>LATEST CASES 11:20: 42 new cases in Switzerland. 11:18: 1 new case in Poland. 11:11: 13 new cases in Indonesia. 11:01: 2 new cases and 8 new deaths in Spain. 10:56: 4 new cases in Poland. 10:47: 595 new cases and 43 new deaths in Iran. 10:32: 39 new cases in Belgium.
>LATEST CHANGES China +44 (+23) S. Korea +165 (+3) Iran +595 (+43) Spain +237 (+8) Germany +111 USA +13 Switzerland +42 UK +2 Belgium +39 Sweden +1 Norway +2 Malaysia +18 Austria +8 Bahrain +24 Australia +10 Canada +1 Kuwait +1 India +3 Portugal +1 Finland +5 Philippines +10 Palestine +1 Indonesia +13 Qatar +3 Poland +5 Ecuador +1 Georgia +2 S. Arabia +4 Hungary +2 Latvia +3 Slovakia +1 Nigeria +1 Total +1,368 (+77)
>DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE CLOSED Last Updated: Mar 6, 2020 6:01 p.m. EDT 25,864.78 -256.50 (-0.98%) PREVIOUS CLOSE 26,121.28 >FUTURE MARKETS Italy (-10.42%) Australia (-8.33%) Spain (-7.35%) Germany (-7.12%) France (-7.00%) Netherlands (-6.88%) Austria (-6.77%) Poland (-6.77%) UK (-6.68%) Singapore (-6.64%) S. Africa (-5.81%) Russia (-5.24%) China (-5.16%) India (-4.91%) USA (-4.87%) Switzerland (-4.70%) H. Kong (-4.53%) S. Korea (-4.06%) Brazil (-3.97%) Japan (-3.89%) Taiwan (-2.75%) Hungary (0.00%) Greece (0.00%)
Riots are ongoing at the prisons in Foggia in Puglia and San Vittore in Milan, while there has been an attempted break-out at the Ucciardone in Palermo, sources said Monday. >In Foggia, several inmates have managed to get out after tearing up a gate at the block house and are in the road outside, where they have been blocked by police. >Far to the north in Verona prison, two inmates have died after ingesting psychoactive drugs they stole during a protest over the weekend. >In Milan, at San Vittore, inmates took to the roofs to protest recent coronavirus restrictions on visits. >There were violent protests by prisoners in Italy's jails against the restriction of face time with visiting relatives due to the coronavirus. >The inmates devastated the facility on Sunday.
She's a good girl, loves her China Loves Italians and Spaniards, too She's a good girl, crazy 'bout Coughing Loves cruises and her r-naught, too
And it's a long day shillin'on Wallstreet There's a Banker runnin' through the yard And I'm a Stonks boy, 'cause I don't even panic I'm a Stonks boy for buying the dip.
And I'm free, free fallin' Yeah I'm free, free fallin'
All the empires turnin to du-ust Movin downwards past 25k And all the bankers are standing on the edges And the wagies are home without any gains
And I'm free, free fallin' Yeah I'm free, free fallin' Free fallin', now I'm free fallin' Now I'm Free fallin', now I'm free fallin'
I wanna glide down over the railing I wanna tumble out of the sky I'm gonna free fall out into nothin' Gonna leave this world for a while
And I'm free (free fallin', now I'm free fallin') Free fallin' (free fallin', now I'm free fallin') Yeah I'm free (free fallin', now I'm free fallin') Free fallin' (free fallin', now I'm free fallin') (Now I'm) Yeah, I'm free, free fallin' Oh! Free fallin' Now I'm free fallin' Free fallin' (Free fallin', now I'm free fallin') And I'm free (Free fallin', now I'm free fallin') Oh, free fallin' (Free fallin', now I'm free fallin')
>BUY FOOD AND TONS OF WATER AND RUN TO THE HILLS >NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great idea. that will boost both the economy and tourism. nice.
Zachary Anderson
what are so mad at, nigger? it's a link to an article
Christian Gonzalez
They believe the government propaganda. They took the whole just a flu bro seriously and now its going to get people killed. Now when the government tires to get serious no one will believe them and more people will die. One could see this coming a mile away and yet the governments of the world did the same exact thing. My only conclusion is that want people dead.
This is a great day for investors who are prepared to buy the dip. When American stocks open and immediately fall 11-13% you should be ready to hit buy on Apple, Cisco and Intel.
>retard normies still think there is enough doctors to treat 100K people at 1 time.
wait till these stupid fucks start lining up at the hospital looking to get a bed, stupid fucking normie retards deserve to all die from coronavirus.
Joshua Allen
This triggers my OCD. Organize your stash ffs.
