both south korea and china were able to contain coronavirus in a matter of weeks. it's over.
It's over boys. South Korea has contained it
alternatively, they are just lying to protect their economic interests.
This. The U.S. is far more advanced. Therefore we should have the coronavirus under control by Wednesday at the latest.
Yea, at the cost of their economy. You'd just better be thankful no-one wants to visit Ukraine; with the worst healthcare in Europe, you'd be screwed much like Iran.
Korea lying about this would be very difficult.
But we're not Chine or South Korea
>Yea, at the cost of their economy.
I mean, not really.
If this turns out to be a nothingburger I'm never believing Yas Forums when another happening occurs ever again.
meanwhile Italy is in full collapse.
Situation is very dire here
Regardless of whether you trust China's official records, cases are rapidly increasing in other countries.
Not fully
They tested known contacts and got a lot of people tested that might have it. But, there's still widespread community spread.
Expect cases to jump back up again.
but not impossible
no walls, no moats. parisians can walk to beijing or seoul.
>South Korea has contained it.
How can you contain something the is globally. unless you ban 100% of travel.
Just like china SK will get reinfected
I hope you're right. I only have 48 rolls of toilet paper.
We have fewer cases after doing better testing than anywhere else in the world.
Continuing, this isn't a thing most people can grasp as it doesn't follow their linear way of thinking.
There's lag, exponential, testing lag, exponential then no testing because too many people have it.
But insect races have a bonus in cohesion and organization.
They are Asians. That means they are notorious liars. Uncomfortable truths aren't told. If you beg them for something they say yes and simply don't do it for example. If you have been raised with different values you can't even interact with them. This fetish for Asian women is beyond me, I have really strong hatred for Asians.
>Better testing = fewer cases because something something.
You tested people that were at risk of it. Those that aren't, still have a high chance of the large community spread.
I guarantee it'll jump back up again when the new low show symptoms. You can't look at a specific time and say this is lowering, rather you look at the numbers themselves and then see how many they spread it to.
Those 200 gave it to another 800 in a low estimate.
The only ones telling the truth are the Wops.
Yeah better trust Koreans and Chinese regime faggot.
Exactly. Germans are lying as well because the government is falling apart and they want their comfy govbucks.
Goymany is next.
Likely, I live there.
>believing Yas Forums
That was your first mistake
If this is true then why the fuck is Italy having so many problems?
>Korea is lying
>China is lying
Next up: Italy is lying
Oh no
I'm gonna
They are the only honest ones. All others are lying. Germany says it has 0 deaths except one Germ in Africa. I don't buy it. Currently there is a lot of stuff going on because they sand-niggers like this fuckstick here want in
Unironically healthcare in Ukraine is much better than in Bongistan.
whats it like in the community? now to our ground correspondent ,Lee Sang-hyeok with the story
>You tested people that were at risk of it.
And we tested people that weren't as well. Anyone can be tested here. You just put in a phone call.
I don't know what you want. Better testing means better testing.
As far as I can tell there is no win state for people like you. Your virus waifu is destined to destroy the earth, and any fact showing she isn't is disreguarded.
Pick one
Vegetables are neither alive or dead, so technically they're not lying.
south corea is worst corea.
Japan also contained it for a while and now they're getting fucked again. The only real way to contain this virus is to completely shut down the economy, which is just as bad as letting the virus do its thing.
So Fins have this bonus too?
I don't want the virus to wreck earth but know exactly that Asians are lying NPCs. The incubation time is too long making testing a meme, surfaces are easily contaminated, this shit is airborne and so far it seems like Asians get it worse than Italians.
True, true.
Happeningfag cope already in full swing
Hello newfriend. Happenings never happen, that's the joke
This dude gets it
China is lying, they lied about how many people were infected in the beginning, lied about how many people have died from coronavirus, and they are lying about containing it. The country has over 1 billion people, there is no way possible that they went and tested every single chink that came in contact with the virus properly.
>Round up death cultists and test em so the numbers spike
>Done testing them so have absolutely no idea who to test
>Slows down
K man
Fine. Virtually all new cases have been in Daegu for about three weeks now. All of them are related to the superspreader Shincheonji freak Patient 31.
We have a map that shows where every patient has been in the last 9 days, so we avoid those areas.
We also have disinfectant sprayers that spray everywhere in those areas and the surrounding areas.
There are mask shortages but the government has been working to make new masks and pass them out at post offices.
People are inclined to restrict their travel in general. But otherwise really very little has changed here.
And what are we supposed to be lying about?
