If whites are so high IQ why are Greeks so dumb?

Iranian here. I had a Greek chip shop owner insult me and call me a Paki and then he called me an Arab dog. Just because i made him replace my chips two times because they looked too overdone and burned. The second time he didn't put enough salt on there and when i told him put more he got annoyed and started giving me lip. He clearly didn't even conceive of me being anything other than a Pakistani or Arab cause of my skin tone. Also, he obviously didn't even understand the difference between Pakis and Arabs because he used both simultaneously to insult me. I refused to pay him for the chips due to poor service and walked off. He started some other cursing i could hear behind the doors when i went out. My friend (who is black) that was with me was ready to start beating him up and i had to calm HIM down and tell him it's not worth this faggot calling the police on us. Because they DO call police over any small thing. A few weeks ago he called the police on a white chav guy.

Anyway, I have noticed Greeks tend to be very dumb and ignorant and also racist which is funny because a lot of Greeks don't even look white themselves they look like Israeli or something.

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You have to go back you filthy mudslime leech

greeks aren't white

Most Greek diaspora are dumb villagers what do you expect, its the same with every race.

I feel like the Jew with the Marty Mcfly rainbow hat when those nogs shit on the holocaust


stop being a fag and eat your damn chips

Because you're a filthy shitskin that's why!

But Iranians are pretty light skinned same as Syrians. What if he takes a bath everyday? is it that you just don't like his skin color?

Yeah, Gayreeks are subhumans.

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>two shitskins get into an argument about chips

Maybe don’t be a paki cunt

Greeks and turks are effectively the same but neither wants to admit it.

hey, stop that, ok?

Pay debts.


They still dont have white bone structure you can tell they are Iranian

how about an island? i can give you an island

Fuck that
Grexit when?

You have to go back Amir. And take your 85iq with you.

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Go back to Pakistan you Arab fuck!

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Shitskins don't belong in the west. That's why.

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Based. Pay for the chips next time you fucking gypsy paki arab.

>this tottally happend btw
fuck off ibrahim

Why do Iranians do this?

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Ask the Shia Iranians. I'm a Sunni

They consider themselves white and look down on all non-whites while sucking up to white Britons. Similar thing to what Hindu Indians do. They don't seem proud of their own background. They seem to see themselves as the same as British white.


no such thing

You're a funny guy.You expect someone who is in his own motherland to gives a shit about your differents invaders story?
What's all about?Tryin to say "i'm iranian" not a arab or a paki?Who cares?You're an invader.End of story.


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You have to go back Muhammad.

Also, you are not Iranian. Stop lieing and admit your shitty pakistani identity.

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Guys can we just make peace? I descend from the romans we can unify all this shit


>Also, he obviously didn't even understand the difference between Pakis and Arabs because he used both simultaneously to insult me
No he didn't care but the difference between these sandniggers is too minor to be worth his time. You are a sandnigger that pissed him off so he called you a sandnigger.

Don't reply to roaches fool
>sage shit threads.

>They still dont have white bone structure
They do. All ME and NA have white bone structures, they just don't have european phenotypes. If you were to take the skull of a middle eastern, it would be classified as caucasian.

we'll pay the debts in migrants
Is 5 mil pakis good?or do your women prefer syrians?


Why do Iranians commit so much crime in the uk?

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Why are the majority of pedophiles white European men?

You know, maybe he would've acted otherwise if your people weren't raping women/kids, stabbing inocent people and mugging the rest while living on the taxpayers dime. Just a thought

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If you consider afghan as white maybe.

OP is a jew double dose faggot.
Long live Greece and return Constantinople & Anatolia to the west.

Sex has to be for reproduction, and reproduction has to be brought into some reasonable order, or it will all be the stupid people who breed. Sex is not fun to the smartest. They would rather be contemplating the mysteries of creation. Sex is fun to the stupid, who pursue it in a disorderly way if so enabled. Disordered sex meanwhile is revolting to the smartest, suppressing their reproduction without infringing on that of the stupid. These factors create dysgenic effects which can be ameliorated by draining the perspective of sex as a fun and desirable objective, as well as by instituting reproductive controls of sexuality.

...Greece was gentle, good, and pervasively exclusionary to the reproduction of its smartest citizens. The people who bred were those who were good to the brilliant, not the brilliant themselves. So the IQ sagged gently, creating a society inclined neither to collapse nor advancement, as advancements from the very smart drifted into the control of reproductively stable populations who were only kind of smart.

In the modern day, encouraging women to have careers is an intelligence enabler technology. Specifically, it enables male hypergamy as men become potentially able to identify women who have stable, high-intelligence genomes, this being a priority comprehensible to nearly all intelligent men.

Unfortunately, women do not typically also prize intelligence in a foremost capacity, and making them competitive with men has somewhat reduced the achievements of men. This has conflicted with the main purpose of the reform and raised the spectre of revision.

>white European men
Yes, all those grooming gangs in the UK are white right...


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>But Iranians are pretty light skinned
Lol nope

Theres only one group of feeble minded cocksucking cunts on Earth that would tolerate Rotherham and the like, and they're not Greeks.
I've forgotten that shit about glass houses and throwing stones.

Convincing men to reject hypergamy is a simple method of identifying those who should not reproduce and who should be excluded from planning based upon the presumption of male hypergamy.

So you're saying Greeks are white?



the adage does not apply if you are chucking the stone at your glass wall

Kek. Says a fucking muslim

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And on top of all that you believe in that religious nonsense, kys

'Iranian here' stopped reading hahahaha. Greece is edge of civilisation. Beyond that it's turkroaches, mudslimes and subsahara sandpeople

This creepy gobshite is hiding something. Percentage wise the worst will be pakkshits and mozlems in general.

>American Jew here. I had a Iranian kebab stand owner insult me and call me a White and then he called me a American dog. Just because i made him replace my shawarma two times because it looked too overdone and burned. The second time he didn't put enough salt on there and when i told him put more he got annoyed and started giving me lip. He clearly didn't even conceive of me being anything other than a American or White cause of my skin tone. Also, he obviously didn't even understand the difference between Americans and Whites because he used both simultaneously to insult me. I refused to pay him for the chips due to poor service and walked off. He started some other cursing i could hear behind the doors when i went out. My friend (who is a nigger) that was with me was ready to start beating him up and i had to calm HIM down and tell him it's not worth this faggot calling the police on us. Because they DO call police over any small thing. A few weeks ago he called the police on a rapist Arab.
>Anyway, I have noticed Iranians tend to be very dumb and ignorant and also racist which is funny because a lot of Iranians don't even look white themselves they look like Israeli or something.

Write that out again when you sober up.
Thank You and have a nice day.

Greeks aren't white.
and get out of Britain you sand nigger faggot. literally ruined the place for everyone.

We call each other niggers or faggots here but that doesn't mean it is so. Youre all cowardly roaches, too scared to wage a real war, so you skulk around the Greek border and pick on border guards.

Are you upset that you’re Muslim buddies being denied?

I smell rancid shit
I smell a muslim parasite

I've been to Greece three times and never had a single problem with anyone other than other tourists. The Greeks all seemed white to me.

t. Albo diaspora

Ahh, just like the weather in England. If it’s Sunni, it’s still Shiite.

If someone uses an almost correct racial slur on you then they're probably doing it on purpose as a sign of additional disrespect. It's like when people call chinks nips or nips gooks. It's a threefold insult. First is the basic racial slur, then is their disregard for what race you actually are, and on top of that they'll usually pretend to mistake you for a race that your race has historical grievances with.