Goys we are in a defcon 2 level of happening.
Are you excited!!
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Seems like any other night to me.
First nuke is on thursday, don't ask me how I now this.
Big if true
will the hundreds of dollars worth of toilet paper i have stocked save me from fallout
If you line your house with it you should be fine.
Both you and the OP are faggots, don't ask me how I know this.
Big if true
Strap in girls its gonna be a wild ride!
Its beautiful
Getting kinda nervous and anxious. I've been hating this neo-liberal, globalist hellscape for years now. Im 27. I still live with my fucking parents because of housing/rent prices being retarded high and all the grip the cripto-commie boomers have on our government and institutions prevent any kind of economical development for the average individual born after 85 to have a solid footing in life. I have 10k € in savings in a bank.
I've gone from taking the boogaloo as a funny /k/ meme into kinda wishing it happened in a
schadenfreude way. I got some supplies, gear and guns, and the place where I live is relativly remote with a lot of farm area.
I want the West to improve. I don't wan't pillaging and degeneray like Weimar but a return to the pre-9/11 timeline.
I'm scared Yas Forums
Don't be user. In the end what's there to really lose? Money that has no value? Relationships with no substance or meaning? Same political shitheads lying for money?
Who ever said being free was gonna be easy?
>Relationships with no substance or meaning?
I have a very tight group of friends that I dont wanna loose. I love my family, despite my dad being the most authoritarian boomer steriotype wojak pic-tier there is.
I just wanted a woman who fucking liked me and wanted to start a family with me and not stab me in the back, I didn't ask for this.
big if big true is true
Look user I'm in the same boat and I feel you I do. But really look at how things are going. Would you be happier if this happened 4 years from now? Because that's exactly what would of happened. This is what (((they))) wanted.
Other than drinking or smoking, spot on.
Can they just fuck off and leave us alone? Is it too much to ask? Jesus Christ, I just wanna chill, can't they keep their grummy little hands out of others people bussiness? Their actions are so cartoony evil that you start to think Hitler was right and that Alex Jones came back in time to warn us about globalists./
I'm giddy as a girl about to get gangraped. Exciting times, frens.
I will not be satisfied until someone gets nuked. Preferably Melbourne. Fuck that pozzed cunthole.
You all are keeping me up tonight.
I think Portuguese people are too apathetic and fragmented, no unity. They just follow whoever is in power regardless of principles.
Not saying they should be some revolutionary faggots, but have something that brings them together and rebukes the neo-liberal hellscape and it's consequences (socialism).
Just eat tremoços e caracóis while you wait, João Pedro.
After Melbourne, please nuke the entire state of California
Dude just get you're family and friends and fuck off to the woods or something. Make a colony.
Germany first, then China and California. Preferibly in that order but I wont be picky.
I allready live in the woods, I know basic farming and can probably survive well if SHTF. I'm worried as fuck about electricity. If the power goes out permanently, I'll be missing you fags. I unironicly love this website since I started browsing in 06 but hate the fact that this is a hurt box.
>Are you excited!!
The LARP happenings are always fun. This is a real happening. A year from now we will be wishing we could go back in time before the happening.
Invest in solar panels if you can.
Buy books on electronics and mechanical work.
I was thinking about this at work today. How it seems like shit is about to hit the fan and everything that has been built up on this false premise is about to come crashing down. And it's scary. I don't know anything about survival, I don't want to see anything happen to my parents or my siblings, and theres a good chance that out of this chaos, we're all going to be killed.
But, heres the thing...I've been hoping for a calamity for awhile now. Because everything is so despondent. Complete lack of meaning in peoples lives, a fixation on the material, relationships gone to shit, men pitted against women, a multicultural hell, leaders acting against the best interest of it's own people...I asked and hoped for something that would burn it all away, and now that it looks like something will, I'm scared as hell. But, I know that it has to take place. I wouldn't have asked for it if I didn't truly think it was for the best. I only hope I can survive through it and make it out on the other side.
Now THIS is pixel art. I want a desktop size
How do you know that?
Just read some books. Practice fasting.
Let's see how many of our kind survive!
What’s the sauce on that?
I can thoroughly relate. I dont want death, starvation, plague and degeneracy. It fucking haunts me that things like the Weimar Republic existed to the point of having video evidence of it.
I've become more and more Catholic as times goes on and waking up to the true levels of depravity in the world. That is why all this leftist LGBT propaganda scares the shit outta me and those tranny story hours in schools and libraries give me an eery chill in the back of my head like in looking at a daemon spawned from Slaneesh or something out of a Lovecraft short story.
The RWDS are gonna have a lot of work in their hands if this shit picks up.
I hope Yas Forumsacks aren't total demoralized fags and we can actually make something better after this blows over. Stay safe, leaf.
I have strong intuition that something is brewing.
If there's nobody to support them, they'll take care of themselves.
We’ve been close.... and maybe is the closest we’ll get.
Oh the big one is coming soon
Thunder Thursday.
My happening boner is hard as diamonds.
were at 5 you fucking faggot
>protop: being at 5 is the real redflag
>Knows what's going on in the Pentagon
Nobody civilian side knows what it's at officially.
It's maintained that way for a reason.
You're a bigger faggot
Take your meds.
Read the site, it's run by some kid giving his estimate.
I too was once retarded and thought government transparency was a thing.
so we started peaking in degeneracy and all of a sudden a pandemic? ok
bring it on baby
Wtf are they loading? That looks like a home depot cart. Is that just bags of soil?
it's wednesday you goof. 3/11 (or 11/3 if you prefer). 3x11. 33. 33. 33. 33. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Let's. Go. Team
How soon
no one cares kike
no panic, no pain
That's lime
If the jews lose I won't regret a thing.
pic related
Trump warned us we'd get sick from winning.