
"Each room is equipped with everything you need to relax, including a flat-screen TV, PlayStation 3, WiFi and en-suite bathroom," Hvivo, the company which owns the laboratory, says on its website."




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Shit nigga I’d do it for free

Uncharted 2 multiplayer was taken offline last year, dude. Not a bad run, tbqhwyf.

damn what the hell lol
this is some dystopian shit

ps3 lmao

Literally no point unless they also provide me with a hot 18 year old bangmaid

>Uncharted 2 multiplayer was taken offline
It was the perfect multiplayer. They dont make them like that anymore because it doesnt make them any money


No thanks I'd rather not have my balls microwaved with EMFs in addition to the Corona-chan.

That's not worth it to me, like the NASA sleep study people get paid $27,000 for but wrecks your entire body and every muscle atrophies, requiring a YEAR of physical and occupational therapies to recoup.

2020 was the dawn of full on dystopia. We're finally living in a glorified scifi movie but less cool.

They "migrated" evrryone to PS4 servers for PS4 port. Literally running for free for 10 years. Servers cost money to run, m8.

Life is so crap and I am so eager to end whilst being so poor and despondent that shit like this actually appeals.

Bruv, 3.5k pound to get sick for a few weeks.

If your under 60 , roll the dice. Youd actually be helping the entire planet too which is pretty cool.

>in the current year
what a fuckin ruse. PS3 had no games then, it has no games now.

Tried looking into this but I can't find a sign up link

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Is haggling still a thing in bongland? If I could negotiate my way up to 10k I'd do it


id pay you 10k to get corona. one less filthy spaniard.

The ps4 port has mp?

7 thousand is a bit cheap for my liking, I'd do it for 20k

I'm down

lol no i heard wrong, sorry bud

It's well under market. I was a test subject a couple of times years ago. I think one time it was $12k but I had to stay in a residential lab for two months, and another it was $10k but I only had to live in the facility 3 days a week for a month. It's kind of a thing people do, go from study to study getting drugs tested on them. There are websites and networks if you're interested.

>Only 7K to potentially die.

They're specifically aiming for 'Jeremy Kyle people' with this.

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Show flag

give me a high end pc and they can keep me forever


>Human guinea pigs will be offered £3,500

Holy shit, they're only offering 3.5K lmao. They truly are seeking Britain's finest.

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I like your style bro; throw a few bottles of red wine in there, an ounce of kush and fibre- we'll coof and lan onwards into the afterlife

Yeah' let's get it over with! Why wait?

Me too man.

damn can i at least get a fucking ps4 and like 20K

lmfao wtf

I would

>big 7
six figures and we are down

If you'd award me with a free trip to Israel I'd take it

I am, what are some websites?

>8 (eight) seconds

Wrong fucking memeflag

I would, and them breakout and willingly spread it around this shithole.

It sounds week, but I'd do it and also create an instagram and youtube channel devoted to the experience, and take good notes for the book I'd be writing. Sadly, there would probably be an NDA.

I already had coronavirus so I am disqualified
t. had a business trip to South Korea at the worst fucking time 6 weeks ago

Oh shit nigga does it come with Ricky Bobby as well?

Iv done drug trials in New Zealand before and its not as fun and easy as you think.
>Its like prison, you cant leave the complex and only having a tv and a pool table gets old very very quickly.
>Absolutely no privacy. People watch everything you do.
>Can only have a few visitors and they are watched like hawks.
>Even after drug trial is over, you have follow up tests and cant drink alcohol or do drugs (If they show up in blood tests, they will end your drug trial)

Iv done 3 drug trials, 2 were in a centre in Auckland. One was 7 days and I got 6000$ for it. Another was 14 days which I quit after a few days because they were putting stuff in my body I never agreed too and the last one was a home trial where they payed for a taxi to pick me up at lunch time every day, They did tests on me for 2 hours and then I got a payed taxi home. I got 4000$ for doing that and had a major health issue cured (Before anyone else in the world)

So yeah do it if you don't mind being in prison for how ever long. Otherwise I wouldn't recommend.

start with clinicaltrials.gov to at least get familiar with key words and terminology, then you can search for other services. It's been years since I did that so I'm not current, but it's actually kind of competitive, and people aren't very open about info because they want the money. You will be drug tested when they screen applicants, btw.

