Northern Europe vs Southern Europe

Which is the best?

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Northern Europe, bland, no history.

Well Northern Europe is more wealthy and developed but Southern Europe has a more well know history and culture.

North Euros are cuckish while South Euros are a mixed bag between cuckish to chad.

Overall Southern Europe is better than Northern Europe.

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If we take the not shitskin of the country, Northern europeans are far more decent as individuals and as a community. Cucked? Definetly.

South is probably better now compared to sweden, and is waking up. But my fellow pastaniggers do act like monkeys if they have to be decent citizens with each other

Italy is pretty much right on this.

North commits suicide because there is no sun

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>Not including britain
How convinient for you. Pretty sure switzerland has scandinavian blood like germany anyway.

Take the third option.

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pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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look who's talking

Best for what? Catching Corona-chan?

I'd bang slag #2

south by far

Show your flag first.

spot the piddino

you have never visited Scandinavia, more cucked people in all the globe.
You probably remained all your life in Italy to say so you esterophile cuck.

Northern Europe. I like the people.


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Northern Europe

The only reason to go north is to see the aurora borealis.

South has good food, nice weather and niggers. North has a working economy, beautiful nature and niggers.

Neither is the best.

Both are shit, Australia's better

All i know is that Terronis fucking act like niggers when they are told to stop their retarded shit during one of the worst epidemics in history. I hope you fuckers die in droves. The Economy might start working again and general IQ might reach triple digits

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At this point Australia is just a designated gook zone

the south is more individualistic therefore more disorganized. the north is more nationalistic, more chinese-esque, therefore more civic.
but individualism comes with some fundamental merits, which are more imprevedibility, more originality, more joye de vivre.
i somewhat agree with , old britain and france (1500-1815), that is celts, were a successful blend between the north and the south.

why is belgium so high? didn't expect it.

This thread is stupid. A Northern European should prefer the North and a Southern European should prefer the south. Discussing and arguing about it is stupid.

south are more easy to banter with

north is more nationalistic?

Ok half breed.

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>the south is more individualistic
Oh, really?

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I get what you're trying to say, but you're using the wrong terms. Southerners are more unruly and independent, not more individualistic. Not really the same thing.

by far. more nationalistic, more tribalistic, more racist, more patriotic, more loyal, more economically homogeneous, less corrupt, more serious about their nations' destinies, more europeistic, more respectiful of the laws, more efficient, more territorialistic.
the fundamental spirit of the north lies within the blut und boden philosophy.

protestant capitalism/individualism at it again.
The south is more nationalist, less treacherous.
The catholic faith preaches distibutism,
The data on northern italy impresses me though.

This is us. Also north is complete waste land, do not come here.
Fuck you all, we are full.

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imagine trusting eupedia.

sorry meant for

Couldn't tell honestly.
Lived in Oslo for 4 years. Georgeous women but with shallow morals. Amicable people but that doesn't really want to have strong friendship bonds outside their families. Good living standards but the best things in life are expensive as fuck.

Meh 6/10. Wouldn't settle if there there are other options available.

But of course Spain is a communist shithole at the moment

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Neither and both, it's all Europe you divide and conquer kike, just like your last 4 threads. Go headbutt a moving train and save everyone here your dickless hebraic stupidity.

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South. Been with my gf to Italy before (She is Italian) and it's better except for the economy. Also Italians seemingly work less idk. They definitely are infinitely more based towards niggers. Unfortunately their boomer men have an affection for Negresses. Don't know what's up with that. The only country where I have been where White men chase Negresses.

Any hope for Spain?

This also. It's different but seemingly the Italian culture is harder to Jew than others.

being unruly and independent is a consequence of individualism. northern states are high trust communities, the south really isn't

Thanks yes we are

Our only hope is this kike, so no

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It's a bit too cold up there for me. I would like Scandinavia during the Summer, but fuck spending the Winter there. My vote has to be for the Mediterranean coast.

Don't take this bait fellow European brothers, we can't get divided more than we already are. 14

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Northern Europe:


- more organized
- more job opportunities, better pay
- nature is more beautiful
- women are hotter (I dunno, blonde > brunette in my book), they're better lays


- boring culture, boring people
- food is pretty bad, all tasty food is foreign
- I like the cold, but the long ass winters get old quick
- women are very cold as girlfriends

Southern Europe:


- cheerful people, love to party
- food is amazing
- laidback culture when it comes to work, usually secondary in people's lives
- girls are sweet and loving
- people are open about their lives and it's not difficult to form deep friendships with people


- high unemployment for developed countries, pay is not that good, money doesn't go as far
- getting employees to do shit you need can be frustrating sometimes because you notice they just don't care
- bullfighting is pretty gruesome and cruel, but in Spain at least, most people defend it to the death
- girls less likely to want to just want sex, and are looking for a boyfriend
- heat in the summer can be brutal

t. Burger that lived in Spain

I heard the traffic in big cities and especially Rome is nightmarish.

The slav master race

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What must happen for Vox to win and get into the government? When are the next elections?

> women are hotter (I dunno, blonde > brunette in my book), they're better lays


It was, but not anymore and never again.

Don't be black pilled user.

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Fuck this place. I'm only here because my grandparents fled fire bombing and mass rape by Americans and French colonial troops.

>nature is more beautiful
if you want a depressive snow covered wasteland

Yes you fucker. The south has collectivism only as a form of personal gain. They have no civic sense and will gladly kill each other for gain. Terronis have even stolen from their own fucking art.

Their only chances are that the current coalition government implodes (probably because of disagreements about Catalonia) or, just maybe, that the commie faction of said government keeps pushing its degenerate feminist agenda so hard that people gets tired of it by 2023, next election year

>When are the next elections?
it depends, now there is a coalition goverment with psoe, socialist and podemos, commies, with the support of baque anc catalan separatists, if they get full support of the separatist they could pass the budgets of the state and thet will be at least 3 of the 4 years in power, so mabey in 3 years.
And for vox to win, is just a matter of time, he is taking vote from the psoe away, and the catalan question will make the left lose even more

I do actually.

So when can we expect things to become interesting and move?

Move to Montana/Idaho?

>Britain, Denmark, Baltics
>Not Northern Europe


Put us in the Northeast please.

You are Norfwest

the central goverment is now in corversation with catalan separatists, while the leader of these is disabled by the supreme court, when they finish this conversation, that probably will end with more money and their own catalan justice, maybe then we could capitalize on the poorest zones that vote psoe.

Its nightmarish because people here don't give a shit about each other. Breaking traffic rules is the norm. Traffic lights are more of a suggestion. If you "cheat" the system, terronis will make you king out of resoect. They are dumb nigger cattle that can only cheat others to accomplish anything. They fucked my country up. They are waking up to their shittiness slowly, especially when actual niggers are doing the same shit as them but worse

South no doubt, it's just more beautiful for climate nature and food, there is no comparison even