*yawn* Germany’s economy is about to crash but the NEET payments are going to keep flowing right into my pockets...

*yawn* Germany’s economy is about to crash but the NEET payments are going to keep flowing right into my pockets. Love Mondays man. Enjoy slaving your ass off in your Coronavirus infested cubicle wagie.

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When your neetbux are worthless what do you do?

Imagine working a jew job in 2020.

absolutely based

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? Not an argument cuck. The moment the euro is worthless the entire continent is burning. Does apply to wagies as well.

Wagies are the pillars of society.


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That's my point. What will you do to survive when it's literally military apocalypse lock down

What has this to do with being a NEET? You think some retard office cuck is somehow better equipped to handle the apocalypse? Pffftt. I'm fine.

I have never, EVER, been comfier during an economic collapse. Feeling so cozy right now.

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Same and based

I want to flee to Germany and get benefits but I'm not a Muslim nigger :-(

What are neet payments and how do i get them

we are full

No idea how it works in 3rd world countries sorry. You can get food stamps and use ur card in the dollar store next to your trailer park and get free food I guess. I however just got money into my bank acc I can spend however the fuck I want. I could literally buy a humidor full of cigars rn and smoke them gently while I watch this country burn.

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What a beautiful morning today. A bit cold and grey outside but I feel really cozy at home with my premium chocolate drink. I wish a good day for every NEET.


Literally have to wage around coughing, sneezing, unhygienic Asians all day, erry day. Thanks boomers.

another monday another neet thread. Life is good

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Can you please teach me how to neet in germany? Do you just live off hearts fear or do you get something extra?

Based thread

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It’s called living off your parents. You ain’t getting food stamps unless your a nigger, have kids, or you have a certifiable illness from a doctor.

This guy is the majority in this country. Working a shit job just to scrape by. All while le boomer goes to the cafe and spends the money he gets from his 10 rental properties because a house was a years wages back then.


I got like 1.4k a month ALG1 for a year and saved almost all of it cause I just played vidya. Diverted the money away from my bank accounts to make it impossible to find. Now I'm getting Hartz IV bucks. Rent gets paid. Health insurance gets paid. I don't have any expenses except for electricity and internet. All I am doing is being comfy and shit posting.

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morning lads

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Neet leaf reporting. Found a qt 3.14 GF. She cooks me breakfast and buys me pizza. Sucks a mean cock too. Chad neet life is best life. Can't wait until quarantine happens and we just sit inside fucking and eating dem deenz.

wie umgehst du kürzungsandrohungen weil du dich nirgends bewirbst?

>Now I'm getting Hartz IV bucks
Doesn't this last for 12 months maximum?

What a bizarre pic
>those signs
>those gas prices

Lmao I get paid to live with my parents. It's just people whole dont live in major cities that get fucked in the U.S LMAOO. Thank god for liberal strongholds

Hab deswegen noch nie Androhungen bekommen. Die wollen nicht mal nen Beweis haben für Bewerbung. Die kürzen nur wenn man Monate Lang termine ignoriert. Meine Sachbearbeiterin ist ne senile boomerin die keine Ahnung hat vom Leben.

That was my plan aswell but i think my rent is to high to last a year, where/how do you live?

Also this

No Hartz IV lasts forever.

You act like a NEET is less equipped for a military apocalypse lock down than a wagie.

If anything, that is when the NEET thrives and the wagie falters.

People don't still wagie do they?

Lmao, Germany has more than twice the number of cases in the US.

Stay safe in your shit hole bro

Why do you get it? Aren't you supposed to find any job when on Hartz IV? Do you really just get infinite free money forever with no catch?

>tfw born 6 kilometres too far to the west to fall under german neet law

I live in NRW my rent is around 500€. I live alone. It's all paid for. I told them to transfer the money directly into my landlords bank account so I don't have to bother with that. What do you pay? It depends on where you live. If ur in Munich they probably pay 1000€ rent for people but I won't get that here.

