Are you paying attention yet?

100% mortality.


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-08 COVID-19 Is The Big One.png (464x526, 296.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't mind me
The ching chong flu
the chink stink
the chinkening
the slanted one
the chinka-flu
the bamboo burden
the panda sneeze
the chop-stick revenge
the coughing tiger hidden dragon
the revenge from the rails
the genghis cough
the red scare
the smog control
the elevator menace
the dog god
the chinaman surprise
the tiaman square bat
treatment coming through

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kys, retard

Are they going to ever accurately find out where this came from? I want it to be from bat soup or some Chinese biological weapon so these virtual signalling faggots stop acting like despising them is the wrong move.


0.1-0.6% lethality rate for this severe cold virus

you faggots realize you're behaving exactly like pic related?

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My dick is the big one

Gotta love Adam’s credentials.

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OP's article is a terribly written blogpost which makes wild, completely inaccurate claims about the content of the pages it links to.

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it digusts me how so many people are pushing this nothing of a disease for clicks/views.

>eventual mortality rate of 100%
Nigga no shit, we all gonna die eventually

Source: literally some average Yas Forumstard with too much free time.

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literal panicker

Yes, Adam is taking an online courses at the prestigious University of Phoenix

Same thing with Russia and Kavanagh and impeachment etc.

Everyone who gets coronavirus is going to die... eventually

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I bet if you do a study to see how all these Twitter blue check mark doom sayers vote it will almost all be blue. Dear mongering this disease benefits the Democrats. In fact I bet you the moment the election is over, all reporting on it goes away

>Source: Some retard on social media

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You know what else has a 100% mortality rate? Being alive

Guess noone's paying attention yet.

>Dear mongering this disease benefits the Democrats.

Average age of deaths is 80. Average age in sub Saharan Africa is 10. Not bothering black people.
Average yuropoor age is 70. Italians dropping dead like 2 day old flies.

Sure thing

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Why do you think the death rate is higher in Italy? Maybe a shit ton untested people have it?

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Definetaly everything coming out of China is a lie

Because it hurts the economy it sends people into a panic and Biden can play off of that.

Because the fear mongering is leading to panic which is leading to economic problems. That is bad for trumps reelection campaign.

If you scare the market into reacting you can point the finger at trump and claim its his fault. They have already taken to calling it the trump virus. This is all they have left after so throughly losing every single day for the past 4 years

Trust Jesus Christ as your saviour.

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I was about to argue that no one is so retarded that they could be swayed by a "DIS is drumpfs fault" argument, but we did elect Obama, twice

>trump virus.
That just sounds forced and transparent. Every retard knows it was chinks.

Conservatives are significantly, measurably more contagion-averse than liberals. Fearmongering about coronavirus is voter suppression.

stop posting shit from "medium"
everyone can publish their nonsense on there

Breathing oxygen has 100% mortality rate.
OP, Please stop breathing oxygen. You don't want to die, do you?

Based inevitability user.

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There are sources linked all the way throughout.

You can't have 100% mortality from a virus because immunity will emerge yes even in human populations as only the resistant humans reproduce. Fuck off with this bullshit.

CV19 will not destroy the world, but it is a nasty son of a bitch. The odds are high that it was made in the Wuhan Institute of Virology as a means of testing bat originated Coronavirus treatments on mice. In order to make it easily infect mouse and human cells, the Chinese spliced in HIV receptors. It’s not much more deadly than a usual Coronavirus, but it is extremely contagious. Although the symptoms are worse that a regular flu, the danger is not in the disease itself. Rather, it is in the effects of an overwhelmed medical and commercial system combined with media driven panic.

China flipped an absolute shit over the beginning of this infection because it knew it was completely responsible. It didn’t come from a retard eating a bat, it came from a level 4 biohazard lab. That’s why it had the discordant response of claiming that infections were low but also imposing a military quarantine on 500 million people.

Thanks glownigga but its at least 3%

CA NY NJ reveal they have people with coronavirus
What a coincidence
They are sanctuary states that had federal aid cut off

Fpbp couldn't have said it any better.

hey its the same thing you've posted for days now, How does it feel knowing you're isolating your friends and family over a nothingburger?

To be honest seeing a leftist rag say this now has planted a seed of doubt

Huh, recovering from Corona doesn't make me immortal?

Fuck. I can still die from other shit?

Immunity is useless when the virus is in your nerves, user.

Also, you never get a chance to use your immunity anyway. AIDS-like immune depletion, and endless constant reinfection from the nerves, until you die of encephalitis and/or forgetting to breathe.

stop overhyping this hamburger made of nothing

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If that were the case, then how did they royally fuck up lab containment procedures?

Was about to post the same thing. I believe this virus is a serious thing but people like him should be ignored.


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O.P. - posting F.U.D. again.


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This. Fuck OP's schizo ass.

>a marketing manager with a BA in business
>author's note that his assumptions are based on a sample size of 4 and also that his assertion contradicts actually observed behaviors
>this virus is incredibly lethal even though literally every randomized sample ever taken on it has resulted in a 2% +-1 mortality rate
>COVID-19 patients in critical care were noted to be “unable to breathe spontaneously.” This occurs in 100% of patients.
>>cites two different publications, one is the same sample of four people and the other literally never mentions the word "breathe"
>extrapolating N
>>>>from an n=4

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Holy shit user thanks for the laugh

You forgot Kung Flu.

I can't remember link, but reports of employees smuggling lab animals out with them possibly ending up in wet markets

It's all so tiresome.jpg

you really need to ask? lmfao