Andrew Rodriguez
US thinks 96 million get SARS-CoV-2 (30%) with mild flu symptoms. 18 million will develop COVID-19, viral pneumonia, lung inflammation, trouble breathing. 4.8 million will have severe or critical COVID-19 and need ICU treatment or die. 480.000 will die. (0.5% mortality rate of infection by SARS-CoV-2). 2.2 million will die shortly after from complications of co-morbidity and co-infections (2.3%)
Old people will mostly die. Young people will have the worst time of their lives.
Eli Hill
i hate this shithole
Bentley Clark
Levi Foster
I thought it would be the year of hindsight, because of the expression "hindsight is 2020." I guess after the plague fucks us all up along with the world-wide depression that will kill even more people, then hindsight really fucking will be 2020.
Jayden Rodriguez
Make one on the petrodollar pl0x
Caleb Long
yes it's Fear Porn made by the panDEMic party to try and crash Trump's re-election chances
There is no man i want to catch corona-chan more than him
Easton Taylor
Starting to look like there have been clear seeding attempts with asymptomatic superspreaders in Hubei, Wenzhou, Qom, Bavaria and Lombardy. >Biological attacks by human carriers >China, Hubei and Wenzhou >World's workshop, ~15% of industrial output >Iran, Qom >Epicenter of the ayatollahs >Lombardy, Bavaria, Ruhr >Industrial heartland of Europe, probably 80% of exports >only failed in Bavaria because the people at Webastos caught the attack vector early I WONDER (((WHO))) COULD BE BEHIND THIS??
Jaxson Perez
>Shiites thinking that Allah is on their side lmao, get fucked bani-e-mutah.
So, get sick now and get real treatment rather than wait for the inevitable and get sick at the same time as everyone else and die because you can't get seen by a doctor? I think this isn't the worst idea .
John Walker
I feel the same. Don't want to tempt fate but I genuinely think I'm just gunna have to get it and be done with it. Still not entirely sure I didn't get it because I was in mainland China in December and was ill for like the whole of January with a fever and coof but now I'm fine.
Is the stock market twice as high or is the dollar half as valuable?
Nolan Morgan
Why are they wearing masks? Experts tell us that there is no evidence that masks protect you from infection and it's selfish and alarmist to wear them.
It was never about the first death unlike what the Krauts here tried to meme. They will see collapse on the levels of Italy. The virus is just that powerful. You either shut down everything or you lose everything.
>We have been locked in the house with my DEAD sister for 24 hours. If he is larping he is a damn good actor
Andrew Butler
His first point is valid. But if only 13% believe its serious, that argues for further near term weakness as we still have lots of new sellers to come in. Conclusion: more near term weakness but a likely May trough with string rebound through year end
It's amazing how his whole head structure got munted by a slug.
Julian Cooper
is this a parody account
Michael Russell
Why does Korea have as many infects as we do but a fraction of the deaths?
Lucas Green
kek what an imbecile. Murrica has the lowest test rate by miles
Jack Gutierrez
Jace Garcia
Why are boomers so fucking stupid? It's the flu, but the regular flu is a serious disease, and it's 3x more infectious than the flu, and also in about 15% of cases causes a serious hospitalization requiring illness.
Brody Parker
I'm well secluded in my secret tropical island hideout.
Lads i think i got hit. 29th feb i took a bus that i forgot starts in Berlin, there were sneezing polak gastarbeiter faggots on it 10 days later i got the shakes. I was at my parents house so most likely gave it to em. What tge fuck to do i dont want em to die
Isaiah Scott
>wasted trip on a low iq, cherry-picking, dick-length attention span chink shill kys
Hudson Baker
How do we stop Chinese from eating everything that they come across?
Caleb Jenkins
He’s a beautiful man
Brody Bell
They are not telling the truth or they people infected are younger, from that shinji church, and they are able to keep them alive longer and have not yet died
Japan is kill. They are the most genetically receptive to this in the world.
Gavin Young
based on majority behavoir boomers, gen-x, millennials, gen-y are fucking retards silent gen is based and this might push more zoomers into based tier, we'll have to wait and see
Logan Davis
Is it known how old his sister was?
Kayden Stewart
Samuel Jones
That happens every day You need to wait until 12.00am ET for the plot point to fix
im talking actual breakdown of civility. What you have now is what you will yearn for in a months time unless you enjoy breaking the jaws of those who have been trying to kill us.
Colton Adams
>diamond princess Wut
Caleb Martinez
>imagine taking twitter and ptg seriously Wooweeee I don’t even know what to say to you lol
Evan Lewis
I wonder if the cases are under-reported in japan
Wyatt Bailey
My CNBC/VLC link died, anyone have another by chance? thanks
It isn't the worst idea best time to be Infected is first wave or last wave those in the middle will get BTFO due to no beds on icu which 10% need those 10% once icu is full are completely fucked
Daniel Edwards
You're right. But you forgot one thing. Detected cases are not new cases. They are discovered cases. Without adequate testing you can't know the actual rate.