Hopefully you were the lucky ones that sold high

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 18&version=KJV

The globalist system is actually crashing isn't it?

What are the rammifications of this? I dont follow t the financial system.

>what are the ramifications?
This is the end of the way of life we have known. Chaos will follow.

Yes, but how. Stock trading is nothing but made up numbers about the theoretical worth of a business.

How will this impact food production, police force, governments? Not much.

Deutsche and Commerzbank going bankrupt, Eurozone collapse, your auto industry wiped out, muslims and minorities chimping out due to a cut in gibs.

It won't be pretty for you. At all.

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How do you halt trading until markets open? Thats like me not selling something after the store closes. I just dont get it, what trading?

There are no lucky ones

Stocks crashing mean no investment, which means business not well grounded will be forced to layoff employees or go out of business, which means people will buy even less stuff creating a vicious cycle.

Except a society doesnt collapse this easily. Stop watching The Walking Dead.

The smart investors are buying the dip. This is a huge over reaction and people will feel really foolish when this is shown to be a burger of nothing.

money is worthless now as is 90% of stock market, when people realized it they will be pissed and unrest will follow


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> buy high sell low
it was and always will be like that user

No, only business who are on the stock market. This will be a godsend for the comfy small business across the street. Like it was 100 years ago.

Fuck the financial sector and all the bad it brought. Finally this shit will be crashing down for good.

Ofc it won't collapse. But a lot of rich people will cry and people will lose their retirement money due to their investment funds being wiped out.

No, smart investors are swing trading this because of the insane volatility while the dumb normie investors are the ones buying the "dip" and hoping we hit a bottom sooner rather than later. Seriously, we havent even erased more than a year of gains so there is plenty of room left to fall while remaining bullish enough for ruling class to pick right back up once their fear tactics have gotten stale..

Serves them right for being idiots.

You forgot that it’s always a Boom & Bust cycle and even big recessions are normal every now and then.

So if you are not stuck in the stunk market yet, this is a huuuuuge opportunity when shit goes back to normal.

This is the time to make money, ladies and gentlemen!

Normally yes, but the global supply chain has basically been disrupted so every single business is fucked.

You do know that if Germany's economy collapses Italy Austria Croatia and the rest of Europe's will economy collapse as well?

This ironically happens the day where a special is airing involving Corey Feldman exposing the rampant pedophilia in Hollywood.

>"One time only special."

>checks 401k

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Jews using global Chink Flu panic to "tank the market" make a few gorillion dollars when it inevitably rebounds Q2.

Nothing ever happens. The rich get richer, etc

>Not much
Listen here bratwurstnigger.
My great grandfather had a very well established plumbing business working for the government and others here in the 1920's, when the great depression swept through the markets collapsed and first the small businesses and individuals went broke and were unable to pay. Then the traders and businesses who they owed money to went broke as they couldn't pay their debts. Then the bigger companies and contractors went broke because the the traders and small businesses couldn't pay their debts; then the banks foreclosed on EVERYONE and people lost their homes and jobs.

Now, my great grandfather was lucky enough to own his tiny house by this stage, and he gave the men what he could afford to in severance before his business and everything in it was seized. He was allowed to keep his tools of the trade and had to hand over the keys. A month later all his kids were working shit jobs to get a few dollars for the family and people were stealing each others fence palings to burn for heat.

When shit collapses it goes downhill fast, and he and his family had the luxury of living in a high-trust 98% white town. Now imagine the same shit now but with africans, chinks and every flavour of shitskin in between and think for a second how bad things will be.


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Any tips on what business stocks to watch?

naw the smart get richer and the dumb just whine about it and stay poor.

You’ll be subletting your 1 bedroom apartment to economic migrants who will be sleeping on the floor.

>Croatia and the rest of Europe's will economy collapse as well
Sure. And I actually welcome this. Our coastal regions that rely on tourism need to have the fear of God and bit of humility put in them.

Dumb people sell their stocks for cheap because of the panic, I‘ll get a bonus for making tons of cash later this year.
>t. stock broker

It checks out. We're gonna make it people!

>he thinks its just a depression

>18 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

>2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

>3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

>4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

>5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

>6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

>7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

>8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

>9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

>10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

>11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:

>12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 18&version=KJV

Europe is actually holding up kind of well after the open. It's a very bad day (worst open since 2001), but today isn't the end of the world.

This. It will be a big short term purge of massive fear mongering. Forcing all the normies to sell their financial assets into a quick and smooth rebound.

