>tfw I have listened to some many white women hate threads I can no longer find women of my own race attractive
Every time I see a white girl I immediately think "what a whore, must be a bitch, must have been sucking Abdul and Tyrone off in a public toilet, bet she ruined her womb with the pill, she should just be killed"
How do I fix myself?
Tfw I have listened to some many white women hate threads I can no longer find women of my own race attractive
pol is never wrong
Just keep hating wh*te Wom*n Bro, it's normal.
I have seen so many white woman hate threads that I started to hate white guys when I read the comments.
They're made by D&C shills. They want you to have non-white kids.
>How do I fix myself?
Whats there to fix? White women are evil.
i feel the same but its completely understandable since hungarian femoids are an unfortunate combination of eastern european materialistic money sucking and western degeneracy and entitlement
As a white person i can say that all white women are whores
Bleach me Yas Forums
Get off Yas Forums and go talk to some girls, bro.
Or no kids at all. "Don't improve yourself. Don't build a family. Just spend money on video games, fast food, and material trappings. You're better than women and children. They're all leeches. Love yourself only. Then die a genetic dead end."
>implying there is anything to be fixed
This is how it's meant to be. If your IQ is over 90 you are going to have this negative view of women. Keep in mind it's not just white women, it's every woman of every race.
This is a kiked thread.
Look, just tell your woman to do sometimes and tell her you will vote for her. Pick the restaurant. Fuck her with an edge to it. This isn't hard you retards.
Don't talk about starting a family unless you are in a happy marriage with a beautiful white woman that hadn't cheated on you and is not your sister, mutt.
LOL why are white women so jealous of asian women?
what the fuck are you talking about
Aww, Hungarian boy is angwy. You mad you don't have enough cash to buy a Berkin for Angyalka down the street so she'll have your baby?
women are soulless niggers.
race is irrelevant.
Oh gpd now I hate them more
Yo what the fuck
Didn't read the rest really
Read the pinkpillfeminism subreddit then you hate men too or understand that it's just a collection of bad examples.
talking to them helps confirm OPs point.
and OP is never supposed to be right
Yeah, that's usually what happens.
That's not a bad idea.
Because they are animal torturing psychopaths who produce hapas with microdicks and spread corona across the globe.
Whoever edited this is retarded, she was already white.
>he fell for the one of the oldest Jewish tricks
My condolences, brainlet :(
>brown eyes
>swarthy skin
>dark eyes
>dark hair
>How do I fix myself
If you mean how do I roll over and just accept sluts for what they are I say, be them.
Be a slut. Incels are retarded however there is a different path and that's mgtow or previously known as confirmed batchelor. Fuck women but travel to do it. Neighbouring towns, expensive escort girls or girls abroad. Hump then dump. You get your fix without getting tethered to a tart and kid. Use your money on you. Travel, get the car you always wanted - big ass gas guzzler. You don't have to worry about the environment because you're not saving it for the next generation because you haven't made one. Don't worry about ancestry and the "hard work" put in by previous generations keeping the bloodline or genes going. We live in a post Darwin society. Your kid, if you are stupid enough to have one, will be held back because of nigger and female quotas in the work place.
Don't make wage cucks and child rape victims. You will find great splice knowing you are actively contributing to the death of the welfare state, the thing niggers rely on and flood our shores for.
>They're made by D&C shills. They want you to have non-white kids.
So why would the conniving elite need to go to a board filled with literal incels to convince them not to have kids
only in america
Op is made of straw.
You heard me, you rat-faced yid.
if she isn't a virgin, she is all that. don't pay full price for what chad got for free
Why do you want to fix yourself when there's nothing wrong with you? What you see is reality, be strong and accept it. Start dating non-white women(don't have to reproduce with them) on a mass scale, and coal burning thots will start craving for white cock again.
>Every time I see a white girl I immediately think "what a whore, must be a bitch, must have been sucking Abdul and Tyrone off in a public toilet, bet she ruined her womb with the pill, she should just be killed"
Same bruh.. maybe the Jews are sowing discontent between the TWO (2) genders
Asians are fun
Get to know her and ask her if she has been with a non white. If shes paid the toll then say fuck no
I don't talk to women at all. Isolated myself during adolescence and don't know how to relate to most people now.
>How do I fix myself?
You could start by not being a jew/nigger/leftist
>Every time I see a white girl I immediately think "what a whore, must be a bitch, must have been sucking Abdul and Tyrone off in a public toilet, bet she ruined her womb with the pill, she should just be killed"
Sounds like you've swallowed the Jew propaganda totally.
But white women behaving like whores and beta males enabling them is not Jew propaganda, right?
I'm the opposite. I got involved with Asians and it's killing my soul. I want to get out of this trap.
Or Italy, or Spain, or Greece, or Macedonia. Divide and conquer and weaken the European since of self, right?
She was cuter before.
who says you have to fix yourself
Yes, whores with no lips or ass.
You got hit by demoralization
less than 5% burn coal
Be a man and fuck women anyways? specially if shes dating a nigger, his manlet ass deserve to be cucked.
You're a product of the society that created you, when you in turn bring down society it's fair play. Even if you fix yourself it will never be enough in a broken society.
I did and i'm nobody special, what's your excuse?
I'll admit I had my share of shitty, shitty girls before I met a decent one but it doesn't mean they're entirely non-existant.
white women fuck dogs
>just eat these 9 poisoned apples mate, the 10th one will be good FOR SURE
Whiter than you, jewnigger.
Goddess. I want tit fuck. Women r objects. Must enforce enslave property of man.
The other 9 didn't kill me memflaggot. What are you gay? Harden up fag.
>How do I fix myself?
get to know some actual women irl
Made for BBC
You're just an incel. You fix it by having sex, seriously. Start working on yourself now, both physically and status-wise, and maybe in 5-10 years you'll be desirable.
I haven't been single for 3 years and it hasn't been the same girl. I think of women as such amazing creatures to have in one's life. They're highly caring people that would give you the shirt off of their own back, make you food if you're hungry, rub your feet if they hurt, etc. The same can't be said of most of my male friends who aren't so selfless. I used to be an incel who thought they were these selfish despicable creatures but I now know I was wrong, it's us. You hate them because you're selfish and aren't being given attention, or aren't socializing with them even if you are liked which is an entirely different issue. You need to actually talk to fucking women, be around them, for relationships to happen. Once you figure them out and they're in your life you're going to fucking love them, ite5 like they're our other half. You have to find the based ones though, and based people in general are rare these days but still out there.
Your problem actually seems to stem from the fact that you think you're White, which you are not.
The most evil words ever spoken