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Other urls found in this thread:

He specifically stats he didn't know what the meme meant, you retard.

Yes these bigoted monsters are so backward and ignorant

Glowie confirmed

Attached: 1582954234325.png (428x580, 375.65K)

Zero Arrested
Zero Charged.
Zero Indicted.

Trump Impeached
Same 7 wars still going.
The "wall" is just a Bush2/Obama Bollard Fence.
The Swamp is now the White House.

Prove me wrong: Pro Tip - You Can't

Attached: 1002.png (1880x778, 112.26K)

Tech censorship is worse than ever

Attached: 1518498766268.jpg (500x447, 107.07K)


what are some good Q youtube channels?

Quick rundown on what's coming? OP if you could please.

Well said!

Oh sweaty...

Y cant gooks spell around here for the life of them

watch him actually learn the violin and bust a song out like clinton. i'd freak out.

Best one right here
Q is Logic
Q is You.
"a secret education that anyone can have access to"............

he confirms he has no idea of what it means

when will migatards from t_d finally leave Yas Forums?

newfag pls go

Hi guys, Q here. As the official leader of anonymous and Yas Forums I want to remind you all that we here at anonymous do not tolerate racism of any kind. If you're caught doing racism your membership may be revoked.

Quality plausible deniability.

great job not providing any argument. lmao you talk about psychological weapons being used against the populace while at the same time being the subject of a literal intelligence agency psyop.

Jeffery Epstein
Harvey Weinstein

Fake news. We will never revoke a loyal customer's membership simply on your whim.

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He’s a master

Attached: C3A2FCDE-60A4-49E0-B956-19D7329734AD.jpg (601x621, 114.64K)

Insider here, Craig Wright has inside connections to the Q user group.

Attached: 912ED971-EAF5-42B9-9975-191A043A0728.png (2048x945, 2.56M)

Qanon is such horse shit. My uncle is in his 60s and blabs to me about it every time I talk to him. I just laugh.

Nothing can stop what’s coming be nothing IS coming.

Then how can he form an opinion on the statement of nothing can stop what is coming? If he doesn’t know what’s coming how does it sound good to Trump?

I like cheese.

Attached: q destroyed.png (403x230, 7.12K)

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>hur dur spreading information is bad because drumpf and larp
Keep seething.

>Trump Impeached
FISA Declass will reveal and prove FBI malfeasance was basis of impeachment nullifying it
>Same 7 wars still going.
Afghanistan peace deal reached
We’re still at war in Iraq? I thought Obama pulled out all troops?
No war with NK
No war with Syria
No war in Iran
No war with Russia
No WW3
No war in Venezuela
All despite the deep states best efforts
>The "wall" is just a Bush2/Obama Bollard Fence.

walls have continuous footings. fences have footings only at posts sunk into the ground. the linear structure shown in OP has continuous footings. thus, it is a wall, and not a fence.
t. architect
>The Swamp is now the White House.
Trump has been in office for 3 years. Establishment politicians have been in office for DECADES. I’d say nice projection but it’s really weak.
>Prove me wrong: Pro Tip - You Can't
Just did.

ok kushner

You first
>Zero Arrested
>Zero Charged.
>Zero Indicted.
When you are cooperating you don’t get arrested.

Q has been quiet for two weeks now, any info on why that is, not much going on or ?

Trump just exposed the psyop that he was apart of. Nero plays his fiddle as Rome burns, his mask is coming off, depression, disease and war is coming. He's apart of the zionist cult who wants to bring about the end times. People aren't realizing just how dark this re-tweet is. People often ignore the fact that Trump has always displayed masonic symbolism in plain sight, even on Trump Tower.

>Zero Arrested
>Zero Charged.
>Zero Indicted.
NXIVM, Epstein, Buck, and thousands of pedos and traffickers I guess don't count.
Political arrests are incoming.
>Trump Impeached
>Same 7 wars still going.
Blatantly false and are being drawn down right now ffs.
>The "wall" is just a Bush2/Obama Bollard Fence.
CBP got what they wanted and the USA got the wall.

>The Swamp is now the White House.
Blatant opinion that's ridiculous. You're not American so your opinion is irrelevant.
So seem to just hate Trump, and probably have no idea what Q is.
Q usually doesn't post during and after a big overseas trip and when shit's busy. Always comes back with a new focus and info.
Nero didn't play a literal fiddle you stupid fuck.

No shit, he fiddled while Rome burned. That is what the image is implying. The elites have planned for this, Bush Jr. called Trump the "Chaos President". All these weird hints and bizarre depictions of the end times are starting to align.

Trump masonic symbolism.

Denver New world Airport Murals.

Bank of America Paintings.

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>i am merely pretending

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I'm an oldfag you absolute zipperhead faggot I just dont pay attention to this Qlarp bullshit because I'm not retarded also fuck your YouTube videos boomer type a rundown or gtfo newfag jesus

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Cant argue with dem digits

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>I'm an oldfag you absolute zipperhead faggot
Im a head wendys chef making 200,000$ a year with a 13' dick come at me faggot

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Q was a highly intelligent larp, but after Epstein it’s meme tier


that christian observer link is a boat load of dog shit. total smear by circumstantial evidence and speculative association. she used cultism materials as the criteria, instead of perhaps using biblical teaching. if I think you are a criminal, I'm going to presume everything about you is criminal in nature. just like if I assume all women are whores, this trump chronicle was just written by an occultist whore.


Did he though?
Pretty sure he said "Who knows" ie everyone because of Q

Holy fucking digits
That Aussie is a semen-shitting faggot. Definitely not one of the cool Aussies we get around here.
>Trump has been in office for 3 years. Establishment politicians have been in office for DECADES.
That is why shit is happening so much slower than we'd like. It seems that every Deep-State cock-sucker at all levels are doing everything possible to impede a swamp-drain-----and are trying to 'run the clock out'.

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I'll give a kek where its deserved

Yep, CSW has a Q proof

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Anti Fungal Leaf Bread

When Iran retaliates for the act of terrorism you conducted on them, will you delude yourself into thinking they started it, or accept that your retarded actions have consequences?

Go back wherever you came from because you dont belong here

>Q is real
>Trump makes incentives for schools to crack down on students criticizing Israel

Ok. Q is real. And is a KIKE


1 year delta faggot. If you followed Q you would know this.


He is here with us

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>>>....but it sounds good to me