How do we stop the brainwashing of porn on the youth?

how do we stop the brainwashing of porn on the youth?

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i needa see this bitch blacked right fucking NOW

more chemicals in the womb
jew boys need da chemz to survive

By posting about it in a Chinese bioweapons testing facility.

not posting blacked shit would be a good first step

We can't. Our hands are tied. Nothing can be done. God help us

Fuck off, coomer cumbrain pervert retard.

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if you're underage you're not supposed to be here

I don’t know Moroccan

Not photoshopped

This nigger is literally doing a drive-by shitposting

the dutchcuck strikes again

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Do not give them any electronics until 17-18. Works for my kids and they love the outdoors.

You live in poverty and I own a Mercedes. A Nazi sled if you will. Dumb nigger.

I mean the porn corrupted retards who shoop images like that

Punish porn producers with death, duh. Oh and inform young men in school that their dicks won't work if they keep watching porn.

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You whites have lost your women and therefore have no future.

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Kek. Netherlands is finished

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>Punish porn producers with death
how do you supposed you can get this done you retard? if anything, the porn industry has more protection from the FBI than any other industry

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Know what content your child consumes and if they have some secret agenda that isn’t obvious to a child.

You cant

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fake and gay, but you're a memeflag shill, so you know that

Arent Dutch people tall and white?

In Yas Forums metric system that should make them studs, no? How come they are so cucked then

Expel the Jewry.

By not reacting stereotypically. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Be truthful without over reacting and don't bring up religion. But don't act like a please man.

Honestly, why not? Insta influencer who has no meaning outside of being attractive and being a marketing slave for free stuff. I say go for it. Deep fake her and post it on /hc

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Hang all the producers by nooses in the middle of town as an example


>the most degenerate country in western Europe
>how are the so cucked?

yes, but that pic is cherry picked from a fake show interviewing foreigners from some tourist event

Well nigger, I think it's high time we change that. The legal system needs to be turned against porn. I think we can start working towards this by gathering public support against porn. We do this by spreading antiporn sentiment. Memes, stats, etc whatever works. The rise of nofap is a good example of how this sort of movement is possible.

Is that Grove Street lol

>drive by shitposting

Pretty young girl with her *White* boyfriend as her PHONECASE. Some little virgin PS’d this image to get a reaction, or get off. Sad!

>m-muh memeflag

cope harder its real dutchcuck

That's not how Jews and Zionists work.

You know Biden probably does Kick backs with bernie and all the other clowns.

Having the holocaust happen for real.

>We do this by spreading antiporn sentiment.
but the masses are so brainwashed, the second you say something anti-porn, they will only rebel more in favor of porn. it's easy to say, but how do you country brainwashing when the opposition has the government and all of media on their side?

Agreed. It's pathetic. People should really learn how to meditate and do yoga properly. It would cure their retard brains within a month.


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many such cases, OP is a total loser, sad


We do what underdogs have always done in this century. We use the internet and irony to slip in to the mainstream and redpill the masses on porn.

idk maybe sculpt your body like how blacks are willing to scult theirs and then maybe youll appear fuckable to real girls?
not very meny girls are wanting to sit there and rub themselves to the thought of some flaby pasty ass soiboi sperglord, and the ones that do you want nothing to do with.


The most important thing you can do for yourself and your race is keep your own life in order. You can and must become focused, disciplined, reliable, and , to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life tend to trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising self reliant children? If you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to make a difference in the world, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a real difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet don't. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, be nice to yourself, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people, in real life. That is very important. Never let anything from a screen take away from your real life

That's my job, leaf. Fuck off

Can't stop what is natural.

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The owner of needs to be taken out by an intelligent yet handsome young man, making a manifesto we can all hope to follow. Only to be later pardoned and hailed as a hero like mandela. Its the only way.

You are getting tricked by yours... getting manipulated into marriage is stupid.

I'm sorry, how do churches work? By being systematic and consistent. Nice demoralization though

>how do we stop the brainwashing of porn on the youth?
Even if that pic wasn't 'shopped, it wouldn't be any great loss if that whore fucked niggers for jewgold.

It does make a statement that when we live in a world filled with whores who are willing to fuck niggers for cash, you still feel the need to post a photoshopped pic to prove your point.

What's the matter, shlomo?
Were all those (((white))) girls who fucked niggers actually Jewish?

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Don’t watch it. It’s boring anyways.


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After all, they're always gonna go for the hegelian dialectic and as long as we impress the truth into their minds enough they will react. The subconscious mind dominates the conscious mind. Never forget that. That's why these people cant decide if free will is a thing or not. They disregard this simple fact. Well, since the general masses are in fact dominated by their subconscious mind regardless if they're aware or not, just like their Jewish root religions, I will be here putting information into their minds towards the truth. Their actions will change as a consequence. They cannot help it.

trash tier photoshop skill, get gud and then kill yourself.

What did she mean by this?

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does blacked even sell workout bras, underwear, etc. you'd think they would after the piper perry couch meme became so popular that retarded highschool chicks on reddit made it to the front page recreating it in their school

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