Reminder that a socialist state would be much better equipt to deal with the coronavirus and that under the current system you're going to have to pay thousands to pay for a test, be unable to call off work, and probably die.
Reminder that a socialist state would be much better equipt to deal with the coronavirus and that under the current...
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China handled the hell out of corona amirite ?
American system, you die
Socialist system, you die, but with sprinkles.
Việt Nam did.
Communism is better to deal with wars/catastrophes, as soon as those are over communism is utter shit.
>Be me
>Born in 1st world country, South Korea
>Am very ill, have all symptoms of covid-19
>Free testing, because its free
>Government pays me for my time off work
>Stay home isolated playing vidya all day and shitposting
>Be you
>Born in third world country, The United States of America
>Get very ill, have all symptoms of covid-19
>Can't get tested because it would cost you $3000.
>Can't take time off of work because no workers rights and will get fired.
>Spreading coronavirus to everyone around me because I literally have no other choice.
I need some charlie Kirk memes. Post em if you got em
I’m right wing, and even I think Charlie Kirk is a massive fag.
during communism times in bulgaria, half the "public toilets" were dirty as fuck even though they were all paid. you had to pay like 20 cents, and half the grannies working there still didnt give a shit to clean.
communism NEVER works.
close your mouth before i close it for you zoomer american.
if you think that the dumb communists can handle corona virus you are retarded
China is socialist in nothing but name. Not even modern leftists would defend the china of today.
fuggin based
so true, user
>communism NEVER works
this argument has always perplexed me. Capitalist revolutions took years to take effect and there were more failed capitalist revolutions than communist ones. Also communism is an incredibly young ideology, and by definition its an ever evolving ideology. To say "it doesn't work" is just false because we actually don't know whether or not it works. What we do know is that revolutions are possible, and that so far nobody has implemented marx's original ideas.
>during communism times in bulgaria, half the "public toilets" were dirty as fuck
They still are. I was in sofia last year.
so it only kills the poor?
Communism is less an ideology and more of a puzzlebox, communism being the utopian end result that basically everyone wants and socialism being the road to getting there. The issue is that because of how under developed socialism is, we're yet to see a form of socialism capable of taking us to communism put into action. But with the 1st world nearing full automation and post scarcity and with the information revolution being a thing, another revolution is absolutely going to happen, especially as imperialism eats itself. Its pretty much inevitable because the inherent contradictions of capitalism demand resolution, just as the contradictions of feudalism needed capitalism. Societal evolution has always been a trend in history and socialism is quite literally the next step, its just a matter of figuring out how to make it work.
I know how this works because I already live it.
>get back to work white man, you have millions of people to pay for
>nobody has implemented marx's original ideas.
That's because Marx had no actual economic framework and his only vague idea of 'simple commodity production' can only work with a centrally planned economy, which became obsolete in the 60s.
Unless you want to revert to cottage industry style production and wind back progress a few hundred years.
your ideas are vague and stupid, like Marx's.
>>Can't get tested because it would cost you $3000
I keep seeing this lie repeated here. Is facebook your news source?
I think you can get in trouble for saying that still, it's a slur
its true leaf, we all dont have fagg*t Trudeau at the wheel , you cucked species.
Communism is an ever-evolving thing, Marx had vague ideas yes but that was because he recognized the need for evolution of the socialist doctrine, which has happened like twice in the last 100 years alone (marxism becoming marxism-lenninism and then marxist lenninist maoism) and honestly with the information revolution those ideas will only grow. Its important to remember the fact that under capitalism, people do in fact suffer and the means of production are woned by a slim minority of rich elites. the idea that those means of production should be owned by the masses of the working class (ie you, because you don't strike me as a billionare) and that people should also not starve to death, is just an inevitable fact that is going to happen eventually, because we as a species seek to better our social systems. Its just a matter of how we get there.
LOL. China has the authoritarian aspect of communism - which is the attribute that could prevent an epidemic- locked down. Yet, they still fucked up to an extraordinary degree.
Communists always lie.
It's that simple.
I would love to club you in your fuckjn stupid head. You idiot.
Communism doesn’t work.
Never has.
Never will.