Loona did that
>If you beg them for something they say yes and simply don't do it for example
This would drive me insane. How does anything get done in Asia?
Better testing than anywhere else on earth means we've tested more people than anywhere else on earth.
For the guy saying we've only tested those at risk, well, yes. That's what everyone does. We just did it better, AND ON TOP OF THAT we test anyone who asks.
I have no idea what else we're expected to do. We're just handling this situation better.
From your pov nothing because not saying the truth isn't considered lying by you.
In reality likely about virtually everything regarding the situation.
I don't know but it seems to be genetical. Having studied an engineering discipline at a German university we obviously had Asians there and it's an universal trait. How Westerners get to fetishize this is beyond me.
That has never once happened to me here.
korean here.
not unexpected given our high IQ(arguably the highest in the world) and high tech society. there's no other country in the world better prepared to deal with a plague. and this is despite having the largest gap in skills between the older generation (one of the lowest) and the youngest(the highest) in the OECD according to PISA.
well done korea
Except that would be virtually impossible to do.
Cry to your virus waifu about it.
>korean here
>us flag
>speaking English
you sure sound proud of being Korean :)
Yes, hundreds if not thousands of nurses and doctors in a democracy just "in on it". KYS!
You seem to have reading problems, I don't like the whole situation and am not a gloomy doomer.
>Ron Paul will die without there ever being a single happening
And yet you act like one.
The machine is bleeding to death kek.
Nope. Asia is safe, Europe is not. Future of US unknown.
The doomers like it because they want to gun down somebody down. I don't.
It's very possible to contain it early if you take drastic measures which makes cucked Germany even sadder just close some borders for a while in January 29th and watch the development. I don't talk absolute closing, I mean for private people from Southeast Asia. But that would be uneuropean (read: smart).
Still, I don't believe either country.
'Aggressive Testing'
Are you fucking stupid, we didnt have test until this weekend that worked.
China, providing they are not lying and providing they are finding all their infecteds including the asymptomatics is in the process of controlling and snuffing out the corona virus.
S. Korea is a long way from control. OP's attached news report contains a lot of wishful thinking.
I’m having flashbacks to Jan of 2000 when the y2k dudes were still claiming that the rebound happening was imminent.
>just wait three weeks for all the systems to gum up
The USA is much more spread out than China, SK, and Italy. The only real problem will be in the urbanite hellholes especially on the west coast.
you panic fags need to off yourselves
>What else
Stop flights from China
Stop sending masks and medical aid to China when our people are literally fucking dying
Stop getting butthurt over Japan's diplomatic actions. They did what they had to do.
>We doing great
You must be diehard liberal.
Korea's tested more people than Iran and Italy combined and Korea still has fewer cases (and a lower mortality rate indicating it's a more representative sample)
Wow, testing more people than just the half dead ones shows a lower death rate....
Who'd have thought!
Consider that SK was claiming a death rate of less than 1% by intentionally misrepresenting the numbers.
No, you just want to peacefully have all your responsibility taken away from you.
You are a bitch.
welp, that shit isnt gonna happen in aus, the west will get raped by this shit.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I need this pandemic to happen, I'm a retarded incel who leads a boring life of sitting on the internet all day, I need a huge worldwide catastrophe to upset the global social order so I have a chance at moving up form the bottom rungs!!!!
That's cool. The US has apparently decided to let it burn through our entire population. Apparently we don't have tests or masks. This place is a shithole.
> peacefully have all your responsibility taken away from you.
Coming from a Korean kek. Pray harder to your gov. They don't make mistakes you know.
Ultimately everyone will likely be on their own for a couple weeks till things stabilize.
> Hungary
> literally towns without running water less than 100km from budapest
Yeah you actually did something.
Meanwhile European countries doing nothing, and even telling people masks do nothing
hmm seems like it reall does plataue after 3 months
>Stop flights from China
Vast majority are.
>Stop sending masks and medical aid to China when our people are literally fucking dying
50 harmeoni have died.
>Stop getting butthurt over Japan's diplomatic actions.
Telling Koreans to not get angry over Japan is like telling them to stop eating samgyupsal. It's never going to happen.
>You must be diehard liberal.
I don't follow along with Korean political parties. And I'm not on a VPN.
Cant get in the way of Mr Nosenburg making a few more shekels
Lowest death rate?
Really? How about Singapore?
>Coming from a Korean kek.
We don't shirk our responsibilities.
>Ultimately everyone will likely be on their own for a couple weeks till things stabilize.
No one's on their own here. We're not the west.
panic sells, user.
>believing anything CPP says