I'm on neetbux too. Disablity. We got ut made right now. Like if they quarintine me it has no affect on shit. Long as the mailman keeps coming ill be fine. The mail isnt going to stop.

>Why do you get it?
Cause it's the law I guess. Everyone above the age of 25 can get it.
>Aren't you supposed to find any job when on Hartz IV?
Yes I guess but it's not like they are going to check if you do. And even if - you can always meme apply to any job with no intentions of ever working there so it's really easy to abuse.
>Do you really just get infinite free money forever with no catch?
Yes. The catch is not having a lot of disposable income.

Dann haste aber echt Schwein mit der Tussi, ich kenn da ganz andere.

Wtf als ich für 1 Jahr NEET war, hat mich das scheiß Arbeitsamt permanent terrorisiert und am Ende noch in eine Maßnahme gesteckt. Vielleicht lag es daran, dass ich davor ne Ausbildung gemacht habe?

I get section 8 housing voucher for a really nice 1 bedroom apartment. Only have to pay 30% of what it normally rents for. Disablity isnt all sunshine and rainbows but during times like these its about the best job security in the world.

>Yes I guess but it's not like they are going to check if you do
GOddamn. Here they do. Here they want to jew you out of every single cent you get. Even if you have no arms and have fatal schizophrenia and turbo autism they'll still argue you can work using your feet.

I guess living in a lefty SJW gibs shithole like germany isn't that bad after all.

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Hartz 4 can get cut to a certain extent (you will have to do nothing at all), but it can't go below a certain threshold. In fact the threshold has been put higher recently. In practice it's almost like a UBI.


Just do what they want. It's not like it's a lot of effort to fake apply on indeed for a meme job.
>Vielleicht lag es daran, dass ich davor ne Ausbildung gemacht habe?
I have a degree nigga. They don't piss me off cause they assume it's not my fault I don't have a job and that I'm a good boi.

Rich NEET here. I don't get any welfare but also don't wage. Waging is for golem. You guys are philosopher kings.

Take down your social support systems, Germany! Your inner nigger commands you to hatred!

I already bought supplies with my neetbux weeks ago.
Lmao fuck society, since the day I was born I was always on my own.

Its like that in the US too. Its pretty hard. They expect you to just die why your disablity claim drags on for years. I won on appeal. To get to where you win your case ti get the monthy money and the housing voucher was about 6 years for me.

I'm about to get my degree in a few weeks. Any tips for NEETmaxxing after college? I don't want to finance all those foreign parasites with my work so I'd rather become one myself.

I get payed 17 an hour just to live with my parents. I also have a job where I work 4 days a month and get $800

Just stay in school. You can go to school and collect neetbux. You can do anything long as not earning money it doesnt matter.

So you're just a parasite.

>Any tips for NEETmaxxing after college?
Smartest thing you can do is get a job first for like a year or two. Settle somewhere in a comfy apartment - buy all the stuff you need to be really comfy. Then you are set and can NEET whenever you want freely with no absolute no existential fear cause your standard of living will be the same with or without work. If you have all of those things already you can just go and NEET right from the start but I don't want to recommend it - you might have to cause u won't find a job in this trash economy tho.

You're not a neet then. That isnt what a neet is. We dont work. We do what we want and either live off trusts or welfare. Savings dont count either cause you worked for savings.

This is real neet hours. You have to leave.

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Yeah, but it's going to be boomers who eat shit from this virus. So that's a plus.


I know what a neet is, I'm not claiming to be one it's just boring becauseits early in the morning

I used foodstamps to buy about 4 months worth of food to get by on. I dont eat that much and just had em. They roll over.

>economy is about to crash but the NEET payments are going to keep flowing
Why would they keep paying your neetbux? Why should they?

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They cant stop our neetbux even in a goverment shutdown. It would take the whole everything full lawless collapse to stop the neetbux. Like a bunch of amputeed and disabled veterans, kids and citizens just dying in the streets isnt what a goverment will do all willy nilly just cause muh stonks went down.