I love how when International cuntoid day rolls around women assume its a free pass to show their true colours.
Pic related. Why haven't we systematically gone around and put women in camps?
I love how when International cuntoid day rolls around women assume its a free pass to show their true colours.
Pic related. Why haven't we systematically gone around and put women in camps?
Women are the ultimate shitposters and you have to learn not to fall for their bait. If you want to hurt them, ignore them, and yes this means not getting outraged over literal who cunt tweets from half a world away. The farce can't last forever, and it will all fall in the end, so ultimately they have everything to lose.
What’s hilarious is that for all women, when the chips are down, their bodies are currency. When a society collapses, their bodies become currency.
They fear the rapid progress of artficial wombs and sex robots. Soon they won't be needed anymore.
>Women are the ultimate shitposters and you have to learn not to fall for their bait.
Its not bait chinko. They actually think this way.
That's a dude, user. Sage this shit.
Ironic considering the stock market crash today.
Men are the deciding factor pertaining to the sex of children. Women are universal XX donors, men provide the other XX to CREATE women.
>they used to laugh at our waifus
>they are not laughing anymore
Holy fuck, just give 5 mins I'll troll through the other 50k replies and find one that meets Yas Forumss strict 'legit' policy.
Ffs. There are left wing degenerates and females out there calling us out. No one should be standing for this. These women deserve rape.
She is very fuckable. Imagine if every man on earth opposes a woman's opinion, her plead for income. Ultimately, she'd sell her body for a chance of income.
This. Literally just mass ignore their ENDLESS PLEAS FOR ATTENTION
The ones who tweet this shit aloud are attention seekers. They can think that way all they like, it's not going to do them any good. I don't see the point in risking my sanity scrounging websites I don't even use to find stuff to get mad at. There's plenty of those in real life to begin with.
And? When have you ever saw women to successfully organize in anything? Do you really expect to see female death squads going around, killing guys?
In the first 10 minutes they would start shooting on each other, one would say to the other she has a shitty hair or ugly nail polish.
#killallmen is a giant shit test the society failed.
Kill them.
With fire.
Like the witches they are, pure fucking evil.
Evil MUST be killed.
Since we no longer have any justice in the west, justice becomes who justice does.
In the end, it's a man that determines if a woman is a whore or not. MAN the FUCK up people. Date and/or marry someone who isn't a complete whore, and stop fucking them with money, stop paying and giving money to a whore.
I'm in a 7 year relationship with my chick and we have had a net balance on either of us when it comes to buying things for each other, paying for outings, eating out, etc. We constantly pay for each other every other outing. The most I've ever paid on my gf is maybe 80 dollars for a series of x-mas gifts. She's spent 78 for a soda machine (which I use regularly) for a single gift. I've repaid that in alcohol she's asked me to get her on weekends. Balance what you spend on your women, with what she spends on you.
>he actually cares about what women think
>Caring about anything holes have to say. Ever.
You're not going to make it, user.
Unfortunately, women like that are limited in quantity and they themselves will want the best they can get, so for the rest of us, we have to live in this shit society without a partner. It's a numbers game friend. You made it, I didn't.
>kill them
no they still have use as breeding stock
Attention whores seeking attention who.would've thunkith
This is what we call a shit test and a female power fantasy. The best way to respond is either with a good beating, rape or by just ignoring them.
This why women shouldnt have rights. What a disgrace.
Ignoring them is the final redpill becuase if you beat them or rape them you are giving them your attention adn energy. And this gives the woman hope that she was chosen to be raped or that she can make you waste your energy on her. She yet once again thinks she is in controll. The endgame is to ignore her.
its simps not women who are the real issues. Real men wouldnt give a shit when a chick is acting up for attention...but a simp would go out his way to give them money and time mean he isnt getting absolutely nothing out of it.
Destroy Simps and you destroy feminism
Just checked, no it isn't.
>Ignore it
This is why and how feminism exists. Womens behavior needs to be checked. If you dont smack a child it will assume its behavior isnt bad.
Your Homo-Supremacy is showing.
>simp in a relationship
>in the west
either you found one when you both were teenagers, in which case you are totally clueless
or, more likely, you are settling huge time for a woman that is ugly or nonwhite.
in any case, your opinion isn't worth anything. There are no happy relationships in the West anymore. tinder and feminism have ruined everything. It's all the womens fault and foids have be ruled with an iron fist.
Do it in the beginning though man. First date is obligatory. I paid for the first meal. I was in the Army, so my 2nd date was me asking for her to pay for my lunch when I got back. I lied of course, (told her the gooberment withheld paid), she gladly paid, we went from there. Even though she earned way less than I did, she never gave up on me, so in turn I repaid the favor. I am a deep believer in equality between men in women when it comes to income. I believe that before women can make the same as men in today's age. However, when it comes to home protection, I take the lead, because she can't even cock the handle back on my AR... She even knows this, I've gone as far as a taurus spectrum, she still needs help.
