Not sure if true but something to cap just in case.
Some user on voat have a warning to them.
Uhhhh guys? You might wanna look at this
Other urls found in this thread:
nice larp glownigger
Remember no one knows until everybody knows.
Just look at the headlines lately. We live in a hell scape.
A trojan horse is a safe-looking thing that turns out to be dangerous.
Coronavirus is a dangerous-looking thing that may or may not be dangerous.
Idk man, I'm on voat a lot. There's a very tiny user base.
it's very highly fucking dangerous
to asians and elderly
apparently kids don't have the nodes to correctly contract it but can still carry
eat a lot of zinc
Yeah but Trump and all conservative media are literally calling it a hoax and nothing to worry about. They're lying to the public saying that we don't need masks bc it won't protect us, but it we are supposed to be leaving it for health care workers bc ur somehow magically works for them. Tide goes in, tide goes out.
But somehow*
doesn’t everyone on Yas Forums already know we are all fucked? or are many some recent nothingburger converts who don’t realise this is end of days type shit?
I think we all know that. What helps us save ourselves is convincing those we live with and love. If your family doesn't take the shit seriously and you live with them, you might as well be dead. My sister literally went out for pho the other day, and still goes to church like there's nothing happening. We need as much hard evidence as we can get to get it through people's thick skulls.
Those with ears let them hear.
>apparently kids don't have the nodes to correctly contract it but can still carry
This is wrong. The virus is killing the elderly at a much higher rate than the flu. Compared to the rate at which old people are dying kids aren't dying at a very high rate. It doesn't mean they aren't dying.
Kids are being killed off by this at a much higher rate than the seasonal flu. COVID-19 is also much more virulent than the seasonal flu. The complication rate is also much higher. A lot more kids are going to die from this than the flu.
>Trump and all conservative media are literally calling it a hoax
Your statement is factually incorrect
been prepping for family and encouraging others about the prep and proper precautions for a few weeks, sitting here hoping/blind faith. once I saw the pizza bro from Italy on Twitter with his dead sister laying in bed talking about corona it got really real for me.
Sampling from 20,00-52,000 deaths vs. sampling from 3,800 deaths.
How is this incorrect. He literally said "oh the liberal media is using this as a hoax its a hoax" and changed tune after "some beautiful lady" died on the west coast. I'm not a lefty pol fag. I was watching OANN just tonight and they said that it was nothing to panic about.
>They're lying to the public saying that we don't need masks bc it won't protect us,
Because they won't dipshit, you need eye protection as well because this thing initially began as aerosal drops and because of x amount of mutations we're probably never be informed about until it's too late has gone airborne or at the very least human to human.
Look I don't give a fuck about where you stand but where exactly does anybody get off saying the bugpeople Chinese are face saving fuckheads which they are, but our own individual governments would not do the same to save their own skin.
>it‘s just a cough and fever at first, then goes dormant and infests your brainstem till you drop dead
>it‘s not a trojan horse
Pick one brainlet
Here in Houston they're quarantining a dozen or so hospital workers for only 14 days after they came in contact with someone who had it.
There's apparently a professor at Rice University who went to Egypt and caught it and possibly infected others at the University.
All of these self quarantines are bullshit and do nothing bc 14 days is nothing.
>What is context
He called the media's coverage of his handling it a hoax. He didn't call coronavirus a hoax. The full context of his quote was him saying the media was going to use whatever he did with the coronavirus, against him. Be it over-reacting and setting up a quarantine or under-reacting and doing nothing. Do you understand, or is orange man still bad?
That's just stupid.
The entire genome was sequenced.
Literally anyone can go read it.
Like what the fuck is it supposed to be hiding?
Nigger they were saying that "healthy people if you're healthy you don't have anything to worry about" that is blatantly lying and I am not implying that our govt, or any govt for that matter, wouldn't do the same as the Chinese.
Yes anyone that's been on Pol already knows that. What about those that haven't been here? What about your family? Do they know? Because if not you're dead too.
gubermint ministers talking on tv today about economic stimulus and keep going on about 80% only mild symptoms look absolutely unconvincing to me, compared to how they all seemed all nothingburger only a week ago. I can see it in their eyes and their tone of speech they they know we’re fucked.
Orange man unironically is bad you ptg ever loving fuck. Where is the goddamn wall? What about Hillary? Oh let me guess "trust the man" fuck off you God damn monkey brained boomer piece of shit.
It would have popped off by now since people were supposedly being infected since October...
Enjoy your fear porn anyway.
