Will this be leftist/sjw propganda? Will it be a normal video game or have politics crept into everything?
Doom eternal
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just think of the demons of whoever the baddies are
What company is putting it out?
If their other titles are sjw vomit then this will be too.
It looks like video gamey and bing bing wahoo as fuck, which is a good thing.
>or have politics crept into everything
Probably same "overly ambitious and greedy humans who go too far bad" backdrop that's been in every Doom.
Bethesda is the publisher.
>What company is putting it out?
hey if some racists want to create a good game why do they learn to do some coding first? or are they all niggers?
It'll be fine.
ID even has jokes against SJWs peppered in. I think if they went soft on a game that is pure adrenaline, they'd tank in sales.
Don't need video games to experience hell on earth now.
It'll be shit. I think they got a little too ambitious. They should have made a scarier version of doom 2016
The last game was pozzed..glory kills were gay as fuck
user I ........
Was it filled with leftist ideology?
yes gramps
they take the piss with sjws pretty funny
Doom 2016 was probably the best fps campaign I've played t b h.
Doom 2016 wasn't political. I finished it on nightmare it's a great game. The doom slayer is like a turbo chad on steroids so that's pretty cool.
>not playing on Ultra Nightmare and finishing it
>not playing it on easy while your hooker blows you
do you even live?
It was fine, but I would have liked it more if the levels weren't structured so much around locked battle arenas.
Doom has been dead for years nevermind the propaganda.
You literally didn't have to do them. They even said this upon reveal. It was only if you wanted to look cool.
as soon as it will come out, they will put out shit like "doomguy is transgender bisexual panfluid attack hellicopter" or some shit
(((Bethesda)))) That early release was the hook. And you faggots bought it.
id was amazing but isn’t it all {{{BETHESDA}}} now?
I expect a cuckolded experience
It will be made by Jews for goyim
>glory kills were gay as fuck
commit to not living
Doom 2016 was my favourite game that year looks like there adding new mechanic to the gameplay i look forward to playing it... oh wait some faggot on pol said it was cucked guess i better agree with him like all you other faggots do all the fucking time.
enemies use sjw jokes to justify themselves
"mortally impaired"
DOOMGUY is ordained by God to RIP AND TEAR
they were indeed, fuck that "press x to win" shit.
Glory kills only become available if you already pushed your enemy like 1 hit away from death. It wasn't 'press x to win' at all.
>While performing this kill, the player is invulnerable.
If that is not "press X to win" then what is?
you're stupid.
That would be the chainsaw, though it required fuel.
>Demon is staggered
>Press fire, it dies with out having to get close
How is shooting the demon not press x to win?
Long ago, when the internet was a handful of Prodigy clones, I used WadEd to make a shitload of Doom levels for the original game.
Doom will probably be around long after I die of the Wuhan flu.
I'm a great programmer I just suck at the art shit like 3d modelling.
>Remember, "demon" can be an offensive term, refer them to as "mortally challenged"
>Earth is the melting pot of the universe
just call them what they are, marxists
Because you have to aim, faggot. Or I bet you play on a fucking console with autoaim and bullet magnets.
And glory kills mean you have to move instead of shooting something else
Holy shit how do Russians manage to even breathe properly
oh yeah, aiming with a shotgun is so hard
the only reason I did glory kills instead of gun kills was to preserve ammo, and to get HP out of them, so if you wanted to argue they were bad for that reason I can't necessarily argue against it, though I do disagree
Are you fucking retarded? The glory kill only lasts for like 3 seconds and you can only do it when the enemy is almost dead anyway how the fuck is that press x to win
Not to mention you are vulnerable to attack the second it is finished.
>overly ambitious and greedy humans who go too far bad
Same with Dead Space.
>3 seconds
Lmao do you live in slow motion? They were like a second long on the bigger demons, half of that on small fodder.
Media in 2020. Lol
>While performing this kill, the player is invulnerable
>Shit player detected
While it's true that they make you invulnerable while executing it they stop you in place, meaning that the instant the kills end there are bullets that are going to hit you. At lower difficulties the stopped momentum is not noticeable but at higher it could be a death sentence meaning that you only use glory kills when you are safe.
Except that doom didnt pull that, the main antagonist is some retarded roastie, demons and a transhumanist robot.
>hey if some racists want to create a good game why do they learn to do some coding first?
Utterly dishonest and disingenuous. You know that these companies aren't made up of people that agree with you. The coders probably least of all. The decisions come from management and investors and small cliques within media that do not represent the consumers at all.
>you have to move
What's next, you will argue that you have to breathe while playing?
That's why glory kills is an absolute soi mechanics which has no place in fps you absolute corona nigger.
Hes shitposting, there were no politics at all.
>This high risk high reward mechanic you can simply choose not to use has no place in fps because of buzzwords
Do you have an actual argument?
Do you have an a
it's doom 2016 with platforming.
Just play some real fucking games which don't have invulnerability.
I am now curious to know what you consider real games user.
Because the coding is the smallest part of a modern game. Have you ever tried writing a game by yourself? A modern game publisher invests millions, even hundreds of millions in art/music/voice/animation assets. Good luck getting investors in on such a project knowing it will never recover what went into it.