Communism is not authoritarian, failed attempts at achieving communism (ie socialism) has lead to authoritarian states. Socialism is not authoritarian, its the opposite. It is the idea that instead of the upper classes owning the means of production, those means are owned by the majority working class. It goes without saying that this hasn't happened yet but like, these ideas have only been around for about 2oo years and they've only been active for half that time, whereas capitalism is ancient and has had time to mature, to fail and fail and fail and then finally become a thing. This is because capitalism is an improved form of feudalism, and socialism is an improved form of capitalism. Again, capitalism getting better and changing is just inevitable.
To be fair, they are also ground zero.
But no, which is probably why liblefts are shitting on it for it.
Nothing fucking works.
Nice argument.
"Heh, these first few attempts at making capitalism work have failed, therefore capitalism doesn't work. It never has and it never will"
this is how stupid you sound
>its important to remember the fact that under capitalism, people do in fact suffer and the means of production are woned by a slim minority of rich elites
Wait, so in "capitalism", the means of production are completely centralized among a slim minority of elites; something you might call a governing body? And because of this, the system has a propensity toward corruption which leads to mass suffering? It's hilarious how fucking stupid you commie retards are. Every single one of you.
One of the most important reasons that they failed, which has nothing to do with ideology or politics, and was discussed in great detail by Vladimir Lenin in What Is To Be Done?, is that with any new idea or movement, especially one acheived through such a massive event as a revolution, and changing society in such a radical way as to restructure its mode of production, there will always be mistakes, and many of those mistakes will lead to failure. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the ideology itself, it's just something that happens with new ideas.
Capitalism has established itself as the dominant economic order of the world, but it, too, was at one point a new idea. And surely it, too, had many failures before it was successful in establishing itself. What I'm asking for is examples of this; instances where bourgeois revolutions against feudalism, in an attempt to establish capitalism, resulted in failure. This isn't just so I can throw this in the face of liberals and say "Haha, you failed too!" This is so I can say that any ideology, even one successful enough to become globally applied, can be a failure at first, and so failures of the past, while important to learn from, are not necessarily determinants of the future.
this is ignoring big obvious failed capitalist revolutions like france.
Socialism and communism is unnatural. It is in direct conflict with human nature, which is why capitalism is ancient and successful. Have you ever met people? They are competitive, they are selfish, they are opportunistic. In a situation where someone can produce something better than others, they will amass wealth as they expand. In a socialist/communist society these people can not exist, and will therefore be genocided because they're destroying the stupid idealised utopia that can not exist. That is undoubtedly authoritarian. It's also exactly what happened every time your stupid ideology was attempted.
the goal of communism is to avoid this though, it hasn't in the past but again,the ideology is so young and undercooked, and obviously it'll fuck up more than a few times. The same thing happened with feudalism and eventually with capitalism. The thing that shocks me is that people think that capitalism will never improve, that society doesn't get better with time and that imperialism won't just wind up eating itself.
Bruh, nobody even knows what communism is supossed to be. I get it, capitalism sucks but it almost like it sucks for the same reason communism does. Obsession with materialism and denial of a human nature won't even build a successful society
This is exactly true. Communism is wholey theoretical and never works in practice because every assumption is based on a false premise. It's the lowest IQ ideology that's ever existed, which is why its the basis for virtually every cult that's ever been formed
Nature is what we as humans were put on this earth to overcome. There was a time where democracy and individualism were seen as unnatural and impossible, yet here we are.
> In a socialist/communist society these people can not exist
this is just false. In a socialist country the eletes still exist, they're just under the control of the lower class. In a communist country they don't HAVE to exist, which is the entire point. Read books dude.
>benefit from US tax dollars going to military rather than universal healthcare
>US cuts down on military spending
>US presence cut down in East Asia
>North Korea invades and conquers
>user ends up living in shithole
> Nobody even knows what communism is supposed to be
thats the point.
You want to talk human nature? How about evolution? Marxism is a science, and like all sciences it needs to be constantly updated. Like I said, its more of a puzzlebox of evolution than a single ideology. Communism, aka the ideal society by literally everyone's basis (unless they either don't understand what it is or are members of the upper class) is the goal, leftism is an attempt to make that happen.
