It's over

>it's over
It's over

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People don't understand. This time it really is over.

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is there any point to buy t-bills now (implying the rate recovers)?

For you maybe. For me, nah.

What is happening tonight is.......remarkable. This will be "the big one", no doubt.

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can someone explain to me wtf 10 year note even is

oh, it's only just begun.

I push my fingers into my eyes

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No. But you don't understand. The only way to kill globalism for at least a generation is kill the global market. So, that's what is happening. They are making is so it is simply not profitable to move out of the US. You either manufacture here or you don't at all. That will inflict pain in the short term but in the end it will be good.

The plunge protection team has been called in.

Goy-I mean, guy! We need a stimulus package immediately! It's the only way to save the economy! You want to save the economy, don't you?!

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this just means billionaires are losing some money.

>mfw Wall-street oil barons hang themselves in the morning

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Whats over? Rich people lose some of their investment?

When billionaires lose money, they start canning regular people. Plus there are a lot of not so rich people invested in the stock market. What little of the middle class left in america is about to get erased.

Safe place to put your money. When everyone wants it the rates go down. Rates plunging means everyone is panicking and looking for safety.

The year note is a bond. Investors invest in bonds when they want to get out of equities (stocks). The thing is, when demand for the bond goes up, yield goes down.

the hell it's over
get ready to hit zero


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There better be some suicides..

Cool, I have a few dollars left that I haven't already put back in. I'll buy something nice, like Horsehoes R US.

TRUMP 2020

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>When you were stocking food I was stacking Rolls

>When you were making water filters I was stacking rolls

>While you were calculating the daily calorie intake needed from your supplies, I stacked 3-ply roll


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Did you miss 2008 or something? Billionaires are the ones who don't lose money. Listen to what Warren Buffet says:

When do we start seeing the suits jump out of sky scrapers?

kill yourself

basically it's the value of the US dollar 10 years from when you purchased the future. it's essentially a cash commodity. look at it like your dollar in a bank account, after 10 years it will appreciate in value, but a 10 year note basically multiplies that value by whatever the general sentiment is.

That's so not true. Lets say you're a home owner, for example. You've got a 400K mortgage on a 500K home. You're middle class. You make 85K a year. If the economic system collapses, you end up upside down on your home. You still owe 400K. How are you gonna get it? Sell your home? Can't. Now it's only worth 150K, at most. You're deep in the hole to the govt. Declare bankruptcy. OK. But you lose everything in the process of that.
Meanwhile, because the economy is tanking and so many others are in the same situation as you, nobody is buying the products / services of your employer. Eventually, they will probably shutter themselves and you'll be without a job on top of everything. IDK. This is how economic crashes happen. This is how things happened in the great depression. This is how things started to happen in 2008. We did manage to come back from 2008, I think due to King Nigger's recovery policies, which IMO were very good and not bad at all, despite stupid Republicans hating them.

But this is going to be something altogether different. A virus is a different thing than a housing crash. Cannot be fixed as easy. To top it off, our economy has been on a cliff for a long time. Globally speaking. Is this going to hurt billionaires the most? IDK. I hope so. I think it's going to hurt average people the most though, because average people are already suffering and very few of them own their own land outright and have any degree of natural self-sufficiency (growing their own food, generating their own electricity, maybe a couple farm animals, ect). Anyone who isn't in a situation like that is going to get fucked extraordinarily hard.

Probably tomorrow

this is a better shitpost than mine

RIP In Peace
>retiring boomers
>Shale memers
>MtG speculators
who am i forgetting?

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>its happening!

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Godammit now i have the urge to watch Titanic

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If the system breaks then fuck the system then. Protect your house with guns. Everyone will be bankrupt right? People cant pay each other.

Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.

Explain to my why this is a bad thing aside from boomer pension funds being fucked?

At some point you have to consider military intervention. FEMA camps. Martial law. All of those provisions exist within our government. If things get that bad, your guns probably won't help you too much because the military will move in on you. You MIGHT fare better in the rural areas though. Although if someone decides they want "your" stuff, then they might have guns too. And technically in lieu of the state "your" stuff isn't "your" stuff anymore. It's just "stuff that you have the temporary capacity to protect". If someone can take it from you, then it's "theirs". That includes your life, your wife, your parents, your children

Fair enough. So it just becomes a dog eat dog world if things collapse hard enough.

Great Depression 2

Something something depression, no one has jobs, and no one has money.

>after Trump wins again it will finally be over
Until then discord trannies will be allowed to spam this shit in 50 different threads. Jannies are faggots for allowing it too.

The global economy is all interconnected. It sets off a chain reaction. Even if tomorrow boomers stopped buying just one totally random product, like boats, a ton of shit would get fucked up. The boat industry would dry up. Tons of people would lose their jobs. Those people in turn would not be able to pay bills or be consumers. So the industries that they support through consumption would then take a hit. Oil companies would even take a hit since there's less fuel going in boats. Everything has ripples. That's just thinking in terms of boats alone. One singular solitary product.

Idk I think we have at least a year before stuff gets real

are you keynesian

I have no idea. Might be bad. Might not be that bad. My personal thinking is that in America, where people have no concept of self-sufficiency or know-how of how to survive outside the economic system (gardening, foraging, fishing, building, ect), you're going to see a lot of fucking cannibalism. That is just my opinion and it's because we are just total economic slaves here.