>she has to pay for what se uses
No, it's your duty to provide for her IF she does her duty to bear your children. How is she supposed to provide for herself when she is pregnant? This is the whole pont of gender norms.
again its the simps...
attention whores act like attention whores because there are simps who will shower them with money while being absolute bitches instead of just ignoring them and letting nature correct itself.
Whats that insta whores name devline?
1000 years ago any chick acting like that would have been raped repeatedly or less worse beaten within an inch of her life for 1/10th of what she is currently doing.
This guy gets it. Simps are the problem, they "empower" and "embolden" women. They'd have cleaned up their acts long ago if not for the support of their simps. We should be shaming simps for being the gutless beta faggots they are.
It does not matter what they say
army wives are usually ugly af. Also, navy seals have a 90% divorce rate. If the wife isn't totally ugly, it must be 100%.
Good luck with that!
dude im here in jamaica for work. Dear God, now i know why people hide behind meme flags. Its so they dont have to put up with low IQ posters.
No, I was 20 and in the military at the time.
>ugly or none white
No, what? wtf is this meme? Do you have to date a non-white to be in a decent relationship today? Is this the current meme? I'm 27 and have been fine so far. I've even had a period of time where I believed that my gf was cheating on me, was so paranoid I actually hired and PI and asked a good friend of mine to follow up on her. Never felt so fucking horrible in my life. Felt like a complete shithead.
>there are no happy relationships in the west
Maybe not your piece of shit paki infested island. Least niggers and spics date their own here, mostly.
My gf isn't, nor has ever been pregnant.
She wasn't an army wife. I was in the Army, she was dating me. That was a very short period of time during our dating life, maybe several months. I haven't been in the Army for almost 6 years, we are still together. Luck won that one I guess.
they don't even know what they want.
that's how it works. There is a reason it's a lot easiert to get in a relationship with latinas or asians than northern european women.
yes, white women are more fucked up with feminism, but there is also the hypergamy aspect.
Also, 20 is practically teens so you should STFU.
Well, our politicians didn't ignore it and that is the problem. They responded to their shit test in the 20th century by giving them free shit and the vote. Since the dawn of time, men have mostly ignored their nagging and it has worked.
Rape/beatings should be used when you either failed to ignore them or they have gotten too comfortable and refuse to be rational. This should have happened in most western countries fifty years ago.
Then they wonder why we laugh when a bunch of niggers stick them like pigs.
Good, let everyone see how insane these retards are. Remember that 80% of all tweets/posts are made by a vocal 10-15% who are outnumbered by silent, dumb, but otherwise normal people who probably think that anyone with that hash is an unstable fucking moron.
Also it provides bitches not worth spending time or money on another avenue of self-identification; anyone you meet just search for that hash in their post history and you'll immediately know they're mental and to avoid them like radioactive asbestos.
>how to destroy white population in one easy step
Thanks Moshe for the help
My gf is white though.
>20 is practically teen
wtf are you getting at here? My gf and I started dating at 20. We are still strong, as much as I had investigated in the past with good friends and.. regretfully a PI, nothing has happened between us. I'm 27 about to turn 28, she just turned 27 last month. Yes, we dated since "teens," according to your dumbass opinion, we're almost 30 and fine.
Why you mad? You got a little dick? It’s just words. Nobody actually trying to kill you and even if they were does this bitch scare you?
wagwan me bredda
So fucking what? No amount of sadposting is gonna gonna soak up how badly your pussy is bleeding right now.
>My gf isn't, nor has ever been pregnant.
But will she?
are those lupus scars?
We've had 2 pregnancy scares lately, she's been kinda lazy with her pills. She hasn't taken anybody but her "sugar," pills few a days ago, we had sex last night twice, so no idea what to expect in the coming days. Has missed her period for the last week and a half. I've been kinda anxious but been in denial.
women are just edgy, just because they say something doesn't mean they mean it, they love provoking
>tfw have trad gf but she refuses to use ANY kind of birth control
its stressful bros
>Foreveralone Incel, the post.
Show flag kike
it's amzing that this doesn't wake more people up
imagine a kill all women hash tag yeah we all know how that'd turn out
now for another report on the domestic violence "epidemic"
This is the definitive anti-kike position. You the kike, kike.
Thi.snowflakes faggots
And? Let them become bitter cat ladies, no loss for the world.
if it was ok to say the same thing about women then fine. ignoring the bigger picture of the state of society doesn't fix it it makes things worse
Autists falling for shitty bait from instagram girls? Hmm...
Apparently it does. A minority if women is a minority too many.
>Do you really expect to see female death squads going around, killing guys?
No, they don't need to do that. They will have other men (e.g. police) do that for them. They will just control the government, they already do.