>PlayStation 3
no games


I'll do it for heroin

Any lasting side affects?, thanks for sharing something decent in this shithole.

I have nothing to live for and 7k would improve my life to a ridiculous extent.
My immune system is one of the few things that works well in me anyway.

Is this the ultimate prove-you're-white test?

read this he's spot on. it's not like a stay in a comfy hotel.

One study I did they fucked with our diet every week. Like one week it was just super fatty everything, and you have to consume a required amount, and then the next week it was minimal calorie intake, and then there was exercise. They would have us on treadmills like little hampsters with wires and shit. If at any time you don't participate they can boot you and you get nothing.

>PlayStation 3

I tested wellbutrin back in the day. Got 1 k for it. They put me through a lot of stress test . I never found out of I had the placebo or not.

>major health issue cured
Are you not allowed to say what it was? Pussy.

Give me a laptop with some Loli Eroge and we can work something out.

I’ve been unironically wishing someone would placebo test me for two decades now (ever since I read about the concept of placebo in an old psychology textbook when I was like 10)...

I’ve told more than a few people about this weird desire, but: sadly, it doesn’t work that way. I once went to Colorado to visit an old armyfren and we were up all night drinking beer. Towards the end of the night I mentioned something along the lines of: “Damn dude have we really drank a case and a half of beer already?” He told me yes, because I bought the beer from a grocery store. CO law says only liquor stores can sell you real beer, the rest is watered down (less alcohol)


Yeah this. They make you do shit once on the trial that they didn't tell you about before starting. On one of the 3 drug trials I did (The 2 week one) they were mixing the trial drug with other drugs and one night I asked what they were putting in and it was blood thinner (When I already have blood pressure problems) I then said I wanted out.

Do the home trials. You don't earn as much but they are less strict. And yes, you do pay tax on drug trial payments.

>Corinthians 6:19 New International Version (NIV)
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own

It was the BIG GAY

Generally not, but it varies. I know of a trial of a new anesthesia drug a few years ago. There were several orders in difference between the doses people would receive, like some got 10 mg and some got 10 000 mg.

If you are unlucky with such a drug you might get into a permanent coma, or even die. AFAIK this did not happen with this drug.

If they were halfway serious they'd shell out 30k, a ps4, a real doll or 2, and online capabilities

Based lab rats.
For the USA, clinicaltrials.gov for international. You have to be clean (drug free), healthy. Many are just for cancer, or boomer meds. Make a few grand, hit on cute nurses and medical techs, fund your Boogaloo prep, rinse and repeat. Live on the edge or die.

At least give me PS4 you fucking kikeniggers so that I can play p5 Royal

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Bullshit. I've done it for 3 years. Every facility is different so maybe the facilities suck in NZ. In the USA these places are literally like a resort. You have leave a medical trial anytime and will get paid prorated for the time you stay. The only faggots saying it's like prison are the ones who are convicts. Does prison pay you thousands of dollars/pounds for doing nothing? I've never had any adverse effects. Anyone that does likely already has a medical condition they lied about. Sure....there is a risk. You could also get hit by a car tomorrow or shot by a nigger. Dumb NEET.

Absolute lie. Every trial has legal informed consent - where everything is laid out - side effects, drug info etc.
>When I already have blood pressure problems
Then you shouldn't be doing these studies huh?

There was a 30K for alzheimers in a facility I am familiar with. 3, 30 - day stays. Participants got payments while in confinement. People were ordering new macbooks, PlayStations, Xboxes, etc. Gamers paradise.

You could get hit by a car crossing the street. Or die in a plane crash. Live on the edge or die.