This literally just translates to "marxism is dumb because humanity will never improve because improvement is impossible."
like you see how stupid that sounds right?
Marxism, in essence, is just the idea that society gets better. That over time, we solve the issues in our current system and create a new one. The issues with capitalism are the redistrobution of wealth. The only logical next step is to solve these and that is what socialism is.
maybe it sounds stupid to you because you're too fucking dense to understand it. humans are inherently flawed, there is no such thing as pure enlightenment and a subsequent utopian society. suggesting otherwise would indicate you're a sheltered child with very little real world experience. corruption is part of the human condition and exists at all levels of society as well as in nature. someone will always be waiting behind another, prepared to seize the throne
Charlie is a kike prostitute. There is no defense of ignorance for his kind. Impale a stake up his ass and let gravity finish him off. Id piss on his burning corpse just to set it on fire again
Lets say you're right, is your solution to just, do nothing about it? To not improve or evolve because its hopeless?
inb4 "we do need to improve but not with socialism"
Improvements are made based on the issues of a system. The issues in capitalism are that there is an underclass, that capitalism undercuts democracy, and that wealth doesn't move. To fix these issues, is the definition of socialism.
Marxism denies the most important part of the improvment of humanity, the human one. Marxism denies the real life implications of evolution.
Main problem with capitalism is the capitalist class, the ruthless cosmopolitan hyenas. Now, can you take a wild guess of genetic make up of this class? Everything else is a downstream. Consumerism. Degeneracy. Disgenics. Hedonism. Capitalism is just a best tool of control, not the goal in itself for them.
The problem isn't the system, it's the fact that the people are legitimately retarded. Any system they try to build is just going to come out stupid.
Communism is a Jewish attempt to enslave the masses.
solution to what, suffering? are you that fucking retarded? grow the fuck up and start taking care of yourself instead of trying to fix other people's problems that nobody is asking you to fix. you want to allieviate suffering? go spend every hour of every day feeding homeless people instead. do something that matters instead of trying to fuck with everyone else
USA built your shit hole from scratch you chink fuck,you should kiss american feet, you uneducated 4'2 ugly animal.
Remove greed and ANY economic/political structure will succeed. Communism, socialism, capitalism, anarchy, doesn't fucking matter. Arguing which one will is a waste of Time and breath. Remove ego/selfishness and eventually people will take care of each other. Capitalism however is best as it allows those who wish to flourish to do so without lazy, impotent fucks to hold them back.
>Capitalism however is best as it allows those who wish to flourish to do so without lazy, impotent fucks to hold them back.
Imagine actually believing that, holy shit. Fren, start by looking up Federal Reserve. People who flourish under capitalism are people who haven't worked for a single day in their lives
> People who flourish under capitalism are people who haven't worked for a single day in their lives
>I have no argument and I must post wojaks
Sums ups nupol nicely
Isn't SK the second most infected country?
Capitalism worked perfectly fine in the usa until wilson, under the guise of Christmas holidays, passed the bill enacting the federal reserve.
>People who flourish under capitalism are people who haven't worked for a single day in their lives
100% bullshit youre shoveling
>solution to what, suffering? Stop trying to fix other people's problems that nobody is asking you to fix.
this is the single stupidest comment I have ever read. The entirety of human progress has been to alievate suffering. Thats the entire point of like, everything ever. Thats like saying "nobody WANTED you to invent penicillin, or the weekend, or child labor laws, ect.
>. you want to allieviate suffering? go spend every hour of every day feeding homeless people instead.
So, socialsm?
>do something that matters instead of trying to fuck with everyone else
Do you think you're ever going to be a member of the upper classes user? Why are you so pressed to ensure they remain in power?I mean, tell me if im ballparking it here, but im assuming you're a working clsss person. You realize that the entire idea is to make life better for you and stopping the people in power from fucking you over right?
I like how in their mind everyone waiting 4 months for their test and dying in the process is somehow more fair
This is mostly due to liberals desu. Liberalism is basically the idea that the working class can be pacified with free shit, whereas leftism is worker based.
Communism is feudalism by a different name