200IQ (that's correct) Christopher Langan's latest post on the Wuhan Coronavirus
200IQ (that's correct) Christopher Langan's latest post on the Wuhan Coronavirus
From the comments section. Both posted today.
From Feb 2nd
Source on his IQ?
Just google it friendo
196 IQ here and came to an IDENTICAL conclusion weeks ago. I have no advice. All was consistently ignored by everyone with lower IQs since 1995, and these conditions led to where things are now. I agree with Langan and am not at all optimistic for 2020 forward.
But then a generation devoted to selfies of its buttocks, and to genital self-mutilation, deserves this type of trajectory and stubbornly skews in that direction no matter what.
Leaving with the art and books for the Irish catacombs.
Holy based
>whenever a problem is caused by globalism it makes globalism look like a solution
brainlet. I know globalists will push for more globalism after this storm but I guarantee you they lose their heads for doing so. When the chips are down and people are hungry real life isnt nealiberalism. Globalists will likely be killed because of this and they best be getting to their bunkers.
Langan with more on the Wuhan Coronavirus a while back
Lol. I have only an IQ of 139 (seriously), and even I was able to reach the same conclusion weeks ago. The genetic markings are unmistakeable.
its a really overhyped disease, if you for example tracked a new strain of a known disease like influenza which crop up every year, the numbers would all look the same, the only difference with cornovirus is the fear campaign
Factor in the general population being unaware that globalism is likely involved
People love fear mongering
He provides all my theories and i dropped out of school in 5th grade.
115 heres. I’m calling bullshit on everyone... you guys saw the pajeet articles like the rest of us and made hastey generalizations about a field you never studied before February.
Please compare the r0 of influenza with the r0 of covid-19.
r0 of flu = 1.3
r0 of covid-19 = 6-8 (lowered to 3.5 once China started welding shut apartment complexes to prevent people from leaving)
incubation period of influenza = 1-4 days
incubation period of covid-19 = 14+ days
Do the math. Saying it's just like the flu is either intellectually dishonest or just downright ignorant
I took a look at the genome of a coronavirus sample and it is literally the flu. Genetically indistinct.
not this time. They will realize people who are not like them caused it faraway and it spread quickly because of global ties. They will distrust china and not want foreign anything - including goods. Nationalism is coming back and commies are going to feel the wrath
125 retard here. i knew it
Having left-wing progressives in America even come to realize the globalists even exist - good luck is all I will say.
Hey guys, I have a confirmed IQ of around 78 (two independent tests producing results of 76 and 80). I reached the EXACT conclusion as Langan. In these troublesome times, it is important to ask ourselves, who stands to gain? Could this have been a breakout from the Wuhan research facility? Or could it have been released by a US government agency in response to the escalating trade war (made to look like a breakout from the Wuhan research facility)? Who are the winners? Who are the losers?
I'm not saying he's wrong. He may or may not be. But high IQ people are predisposed to pattern recognition, even and especially when it is not warranted. Muh high IQ nigga thinks x is not a convincing argument. I have heard everything he has to say here and don't need his reassurance. Why would whoever intended this virus for release want to crash the markets? The result of such an action is so hard to predict that it seems absurd to posit it as the end of some grand scheme.
ITT: retards
for reference for the lazy: r0 = how many people will 1 infected person infect
sounds like he just reads pol and steals our theories
I was dropped on my head as an infant and I concur... Seriously though, his train of logic is sound. I'm gonna guess this bioweapon will mutate and by spring there will be cases worldwide and mass quarantines/ marshal law will be declared, no elections. A real SHTF situation...
Pol has a number of highly intelligent people, absolute normie IQ's, and retard tier. Don't forget this place is shilled to the max from all directions.
>claims to be 200 IQ
>post reads like something written by a HAPPOONER on Yas Forums
>implying pol doesn't have highly intelligent people
201 IQ reporting in. I actually worked with Langan to research this, I convinced him of what we're really dealing with.
One of the main problems of high IQ is that it backfires through Occam's axiom. They see overcomplicated patterns when none may exist
Like how Hillary's campaign was too smart to win
>source: 87 IQ greek
People should learn that analytical skills doesn’t equal critical thinking skills. This idiot is good at solving puzzles, that’s it. He’s not educated, he doesn’t have any knowledge of pathogens.