And does this all happen because of the way rich people buy things?

> Stock market down 15%, oil down 30%, 1/3 of France on lockdown, China still not shipping, medical personel almost out of masks
>>Conspiracy to keep trump from being reelected

It is all connected, yeah. And it's not necessarily just "rich people buying things". I mean something usually triggers these things. Then people don't want to go out. They don't want to buy. Don't want to spend. Then that means businesses post less profits. Then they stop hiring. Maybe then they downsize. Then there's MORE people spending less. So businesses top hiring again. Then downsize again. Meanwhile, population is still increasing, but our business infrastructure is not expanding. Jobs become fewer and further between. Like someone mentioned earlier in the thread, in 2008 it was the poor and middle class that got fucked the hardest. The rich still ate caviar and drank fine champagne

TrumpTards are a cult at this point. Don't even bother trying to speak reason to them.

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user's example was just a hypothetical. what we are likely to see if a restriction in exports from many countries who provide key ingredients, preventing businesses at home from being able to be productive, meaning people get laid off in which case they wont be buying any luxury items at all. ripples from events like these are enormous

Sounds a bit like ecological cascade effects, which is more my area of expertise. Kinda wish I took economics as an extra paper instead of shitty ass psych bullshit.

This bust will be good for the west in the long term.

>1/3 of France on lockdown
Burger geography. It's Italy on lockdown you mutt

Don't talk about the God emporer like that.

>Then they stop hiring
And just like after 2008, when they do start hiring again, it'll be majority H1B hires. Especially tech and medical.

Is all the system
This could lead to some banks closing and if you have money whit them, whelp say good bye, also most small, medium business depend on "credit" so they may not have money to pay their employee

Yes. If you think if it in terms of ecology, then yes, the parallel is almost 100% direct. It's an ecosystem. Billionaires losing their money, or more specifically the billion dollar companies losing their money, is like if bees suddenly stopped existing tomorrow. All of the devastating environmental effects that would come from that.

The actual rich people, the personal wealth, that is not so much the problem. You could more or less tax all of that and there would be no negative effects on the economy, IMO. Not major anyhow. But the business profits, that is where things get shaky, because we have this system that is (foolishly) built up to revolve around ever higher and expotentially expounding big business profits. And that's what fuels our whole ecosystem.

Now what idiot decided to structure our economy that way? Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. And the fucking Republicans that voted for them. But whatever, that is another issue altogehter. I'm not trying to turn this into a partisan thing. Anyway, point is that is the way it is right now. So the track we are on is either businesses have to have ever-increasing profits, or global economic doom will surely happen.

To be frank, I am an economically left-wing person, so I'm really happy to see this system reset. And I hope if it gets built up again, it's done more in tune to the way it was in the 50s in this country. Keynesian style. Spreading the wealth around. Everyone owns their own small businesses. There's LOCAL industry. LOCAL trading. People are independent and autonomous. Not intentionally raised to be weak and helpless so they get hooked on consumerism.

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Think of it this way: this event proves that a scattered supply chain to manufacture goods all the way across an ocean...from a totalitarian state...might be a bit fragile.

Watch for more industry to spark up locally as the real philosophy with the black eye is globalism.

You man babies give up too easily...shit.

Chaos won, and when the toilet paper run out only papa nurgle will keep you alive

markets are still above where they were 2 years ago.

>market index still above number of corona deaths in america

happy international women's day :)

Hello anons, could someone create a webm with sound that has the stock market going down synced to the part of this song that says tumbling down? I'm retarded

I would suggest that is a gross oversimplification, the magnitude of which I cannot even begin to outline here in this simple 2000 character-max comment. It's actually a miracle that 2008 didn't completely destroy our economy forever. Thank Obama for that, if you want to. If you support our economic system. His policies did "save the country" in that sense, despite what Republicans will tell you. But IMO nothing he did and nothing that CAN be reasonably done can fix the fundamental flaws in the system, which is that it requires constant growth and constantly increasing wealth disparity simply to stay afloat. And a lot of the crash we're going to see is not JUST going to be because of corona. Everything is going to retract, and because we have FAR more social instability today than we did in 2009, whew, you're gonna see some serious shit, I think. The other thing is that, historically, the only way we've ever gotten out of big economic holes is with left-wing economics. What are the odds you think you're gonna see left-wing economics (TRUE left-wing economics) take hold today? I'm not talking about Bernie Sanders-Style retardation. I'm talking about genuine keynesian economics. Welfare state. Doling cash out to the poor in order to stimulate their spending. Stuff like that. Republicans will never let that happen. If Trump wins another term in office, literally kiss the fucking economic system goodbye (from my point of view, as someone who hates both Trump and the economic system, this MIGHT be a good reason to actually support him).

In 2008 the markets reverted back to about where they were a decade previously, at the lowest point. That's natural. The dow is always constantly expanding, so you look at things in terms of growth and retraction, not absolute values. That's also because our population is expanding. We have way higher population now than we did just 2 short years ago. If our markets are contracted, with more mouths to feed, that's not a good sign. That's a problem. Also we're focusing heavily on markets here and markets =/= economy. That's something that should be stated clearly. Our entire economy, as a whole, is really set up to get hardcore fucked