Redpill overdose

I took too many redpills. Communism,jews,the wooden doors,gas chambers,kalergi plan, culture destroying. I even had plans of shooting up a SJW news office. How can i stop this overdose? Or is it normal?

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It never ends.

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You've not even gotten started yet. This will hollow you out until you die in a sense, and then you'll stay there, in a timeless stupor. You'll get up, go out, and come back. You'll lose things you weren't cognizant of having in the first place. And then you'll just sit there, tied to something. Digging, as and however much you can. This will not work. You'll wallow. You'll wait, very aware of the time passed and how precious are the moments. Still, you'll be alone. Maybe then, you'll throw it and start masturbating, maybe steal something, maybe drop all opsec. That's round two, bitch.

Can i trust you user? Is it normal to plan those? Well i learned thr consoqueces. Its just gonna cause more problems. But i will protect my culture at all cost.

Ihave already gotten away from phase 2. Im stuck on phase 3. Im depressed as fuck.

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You haven't even begun but even that is too much to handle at first.
I suggest finding something else to occupy your time then come back to researching these subjects after giving it a rest.
Don't let the darkness consume you, but don't forget what lurks in it. (it's the jews)

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who cares
I work at a small family owned metal finishing company.
I spend 99% of my shift alone in the building shitposting and reading the bible.
This doesn't matter to me at all.

Then keep reading the news.
What would happen if you just walked out into traffic in your underwear, right now, having lit everything you earn in this realm on fire just before?

I am 10% phase 2, 60% phase 3, 30% Final stage

The coomer percentage has been dropping,

two years ago I was 50% zoomer 50% coomer.

I have hope for the future

Me: Zoomer 5%, coomer 44% doomer 30%, final stage 21%. The doomer phase is getting higher and its alarming.

You should focus on bettering yourself, aim to have a family.


I wish it was easy.

>have a family
What a stupid response.

I totally understand, but this site can be a huge downer. It can make you hate people and spiral into hopelessness. Take a break.

Dont you amerimutt have a school to shoot or a street?

Look no farther then this guy right here OP to validate my statement:

So you want me to swallow the bluepill.

Does the family raise itself? Because you'll be here, agitating for..something superficial.

We have all been in a massive learning phase. The redpills destroy your reality then you slowly rebuild it brick by brick. Everything you have learned is about to be put to use, user. The Great Reset is upon us.

>thinking your hope, and fear, is a way out

Find a nice boyfriend, he will look after you


you are turning into a violent jew user

Only answer is the black pill:
You can't change anything. Even if some temporary change is made, it will revert to the same retardation. Reality is a Kobayashi Maru. It is an unwinnable simulation meant to reveal your true character. The only winning move, is to not play. EG, kill yourself.

The world is going on without us. These red pills are brown pills.

>I even had plans of shooting up a SJW news office

Go away, Fed. This is a board of peace.

user. Do NOT do this. I repeat DO NOT. DO NOT.
Why? You will push the nationalist movement more in the underground. Police and the normies will hate us even more. It will damage our ideals.
Here's what you can do. Find a nationalist party in Finland. Join, get involved, find like-minded individuals to join. Grow your movement. Fight the cause and gain political power.
This is how you change the system. This is how you fight them. Ideologically. Politically.
I repeat, DO NOT DO IT, it will damage the movement.

Why haven't you done it?

yeah, but once you understand what is happening you can start to build new narratives rather than relying on the lies of the jew. the jew can only do his dirty work when nobody takes the time to verify if any of their theories make sense.

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That's a very inefficiet way to use that weapon. He's clearly not a real German. Probably some Amerilard reenactor saddo.

disinformation meant to stir up violent extremism so they can create a Honeypot to trap it. Yas Forums doesn't fall for this.

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Goddamned fucking optics cucks. It never fails. Just peacefully protest, like Ghandi, goyim.

You don't have to kill anyone to do something. Just color outside the lines. Start thinking of this shithole site as a book club, not a movement.

Focus on your desire to live forever, and consider the requirements of eternity. Be someone who threatens no other life and create an unthreatening world.

Ok Mohammed Al abkar jarjar binks .

Become Chad. Influence. Get the betas to want to become like you


Fucking faggot.

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It's entertainment for me.

Darkest before the dawn, user.
Once you're in the pits of despair, you can't help but realize that no one else around you cares. They're all simply going through the motions, perfectly content to let "the powers that be" handle it all, drifting in a blind naivete. You'll then have a choice. Do you succumb to your sadness, wallowing in self-hate and self-pity? or do you realize that, by virtue of your unique awareness and deep care for the world, you are the leader they're counting on?

That's the jump to the final stage. I wish you luck, user.

So your true character is to sit and watch while it all burns down? Or do you think you're a god?

100% redditfag

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>I even had plans of sh**ting up a SJW news office.


Jews love that shit. The worst thing you can do is violence.

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COOOOOOOMIN to this rn

>Tfw stuck in Doomer

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your mindset was changed by information user;not by violence. that same information can be passed down, and so can that mindset. figure out a way to meme your mindset, and watch the kikes kvetch. why do you think murdoch murdoch, or alex jones got banned from YT.

Bloomer stage is entirely unrealistic unless you're some useful idiot for neo NatSoc.

This. Family, Get fit, learn to garden, diy, blacksmith, fix cars, be useful etc

"I even had plans of shooting up a SJW news office."

Excellent point.

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Make the change in yourself first, hold yourself to high standards but not to the point that you hate yourself, you already know where to direct your hate. Look for like minded people, or people with potential to be, and have your own local group or tribe.
Lone wolf acts of violence aren't going to change shit, don't throw your life away, every man of European descent who knows what he should fight for is supremely valuable in these dark days.
You are not alone. Far from it. I know it sucks to see the pozz we live in these days but please don't throw your life away. Waking people up to what's most important has far more value than some lone wolf attack.

Make the change! Be molded by ideology, not your environment! Totally werks, bruv!

Holy shit, this thread is just infested with Feds.

>If you don't commit acts of violence that will lead to imprisonment and justify further police state controls, you're a pussy, user.

Just fuck off already.

Easy for you to say, memebrained nigger.

They've got to find some way to justify themselves being here. If they can't occasionally convince a random Finn to bomb a school, what fun is it?

I want to hear your point.
Everything is run by politics. All the decission are taken on a political level. You want to change something, you do it politically.
You want no LGBT rights?
>You have strong politicians to never give em
You want no immigrants?
>You pass laws so they don't enter the country
You get what I'm saying.
If the nationalist movement stays underground, they win. If we don't gain political power, they win.
Stop being fucking LARPers.

>be a good goy, resistance is futile, if you resist you're a fed
Okay heeb.

Glow harder memeflag

Why does the bloomer have such a faggy haircut?


Never sacrifice yourself. If you want to do something, then make sure that after this you remain alive, healthy and free. It is impossible to fight if all its members are dead or in prison.

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Get yourself an ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, this magazine, the chair and this thermos

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Do this

Stop being a fucking LARP about
>muh blacksun
>muh wotan
This won't work. Never will. You either change the laws of your country, in your favour, or you let them you.
For this the nationalist ideas need to be "tuned-down" so the normies can recive them better.
Of course it's better to LARP about the nazis with your friends on a 30 person demo every 6 months. To make some stickers and posters.



Yes, aim to fall in line and leave the counterrevolution up to someone else. Remember, children are an asset. More importantly, they draw welfare benefits. Just turn away from all of this youthful rebelliousness and suck the jew-nigger cock so your children will have it worse still. Brilliant.

As if I'm a NatSoc. You know jack shit, retard.