Source: 83 IQ mulatto American
64 IQ here. Didn't think about anything because I had all you guys doing all the thinking for me. I enjoyed life the past couple of weeks
When will Yas Forums learn that an IQ number is meaningless without indicating the scale? I believe 200 is beyond the maximum score of all reputable Cattell tests anyway. Culture Fair maxes out at 168.
For people who think you see past media bullshit you sure are a lot of gullible sheeple
It's okay to not be as smart as him
Did you manage to correctly poo in the loo today?
>left-wing progressives
They're going to be dead in two months, I'm not talking about them
Research Christopher Langan before posting
>Lol. I have only an IQ of 139 (seriously), and even I was able to reach the same conclusion weeks ago.
I thought about it a bit and I came to the conclusion my IQ is about 90; even I knew this shit was created in a laboratory solely from the fact that China has absolutely no safety standards and there was a Virus Lab in Wuhan. A brainlet like myself can envision some chink failing to decontaminate and spreading the virus.
Albert Einstein ladies and gentleman
They exist, but they are very rare.
205 QQ here. This man is a liar. I've been Mr. Langan's sole research partner for the greater part of a decade. He has not once mentioned working with a sub 202 IQ mental midget. And yes, these theories are just as much mine as they are Chris'.
Thanks for the bump
>The result of such an action is so hard to predict that it seems absurd to posit it as the end of some grand scheme
>absurd to posit
Yes, for a low IQ user such as yourself. Us smarter autists can clearly see and understand
Does he take an IQ test every year? When is the last time he took an IQ test? Which test does he take?
This guy smells like a fake.
Research Christopher Langan before posting
if you have a double digit iq aren't all your opinions subjective, and void in evidence? i mean even now your posts reeks of mental retardation
>no actual statement just whataboutisms
imagine being born in this world with a two digit iq holy shit are you part nigger?
Unfortunately, there is no IQ requirement to post here
Sent it straight to the ocean
IQ 50 here and peepee poopoo baby dirty
based langan
wish an user lowkey recorded his Patreon streams
I have an IQ of go fuck yourself and there's no fucking way this shit was made in a lab. There are cheaper and easier ways of consolidating power.
I take it you have researched it well. Then it should be easy to answer my inquiry.
Shia Lebouef once said it best: DON'T LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS. DO IT!
>he may or may not be
did you even read the post nigger?
>BSL-4 lab only 20 min away from wuhan wet-market that was epicenter of the contagion
>people getting arrested in America(harvard professor ended up selling the blue-print to canadians who gave it to China). It wasn't released on purpose some retard in the facility got pissed on, and bitten by the lab-bats.
I bet you believe your pastor converses with the Lord as well
>There are cheaper and easier ways of consolidating power.
Cheaper and easier ways of consolidating power being available doesn't mean those methods will be used
I always hoped he was for real with the 200 IQ stuff. I loved his support for Trump and race realism.
But the ACE2 stuff... come on, man. That article was so bad it was laughable. I know biology isn't his expertise, but still.
Not an argument, but thanks Hiko
It wasn't intentional. They were researching gene-splicing and failed safety procedure.
His iq has been verified by multiple tests, hes a legit 190+
It's not an axiom, it's just an npc-tier proverb.
Almost all things, especially in politics and government, are more complicated than they seem
>Unfortunately, there is no IQ requirement to post here
we can change that user
>each time your cookies are deleted you have to submit an IQ test to Yas Forums;if it's not at least above 110 you can no longer post to the site;scores lower than 110 result in an immediate perm ban.
we can dream
> hello I am very smart man
Here is what I think about something not in my field
The problem is that you think high IQ people are prophets. Pro tip: they aren't. When you are struggling you don't ask for help from a high iq person, you ask for help from a wise person, or someone with experience in the subject matter
Langan is a narcissist
>if you have a double digit iq aren’t all your opinions subjective, and void in evidence?
Are you implying all people with triple digit IQs produce only objective statements? Furthermore, it seems you are implying that people with double digit IQs cannot reference evidence?
>No actual statement just whataboutisms
This is how people use critical thinking to apply probability to situations when there is an absence of evidence.