My puts are making me a fortune right now.

this will go down in history as one of the greatest examples of how human stupidity and hysteria can cause economic crashes.

Think of literally any product or service you use then buy stock of the company who produces it, and here's the hard part, don't sell it. It's that fucking easy to make money.

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no. they'll do some quantitative easing until inflation targets are met. The poor will get poorer and the rich will get free shit. The only way out is revolution but things haven't gotten bad enough for people to do that yet. Give it 50 years.


It isn‘t, the supply chains aren‘t nearly as disrupted as people think. We had this shit in 2016 too after retards thought that Drumpf!!1!!11 would ruin everything and sold off their shares for cheap. I bought my mom a new house thanks to that, please keep panicking and believing some Jewish fairy tales, I‘ll happily look after your money.

Thsi isnt the 1920s anymore, you retarded idiot. Economy has changed. Nothing will ever collapse liek this again.

>I‘ll happily look after your money.
wonder what are you going to do with that when the rest of people realize its worthless

Marketwatch morning shows are using language like "Gulf War" "9/11" "2008"
They appear to be shitting themselves.

Futures trade 23 hours a day, 5 days a week. Futures are different than stocks. They’re halting USA stock index futures trading until the USA stock markets open.

And guess what happens then? We probably crash too. Get that dick out of your ass and pay attention.

keynes when planning his economics, assumed countries would gather wealth in times of surplus.
but instead they gathered debt.
there is nothing stopping the collapse of economy except for miracles now

Just how money stopped being a thing after the fall of Rome, the Black Death, WW1 and WW2, right? Just accept that we‘re a species of greedy little rats and join the fun.

>Economy has changed. Nothing will ever collapse liek this again.
The minute people start spouting this type of shit is the minute I start prepping for 2008 tier crashes.

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>kikes are a race of filthy rats
Fixed that for you


money was backed by metals in every single of situations you mentioned.
now its just artificialy inflated debt bubble
in previous cases you still had gold/silver after the collapse. now you have nothing

So is everyone else, especially the Anglos. The issue with kikes isn‘t their greed, but that it‘s the only thing they have. Still no reason not to profit from idiots, a man‘s gotta eat after all.

You are about 4 years late with all that, Corey. Shoulda just delivered the goods when you had the chance

And the world didnt end in 2008. Many idiots lost alot becaue they were idiots AKA americans.

Money is whatever the society we live in deem it as. It can be sea shells, cow dung or even yes gold or silver.

In France ours went down by 6% right at the opening.

The end of a corrupt, greedy system that favours a few over the many.
Shed no tears over that.

Ohhhhh. It's actually kinda happening. I think this puts us about where we were before that record point rally. 24.5ish.

At 23 everyone will buy everything. If it breaks 24.5 there's gonna be a ride.

What makes you think fiat currency would outperform gold standard in a time of financial collapse?

You realize overconfidence, hyperinflation and jewish funny money is what bought about the 1930s crash right? But now we have bubbles in housing, manufacturing and agriculture, and once china finally admits they're fucked the rest of the world relying on their just-in-time cheap slave labor shit will follow. Just because we have iPhones and instagram doesn't mean you won't be eating out of a bin soon. Also remember to scrape the paint off the fence palings before you burn them inside.

Did you forget everything that happened in your country and your region between 2008 and now? Lmao

>backed by metals
Every state in history has somehow tried to circumvent that shit, money has never been more than a promise of theoretical worth. Even now we still have goods and machines and the like to measure how much worth an economy actually has, we just like to run the speculation train a bit to redistribute all the important stuff to people who aren‘t retards.

Nothing burger, literally and metaphorically.

Bases mountain jew.

Base Catholic shizo Reddit polack

Finally the slate is being wiped clean. Boomers btfo make way for everyone else.

I entered a short position on friday, but my broker won't update the value of my contracts until US cash open. I'm about to print money today lads.

crypto chad here, good let all this ponzi burn to the zero

Based Russia and Saudi Arabia said fuck it lets crash the global economy

Trading open again. Smart money in play!


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Adding to this if futures are already halted, then the first trade pause for live trading might trigger right after open, we're starting at ~-5% only 2% more until the first 15 minute trading pause. At 13% we get a second 15 minute time out, and at 20% they call the day. This could be a rough one with at least one automatic pause, and a good shot at the record for single day percentage loss(9%)

At least we can be sure he's probably a shitskin and not a jew.

I'm calling 23k dow!!!!! Make your bets, faggots.


>lucky ones that sold high

Nope, but I'm a NEET so it doesn't matter anyway.