Also glowies lie, cheat, run drugs/guns/humans with cartels and kill good people so I don't really comprehend why anyone would listen to those faggots.
In the fact that its a lie
People allowing it to bring ML yes it should be
Its the brainwashed liberal nazis that will.... etc
good people are ok
brainwashed liberals... Pure evil
They used the flue to create panic
low iq
we use the panic to fix wrongs
these people are stupid
If you were going to say some shit that basically doesn't have anything to do with my post, why did you link me at all?
You could have just posted the obviously stand-alone post, eh, alone.
Have another then.
Its a troll
I know that guy
Ok but that still doesn't explain how there's anything hiding in a 100% known genome.
Like, is there data... between the nucleotides...?
Trump is the trojan horse
>safe-looking goy
>turns out to be a kike
The ten year yield dropped to 0.5%.
With the Saudis pumping gas, I think at the US discretion, I think it might be out only saving grace in the future should it be kept in US petrodollars.
With the Saudis pushing everyone else out of business we would be able to stay afloat even if our shale extraction sector were to nosedive.
>he didn't fulfill his promises so he is bad
ok chapo
The wall is being built now though
Right, which is why I tagged you.
It doesn't make any sense.
So we agree?
He is a kike and you know it
You were still wrong when you said Trump called it a hoax. Go fearmonger somewhere else brainlet
>get btfo
>move goalpost
Whatever happened to "don't believe everything you hear on the internet?" There are plenty of groups out there, Yas Forums included, who are known to intentionally spread disinformation.
>Trump and all conservative media
WHO and CDC and European officials are "Trump" now? go update your program
lol this level of panic induced lashing out. you're going to die, pussy
>There are plenty of groups out there that intentionally spread disinfo including pol
This is a group? What the fuck do you think this is? Anyone can get on here faggot.
Either he means virus will kill many millions, which we already know.
Or the vaccine will do something really bad.
It's Russia, not Saudi Arabia.
Russia has the capability to push it even lower than Saudi, they're trying to conquer the market.
Saudi's are trying not to let Russia take it, they're accidentally fucking the U.S.
A friend spoke today with a top Doctor over Washington area hospitals. This doctor has met with high level CDC.
Here's the scoop:
>Virus is a bioweapon. Unknown/unnamed actor(s) involved.
>Virus most damaging to people with chronic inflammation (fat/diabetic/HBP). A ketogenic/low sugar diet will benefit. Get your body into ketosis to help it survive.
>Virus acts as a sleeper while infecting population, this is why it goes back into temporary remission in those who "recover". There is a 2nd wave they expect in Seattle in late summer.
>Seattle area may still be quarantined in first wave. Discussions underway.
What specifically marks it as a bioweapon?
>defending orange man after he broke every single promise he made
>neither confirm or deny
op is a faggot moron for posting this dumb garbage nonsense
so much dumbfuck in one post I hope you get the virus so you can learn exactly how you’re wrong.
>who are known to intentionally spread disinformation.
no one spreads more disinfo than the mainstream media, this is known
this. Fuck orange man and fuck the civnat gayrabs/hooks that make up the vast majority of this site's demographics now.
How is it fear mongering when people are dropping like flies?
Have you seen the numbers from Italy? Have you seen the stock market?
You know 80% of our meds come from China? You know they're not working because they are fucking welded into their homes and its quarantined half its country? And I'm fear mongering. Lol kys. I hope you die first
Trump has coronavirus and is showing symptoms
screencap this
>stock market
Hol up, if you're so concerned about the human impact, like why do you care about the stock market?
Imaginary paper money isn't any good if everyone is dead, yea?
Source specifically said "it's not from animals, it's bioterror."
NOTHING, he’s full of absolute fear mongering shit.
>Saudi's are trying not to let Russia take it, they're accidentally fucking the U.S.
No, saudis want to fuck US right now.
irl they can say that it fight against russia. but they only say it in order to get money from us.
What source?
What specifically did this source base that on?
Like point to the bits of the genome that prove this.
>still moving that goal post
Remind me again how you just lied about orange man calling Corona a hoax
Bioweapon similar to coronavirus tested in 1979 on US base in europe.
This. Also dont listen to shills, dont fap. Sperm contains zinc, and intracellular zinc fucks with the virus' RNA production, protecting you. this only doesnt work if you are zinc deficient. Too much wont protect you more, you just need normal levels.
Saudis are in on it too
You are here
And your source for having the entire genome sequenced is who? The Chinese Communist Party? Well, surely, they would never lie right?
Also, who is to say that the virus strain rampaging through Italy and Iran is the same strain that infected China?