You certainly have a lower IQ than me. Don’t worry too much about it, dear friend. Oh, and I’m only 25% black.
You're unable to parse my implied argument? I'll spell it out. There's no actual evidence of his supposed high IQ, no certificates or test results, so ultimately you're just believing his word. Just like people conned by crooked evangelists. Get it now, cattle?
My father and his brothers have 140 IQs and they're phds and make 6 to 7 figures. IQ is extremely important.
The IQ tests that are out there are actually flawed to the point that Mr. Langan was forced to design one for the purposes of testing himself. It will become the new standard soon
Show me those test results. Not journalists claiming it based on his own claims but independently verifiable results or certificates
Its a literal GLOBAL false flag carried out by the same people who did 9/11.
Wait and see what happens this Friday...
139 is the same number I made up for mine too
It is impossible to say what the r0 is at this point, until an accurate estimate can be made of all the people who experienced such mild symptoms that they did not report or bother to get themselves tested.
Show us on the doll where the priest touched you
Or not.
Been telling you guys that keeping people alive with HIV encourages mutations.
7.5" cock here. Even I knew what was cooming months ago.
No way Yas Forums is high IQ. The only people taking the tests were ones who already they'd score high.
unironically MENSA
You clearly didn't get the same genetic luck. I didn't say IQ is meaningless, I said the number is meaningless unless you indicate the scale that produces the number. Only highly experimental and unreliable tests go above ~170 and anything beyond is fairly meaningless. To his credit, this snake oil salesman says as much in interviews.
I was 142 on that test
I thought they perma banned him for pointing out that race is real
>Are you implying all people with triple digit IQs produce only objective statements?
if you have a triple digit IQ chances are you're going to fact-check your own sources, so yes majority, if not all will likely be right.
>this is how people use critical thinking
guessing, and saying "it could be dis or dat" is not critical thinking user;that's guesstimating, outcomes, and probabilities. You would have known that if you weren't legally considered retarded.
>only 25% black
i think it's a little more than that;taking your nigger brained mindset into account
Mensa use Cattell III and culture fair which max out around 170.
I think you overestimate the actual intellect of people in government. What they do have is positions and plans, and having prepared those, they can then act in their interests. As such, the response ends up helping them, and bias can start to show that these prepared positioned people keep gaining... correlation is causation in jealousy.
Of course, there are things that are most certainly intentional, most of those are done by people who are no where near offices, because why be public when you can make everyone dance from behind the curtain.
>Nothing of this kind ever happens completely "by accident"
Seems like a stupid take for someone with 200 IQ, there have been plenty of diseases over the last thousand years that wiped out huge portions of the population, and even in those times the diseases would impact certain demographics more than others.
There's also no proof that the coronavirus was genetically engineered, so I'm not sure why Langfag is saying it's "almost certain".
>There's also no proof that the coronavirus was genetically engineered
I accept I'm a 130s IQ idiot who's lacking knowledge but it should be obvious to everyone Langan is no stupid normie.
got tested in my childhood by doctors. My IQ is 127.
please no bully
Halo effect
They are going to release a vaccine with nanobots in it.
>Whenever a problem goes global, it makes globalism look like the solution
200 IQ my ass the guy is a fucking moron, the exact opposite is happening.
He supposedly did good on a magazine test, but all I've ever actually seen from him are emotion-based agendas poorly disguised as candor.
That's great for a casual conversation or for suckering in the mindless, such as you idiots, but he never actually says anything of substance.
After doing some research I have come to the conclusion that there is no way that the fucker has a 200 IQ. 200 IQ people often can read complex writing by the age of 18 months. They speak more than ten languages, and again, often do this before they pass out of their teenage years. They have degrees in their teen years and often have phDs in their early 20s. It's an extremely rare brilliance and a very obvious brilliance when you see it in person.
Comparatively, Langan, at age 20, was working as a bouncer and on a farm. Sorry I'm not saying he's unintelligent but he certainly isn't a 200 IQ
based bump
If China is faking the numbers to an extreme degree, where are the thousands of deaths in Italy and South Korea where they have open and free internet? Why have you faggots been saying 'wait two weeks' for the last six weeks?
You sporadically forgot capitalization so you git bully for that.
>Older Chinese are wise and sane
That's a bunch of bullshit.