/GBG/ - Greek Borders General



More images from "One Happy Family" NGO building fire
Excavator sinks into river after attempting to create a floating structure
Farmer in Evros spray Immigrants at border
more images of Pro-Erdogan groups in turkey beating immigrants to force them to pack their bags and move to greece in Marash
pile of barbed wire the Greeks use for repairing the border fence that is constantly being damaged
women in Grey Wolves vests on the Turkish side of the border
illegal immigrants have broken the windshields of greek army vehicles
Greek Army patrol at the train station of Kastanies village, near the Greek-Turkish border
Immigrants refuse to go back into turkey even while standing directly in front of greek soldier and receiving orders to go back
High Ranking Grey Wolves members identified in Greece-Turkey border
Greek deputy Minister of Defence, was interviewed about the border situation
Cyprus reinforcements arrive to Greece
Turkish kid makes video jumping on and ripping Greek flags
Austria sends to Greece 13 Cobra Team officers, 1 Drone, 1 Armored vehicle and 1 Million Euros

>Videos and images

For this full list check the pastebin

Previous thread

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bump and welcome everyone.
let's keep the convo going

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will do

Sign and share as widely as possible this petition to save Greece and Europe from Turkish invasion. Put pressure on those in power to take action.

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don't stop brazilbro
doing god's work.
I don't know how you have the time to do this, but please don't stop. Also keep track of the threads like covona fags do, we will outlive them.
if you hit 1000 threads I'll legit fucking donate you bitcoin for the efforts.
thinking a change.org petition can put a stop to ZOG plans.... kek

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How bad will EU cuck?
Will they pay bribe money?
Will they let all these invaders in?

My guess is both

We need to keep these threads going for as long as the crisis lasts. This is 100x more relevant than the flu.

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Does anyone actually think Turkey as a nation state will survive the next major global conflict?

In the recent years the Turkish state has driven back relations with all the states around them into the dirt, like typical low IQ shitskins, they have made enemies with so many in such a short period of time. Even most Muslims hate them now, let a lone Westerners.

Erdogan's ego is most likely the cause of this, why do they keep reelecting him? His ego is going to be the downfall Turkey.

Based Greeks

Niggers aren't based.

If the EU surrenders to Turkey, war breaks out in Europe.

Chinks arent based either

Kill yourself Zhang

Richard Spencer anti-Turk Constantinople rant:

If Merkel gives him more money all the right wing governments in the EU will chimp out. Also I wonder if Macron will send any armed forces, since he has ships in Cyprus.

>why do they keep reelecting him
Ever since the (((coup))) everyone who opposes him is in jail

Pretty hot desu

they're not cucks they're traitors. they want to swamp europe with third worlders.

Nice deflect Chang.

Mikis Theodorakis, one of our most prolific composers, sends his words of support for our men at the border.
>"Σ’ αυτές τις κρίσιμες ώρες, η σκέψη μου βρίσκεται στο πλευρό των παιδιών μας που υπερασπίζουν τα σύνορα της πατρίδας και στους γενναίους άντρες και γυναίκες του Έβρου…"


Go farm me some rice ling ling, i'm hungry.

Erdogan is probably preparing his terms for the EU, the EU is cucked but at the same time they know they wont survive a 2015 2.0, Europe might, but the EU and the globalist rule definitely would not

Nationalism only surged in Europe due to 2015, Greece went from calm and kiiind of conformist to "fuck the EU" and started burning UNHRC "Reception centers" and NGO buildings, the EU knows that another wave of migrants while making europe dive into the dark ages again would basically turn every leftist into a target and they would lose power for good

negociations will of course bad, they will concede to most of his demands I assume, maybe not publicly but I bet you that a shit load of money will be sent to Turkey without people knowing just to calm him down, it will result in Turkey doing this every now and then just to squeeze some more money from the EU, kinda like NK did with America before Trump

about the people used as pawns, the EU will most certainly take them in, they have brainwashed their voter bases to an extent that if they back down completely they will lose a shit ton of votes and they definitely dont want that... most will be sent to big countries like Germany and France, Spain might get a few of those and Portugal probably also will

the age of the Matamoros is coming back

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Will the European people rise up?
Whats the level of awareness of the problem among the general population?

>why do they keep reelecting him?
We don't. He put himself in power via vote rigging.
Turkey's problem's are internal. The "muslim" ones are reproducing by the dozens and drowning out republican,modern, Atatürk loving ones.
Leftism are also a deep problem. All the proper right wing elites have been "culled" in the last US supported military coup before 80s. Leaving Kurd loving leftists free.
I have no idea what is gonna happen next to Turkey. Sorry for all the migrant pushing and hope you have better luck in your own countries.

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Need a side for your bat soup I suppose.

