A Draco Harvester ship just entered the solar system. The Reaper will be here very soon

A Draco Harvester ship just entered the solar system. The Reaper will be here very soon.


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this is good for chainlink


I would demand to be taken to their faggot reptile leader and shit in my hand and sling it on his faggot alien reptilenigger face. Welcome to Earth coldblooded subreptile spacenigger.

You would be melted immediately.

gib reptilian gf pls

No I wouldn't, I have coated myself with Mountain Dew you retard.

>how Colgate saved earth and the entire white rave. BASED on true events.

I'm ready

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I know they are carnivorous, but what do they think of Australian Limes for ornamental purposes?

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>Colgate user catches wind of an alien invasion
>High tails it to area 51
>Shoves past the secret service and all the fucking American national guard faggots, or whatever they have over there
>Drop trou right in front of the biggest baddest alien mofo #1
>Takes dump in hand
>Ejects into face of hideous monster
>Dead silence
>For moments, dead silence
>Then, the unthinkable
>The huge alien monster hunkers down and delivers a massive green turd into his scaly clawed hand
>He rears back and flings it at you, returning the gesture
>Cheering is heard in the background as the sickly green slime drips off your face
>The two of you embrace one another, truly a momentous occasion in human history
>Toothpasteanon is named emissary to reptilians
>Gets to throw shit on an alien warlord on the regular but also pretty sure these reptilians have acid in their feces
>The worst part is, you never figure out if it was already their custom or they just figured you all do that and ran with it
>TFW people start throwing shit at eachother as a greeting because of your anonymous shitposting

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Ah, the antidote. This user knows what he's doing

>*tips the alien 20% of the feces*
>*everybody claps*

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Yeah that's pretty cool, but can I fuck one?

>videos doesnt even show the ship scanning both venus and mars in late 2019

I fucking wish an alien apocalypse would cull us ull but sadly, that's too good for us. We will just have to live with a life of paying taxes and working ourselves to death.

>One single Jew spore can subvert a species

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Are they infected with the nanites?

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>space aliens land
lol this wouldn't surprise me in the least

>A Draco Harvester ship just entered the solar system
Earth while a Pleadiean seeded planet does exist within the Draco border, so such things are very possible. Dracos won the war, at least as far as Earth is concerned.


Reptilians don't view you as anything other than:
>Food, and
>Livestock created by their sworn enemy
that they would treat you with any kind of respect is beyond their cold-blooded reason.

Time traveling spaceships that look like moons. One of them came here and parked itself in perfect orbit that eclipses the sun in a conceptual representation of dark conquering light. Little did they know, that the other time traveling space ship was already here. And we know it as the sun. We are in the end game. All praise to the divine mother goddess of the holy light of love that shines down from the highest dimension.

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they like our drugs and entertainment. and our misery. some of them think humans are fun in the same way a cat can a mouse until its hungry.

what is the realistic explanation


its all fake and the earth is flat

Anyone have some sexy pics of reptilian bitches?

Going out like basedman

is nibiru a planet, a sun, or a dyson sphere that can emit light to feed other planets to life?

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the one in the video.. we're nothing.

The reptilians respect the Pleadians, as enemies. But humans are but a shadow of the Pleadians, diminished in size, pitiful in intellect, and ugly in countenance.

Earth was only safe on account of our proximity to the demilitarized border zone restricting travel here. But it has been 400 years since the last battle in our solar system and reptilians have been solidifying their holds. Reptilians won the war.

>dyson sphere that can emit light to feed other planets to life
stop saying stupid shit..

>tfw failed phlebian science experiment given to satan looking reptile aliens

The crop of humans are full of disease. Unsafe to eat.

Since you decided to shill ill tell them more. Long ago, there was a space faring human race. They had ships that look like the deathstars from star wars. They were called 'stars'. Renaming them deathstars is a joke. They are Life Stars! They would traverse the universe and find planets to create life on. They would plant life and then orbit them and shine down the light of love. Inside the 'stars' time works different. They can slow their time down and watch the planet evolve super fast. Tick tock, online influencers will be executed. Aren't the orders you are getting weird? use your brain

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negatively aligned beings have lost the war already friends

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freedom soon

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Not enough actual data to come up with anything. I remember a similar autistic video where the sun's magnetic fields captured a solar flare producing an arc, and some idiot claimed it was a massive UFO.

start eating healthy and take your meds you retard. I might believe more than you that we're bred by aliens, Im RH- myself but saying
>dyson sphere that can emit light to feed other planets to life
is plain retarded.

Based user. I'll give you something I think is true, and ive 'seen' in a weird way. All of us who pass this test of life, get the ultimate reward. We get to be creator gods of our own version of earth with complete control. This is how the universe expands. Creator gods create more creator gods and then let them loose. Life is amazing. Let's do this! For the Love and the Light!


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>Jews iz aliums
>but this specific Jew is a good Jew and has magic time traveler powers

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If reapers are real where is my tali gf?

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I think everyone should just poo in the loo. India shills need to chill the fuck out.


We are bred by aliens. I talked to one when I smoked dmt. It paused time when my cat was jumping in mid air, then it disected him in front of my eyes. Said 'you are a game', then showed me the 4th dimension which looked like holographic rainbow geometry. I am no longer afraid of death. A reality star is president and is posting /pol memes on twitter. Its all a big show, dont end up on the wrong side user.

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Jupiter Ascending, while not a good movie, explains a lot of the concepts involved.

>Earth was seeded by an alien civilization
>our purpose is at best a science experiment
>Aliens do not respect humans
>Earth's value is merely one feral orb among many
It has lots of reptilian lies and jewish subversion too, which might be confusing for someone like you, plus the traditional American happy ending which is least realistic at all.

Worst happy ending of all media, was the dubbed version of crouching tiger, hidden dragon which completely changed the story, the final battles and cut out so much more including the wish bridge.

Damn dude, you're redpilled deep. Where can I get in on what you got?

This is the happening that I choose to believe it. Old school. That virus can go fuck itself. Time for megadoses of amphetamines to see the lizard overlords.

something is incoming, thats why all major telescopes were taken by homeland security for national security. pic related


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Brave and stunning

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For awhile I stopped believing god and started to believe in simulation. Then... well, lets just say ive changed my tune. I am now a servant of god. Or should I say, the Goddess.

smoke crack, boof lsd to be on that level user

You asked so now I must provide. This is good, just skip the intro and go to first chapter.


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Hopefully they're just coming to pick up all their fellow Jews and take them back to their home planet.

Bout fucking time, i sent the an invite via USPS 13 years ago, and have YET to recieve an RSVP.

Just karate chop the motherfuckers

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OK keep me posted

but the moon consist of the same material as earth, which means it was a part of it long time ago

Quit getting our hopes up user. We all want the apocalypse but probably won't be lucky enough to see it.

Based jupiter ascending poster, ive seen a few times recently, you are going on my list.

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That'd be pretty based

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