they are sandniggers to me

trips of truth
they look a bit sandnigger-ish to me too

>the village of zlovenia

Only Balkan country that is actually a country. And a even nice one.

They have potential, but have cucked too many times before.

>Any country in the EU.
>Actually a country.

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You are Albania tier. What the fuck do you want lol.

I have some Croatian heritage so I'm just gonna say they're awesome.

t. turk backyard

>Roman empire
>Austro Hungarian empire
>Light eyes
>Axis WWII
>Fight commies
European dinarids. Not much different than Bavarians, Austrians, etc. You go any further south or east of Croatia and it’s Turk serbs or Muslims.

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>Germany making fun of anyone.
Don't you have a continent to plunge into disaster?

t. Đimi Stanić

Only ex-Yugo country whose people generally think they're better than the rest. The older generations hate each other (Croats and Slovenians) and while younger generations don't hate each other as much it still happens sometimes due to familial indoctrination or whatever.

Imo they're cool people.

For me, it's Serbia. The best Yugoslav cuntry.

Are romanians considered "white" ?

>Are they viewn as white or as sandniggers?
Питaј Ђeдa

Actually I think its the only Balkan country thats not full of sandniggers. I have croatian heritage myself and the country is really clean ( no refugees, (not many) Gypsys

Slav nigger / Sand nigger hybrids. No fucking way are they white.

We're just Romanian

Attached: romania.png (1024x683, 1.63M)

Seethe more, fag. I come every summer with my diaspora money and fuck your bitches. Hahahhaha

I mean , dont u guys have a fuck ton of gyppos there breeding like rats?

keep proving stereotypes true, diaspora nigger

croats are just slavised albanians

Bongistan: 50% white
Croatia: 99% white

Shalom without a "c".Faggot

White? Not sure what’s white.
European? Yes.
Although, the Turks and gypsies there are not. They have to go.

>Only ex-Yugo country whose people generally think they're better than the rest.
Nah Janez, you Slovenes cornered the market on unwarranted smug self-importance.

Shut up, peasant, and get ready to serve me iced coca cola when I return in a few months.

This is a Croatian woman and I'd marry the everliving fuck out of her

>albozergling thinks he's fooling anyone
I you were a Serb, I *might* even believe your sad flexing. But an albo subhuman? Thinking his pathethic 50kg 1m56 weakling roach ass can do anything but grovel before a Slavic woman?

ah I needed this laugh son after all this doom and gloom corona and stock market crash news

Everyone is a nigger when the lights are off

I don't work in service sector, but I can arrange to put mišomor into your drink if you want

yikes my dude. Everybody knows darker girls are superior.

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Made for BDC (big diaspora cock)

Hahaha you're so seething so hard right now. I am a Chad diaspora slav. Basically the highest form of human existence in the universe.

You will be working as a bartender once the hordes of diaspora Chads descend upon your country in the summer. You will bow down before me and serve me the most delicious Croatian beverages.

alb*nian trash

hated by swiss natives
hated by all other diasporafaggots
hated by alb*nians in alb*nia
hated by all nations

is there a creatura more deplorable and debased than a zerg diaspora worm?

>be croat
>wake up at 2PM in unfinished house
>eat milka chocolate for breakfast (don't want nasty croatian chocolate)
>throw half of it in the trash
>take out trash
>the local forest/public dumpster burned down overnight
>"looks like another tourist resort will be built"
>throw trash into the sea instead
>drive to second unfinished house
>put some mortar on a wall but get bored and leave it like that
>go to the bank
>max out my credit to lease a BMW with EU-plates
>drive around town for 2 hours
>go home
>no food left except cheap pasteta and government subsidised bread
>go to sleep with dreams about working in Germany one day

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>is there a creatura more deplorable and debased than a zerg diaspora worm?
South Albanians are pretty cool and have hot women.
North is full of subhumans.

Seethe more, i'm not albanian. I don't like them actually. But why do you hate them? I thought the enemy of your enemy (s*rvia) is your friend? Aren't you supposed to hate s*rvs more? You are engaging in some interesting mental gymnastics, my fellow croat friend.

>I am a Chad diaspora slav. Basically the highest form of human existence
Top fucking kek my man. It's not even bait at this point.
This is like that one time some Bulgarian posted "Bulgarian accomplishments".
It sounds fake, like Chinese quality.

Are you okay there?

>cleaning toliets for germans is CHAD move

I like your self deprecating humor.

Ouf forgot about gypsies, but are they even hominids ffs? Can you even count gyppos as subhumans when it's questionable if they're even mammals?

I like that word. I’m going to start using it.

Istra i Dalmacija su zauvijek hrvatski.

Come and see for yourself if you don't believe me. You will be able to observe the superior disapora Chad slav in his natural habitat and notice him by his intimidating stature and the fact that he fucks every 10/10 woman in sight.

i like both the country and its people will visit in the summer if i survive war and corona

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accurate besides milka for breakfast

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fuck off diaspora faggot
you are not welcomed here

I despise purgeri(zagreb city folk), dalmatians are ok tho.
But so are our Ljubljancani.

Free Istra. EU was a mistake. We need to take money printing back home.

I pity you and your square head tribal family.

yeah, its quite a problem, they will not get money from the state if they refuse more than 3 jobs though, which is a good thing

They should reunite into yugoslavia

S*rbe na vrbe. NEVER trust a S*rb, they're the Turkniggers of Europe and need to be fire bombed.

Gotta go but I'll quickly wish all you non-S*rbs ITT a nice Monday afternoon. Za dom.

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What a wrong post, nobody eats milka for breakfast.

True we are, also we share same DNA cluster as Slovens, so nice job fucking yourself too, snow croat.

we're probably mostly retarded like any other country but there is only 4 million of us so i'd say 1 million is based enough compared to brainwashed zagreb faggots. i try to redpill people on croatia reddit about fucking migrants and other shit and they just push their own narrative that they heard on the news at 8'oclock i hope corona will wipe us all out but it's just a flu so shit we might need ww3 for that, can't wait for a better time then now. CORONA CHAN WIPE US FUCKING OUT PLEASE


How are they sandniggers, they mog both Germans and Anglos in height

You are allowed to behave the way you do by the people who don't have infinite patience for "guests" and their bullshit.
The fact that you can be a diaspora faggot and still brag about fucking underclass slags, just goes to show you that you're nothing but a funny toy to them.
Swiss and Danes are the Canadians of Europe, never forget that.
They smile and shake your hand, but when they're among themselves, they despise you and look upon you and other diaspora faggots like the subhuman trash that you are.

>t. used to be a diaspora faggot