Yes we will kill jews Yes we will forbid usury Yes we will ban alcohol, drugs, gambling Yes we will throw gays off roofs Yes we will enslave feminists Yes we will trade niggers as property Yes we will kill thots Yes we will kill anyone who insult islam Yes we will invade your countries
No, we will not integrate. No, we will not obey laws. No, we will not believe in evolution. No, we will not respect your religion. No, we will not make a peace deal.
Allah promised us world conquest. We are not interested in living side by side tolerating your false Gods.
Gibs me your countries for free, in the name of muh diversity
Gabriel Parker
Bro it's probably just a paki who pretended to be a Syrian to get in the UK
Noah James
Good The angloid must be culled out of existence. They are the source of all that is faggot in this world. >WW2 >Pakistan/India divide >Evangelitard Mutts >Israel >Cold War They must be routed out of the 4 corners of the globe and culled for being the insufferable faggots that they are.
Benjamin Parker
Bring me Islam and a few rocks .... let the fun BEGIN !
Christian Myers
Good for them, that only leaves the million other dune coons to follow suit
Adam Price
Idk if the paki/Indian divide was a bad thing, those 2 don't seem to like each other a lot but the rest I agree
Sebastian Nelson
Allah is big but BBC is bigger
Luis Thomas
Imagine your shitty country being so cucked youre willing to let anybody in for muh diversity.
We'll fiddle with your kids in the kebab shops and taxi ranks and inject that brown into your blood line faggot and there is nothing you can do about it.
Keep coping fag
Liam White
Fuck off , if you're not goin to help him spread Islam at least don't bother him.
How about you go home, you fucking Syrian immigrant.
What a cuck, this is how much the little white british boys fallen. Yes, open your ass and of your sister to the pakis.
Colton Williams
Enjoy your next Christchurch faggot
Ryan Flores
In no way does islam glorify slavery the way you brought it up. Bondage was either a consequence of war or being born to slaves. Islam was radically progressive in its treatment of less priveledged classes of people. What do you think all the verses and hadith about assisting/freeing slaves and captives are for? Keep in mind slavery was commonplace in every part of the world at the time.
why are all these mexicans commiting crime in the uk?
James Thomas
Which of these men is supposed to be 10/10?
Oliver Bennett
Oliver Roberts
Okay then. Have fun dealing with the neo nazis and racists. Youve just given them a platform.
Chase Howard
>What do you think all the verses and hadith about assisting/freeing slaves and captives are for? Fantasy and moralfaggotry. All muslims pretend to be super zealous and pious. There was a Ottoman slave TRADE.
Jackson Morgan
I’m in my country, faggot.
Benjamin Turner
Remember kids: RACISM ATHEISM is the FINAL REDPILL of the LIFE.
Remember kids: RACISM ATHEISM is the ONLY REDPILL of the LIFE.
i have no other option but to admit that this is kinda based and redpilled i guess
Evan Thompson
>trump hats >hook up culture fuck off reddit
Lincoln Jones
virgin incel detected. Kys.
Ethan Evans
This , Islam teaches us that you can never trust women , even if fully clothed they always have to accompanied by a male relative , this is the only way you can control the thots.
Parker Watson
but how do you feel about natsoc OP? If you are not down with nat soc, then we will have to eradicate you, your people, and your religion. That's how it is.
Xavier Anderson
No, you won't because your women love the BBC and since you must accept muslims of all races as brothers there's nothing you can do about it.
this literally only sand people fucked our theology up. everywhere else in the world religion was about the volk and transcending materialism. christianity took the best parts of Neoplatonism and copied its homework i just look at voting stats and realize women are retarded. dont need a sand nigger pedo to tell me that
You force your men in dresses and hate how women look, so you put them in bags.
How could any man convert to such a homosexual religion?
Kevin Powell
>British >white Have at them Amir, the natives of those islands are scum anyway
Kayden Cox
Islam is barbaric rubbish. We have seen it practiced unleashed by its adherents- in its most recent form called ISIS - utter barbarity. Exterminate Islam.
Oliver Ramirez
Nafri Arab women fuck blacks Turk and other muslim women fuck whites
Muslims fuck their cousins and mothers Sucks to be muslim desu
Leo Hernandez
>needs a jewish god to tell him what to do Absolutely cucked Also, muslim countries have the highest number of incels and virgins in the world.
Nolan Russell
She doesn't even look asian. She once of those white thots wearing a headscarf tuning into bbc news. Just more evidence of the sheer degeneracy of the white race
Daniel Ward
Tf are you talking about Ahmed? You think I care about the UK ? Lmao, go outside
Calm down Qatari nigger, you're not gonna spread Islam on Yas Forums of all places lmao
Ryan Morales
We believe natsoc but its the muslims who are the master race and we'll put you pieces of white christcuck filth in chains and get to know all of your women carnally.
>Literally every place on Earth that Islam touches is in the Stone Age. >Literally every people on Earth that practices Islam for more than two centuries is a Low IQ incest by-product. >Literally yet another Semitic desert cult. >Those who bring it to Europe are replacing whites, raping white women, molesting white children, and live off welfare like worthless vermin.
Such heroes... so red-pilled....
Jeremiah Jones
So, you noticed how the Jews imported Islam into white lands too?
Adam Diaz
Checks out
Jace Brown
Dominic Gray
Uh, hello? Based department?
Levi Mitchell
They piss in front an abortion office. Based.
Nathaniel Flores
The only reason why you inbred shitskins finally got a leg up in Europe, is because ZOG is using you for the moment, you worthless, welfare leeching orc, who wipes his ass with his bare hand.
Christopher Scott
Does this mean jews will make muslims feel bad some day?
Evan Johnson
Fucking saved, i never thought of it this way. Based mudslimes
Last time you and your pathetic excuse of a religion tried shit in europe we turned the culture of the last relevant muslim dominated country into a literal fucking joke for our aristocrats
Brayden Torres
The jews helped the Muslims to invade in Iberian peninsula. They simple can't build a nation that would even come close to the european ones. Just look the great countries and empires europe had, like Poland, Holy Roman Empire, French Kingdom and others. Christianity is the master and the true religion, that shows in most of our countries where the religion it upheld not like the shithole of my country and others in europe even.
Asher Ward
Hey retard, Mudslimes didn't do shit, ZOG simply wielded them like a battleaxe.
Camden Cooper
To me Islam is no different from Christianity. Both use fear to keep people from making mistakes, meaning they won't learn anything. It's like telling your kids not to touch electrical wire for a thousand times vs letting them do it once so they learn what it feels like.
Wyatt Adams
The only time Christian nations began to falter, is when they allowed Jew TV to influence their culture 60 years ago.
Andrew Stewart
>the existence of a slave means Islam didn't encourage emancipation
Subhuman tier dutch 'iq'. You're one to talk you faggot. I'm in South Africa.