>Whats the level of awareness of the problem among the general population?
most city people are lost
outsides of cities and behind closed doors a lot of people are extremely angry

This struggle might seem small but it will either mark the beginning of resistance against replacement or acceptance of Europe's demise.
Watch closely because as days passes, Greece is getting more international support and "refugees" are getting more violent.
At some point, both States might clash.

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yesterday's report:
>293 immigrants arrested
>around 41.000 denied entry
source: parapolitika

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"Although, O sons of God, you have promised more firmly than ever to keep the peace among yourselves and to preserve the rights of the church, there remains still an important work for you to do. Freshly quickened by the divine correction, you must apply the strength of your righteousness to another matter which concerns you as well as God. For your brethren who live in the east are in urgent need of your help, and you must hasten to give them the aid which has often been promised them. For, as the most of you have heard, the Turks and Arabs have attacked them and have conquered the territory of Romania [the Greek empire] as far west as the shore of the Mediterranean and the Hellespont, which is called the Arm of St. George. They have occupied more and more of the lands of those Christians, and have overcome them in seven battles. They have killed and captured many, and have destroyed the churches and devastated the empire. If you permit them to continue thus for awhile with impurity, the faithful of God will be much more widely attacked by them. On this account I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ's heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot-soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile race from the lands of our friends. I say this to those who are present, it meant also for those who are absent. Moreover, Christ commands it.

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based, thank you
t. white looking Armenian

Well hopefully the day of the rope is soon then.


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village people are just as bad hans

Isn't it wonderful how the refugees are adapting to Greek society. They're even joining the miliatary!

If this becomes an armed conflict, how do I support Greece? I wish to be like Lord Byron.

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lets be honest here

Greece would probably be able to take back Constantinople but the majority of the population there is muslim scum, not to mention that muslims are always looking to be the next caliph or something retarded like that, every country around turkey would try to claim a bit of it and the Kurds would probably get rekt

>Greece would probably be able to take back Constantinople but the majority of the population there is muslim scum

Invoke the old tradition of three days and nights of looting, murder, rape and pillaging after the city is taken.


yeah, but then every leftist, the UN and the EU would start imposing sanctions, greece would be economically fucked

Stay strong Greek bros. Your culture and herritage, and people ARE worth saving.

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Considering what happened to Serbia they might invade Greece.
Remember, the Yugoslav wars happened in the 90's and the world back then was already pozzed

I strongly agree!
t. Persian

Unless these lazy god damn denbt owners start shooting some fucking brown people like a real 1st world nation this is going to be among the most boring general ever. The fucking corona fags have people dying left right and center you guys have targets and won't shoot them. Seems like the only thing they kept from the Greek Empire is the inane faggoty otherwise they would have killed these fucking roaches a long god damn time ago. Fuck you, you hairy ugly gyro slurping toga niggers.

Anything I'm missing?

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Russians will never side with muslims AGAINST christians. Whatever their interests are. They litteraly spit on muslim dogs. Worst case senario, they stay neutral

Greeks aren't niggers. You know who is a nigger though? That's right, you are!

> Daron/Van/Vasbouragan outside
pick one

nah, Greece has the support of the V4 and a few other countries, maybe even Russia would step in if that happened since they consider themselves Orthodox Brothers

Greeks are Hellenic people that are a branch of indo-european.
t. Persian

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>turkey ends up in a war with greece
>turkey is kicked out of Nato
>Turkey goes to Russia crying for help in return for CSTO membership
I mean... The one think Russia would like is Non-NATO control over the straits.

Sounds to me like they can't pay denbts. This makes them niggers.

from the lips of the roachking himself
>Why isn't anyone condemning the persecution of the poor women and children - the asylum seekers at the Greek-Turkish border? Why isn't there any condemnation for the incoming fire[from Greeks] targeting innocent people from behind their backs?
>Greece, I sending you a request to open your gates.

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Bend town and spread it greekboi. Ima make you cum from your ass.

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Ah forgot Austria was assisting too!

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You forget that before few days, russians bomb and killed turkfag soldiers.

Russia wants turkey's LAND not the muslim dogs. Thereafter, in a war senario, EVERY single one nation around the area will want to hang erdodog. Litteraly noone wants him around. He is erratic, he breaks promises, he piss off all european leaders by sending shitskins, and creating problems inside eu countries.He threatening everybody. Is in best interest off all to remove the erdodog from power, and this will only happen with war.

After war tho, there will be a cold-like war for power over turkey land. Puppet leaders will be established.

They'll have to adopt the policies of Bulgaria. They are afraid to go into Bulgaria. Bulgaria's policy works.

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>Sounds to me like they can't pay denbts. This makes them niggers.

Eat shit jungle spic

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Honestly such a war would probably be the end of the NATO alliance.

they avoided going to Bulgaria because Erdogan has good Relations with their government, nothing else, the buses and taxis taking the migrants to the borders were going exclusively to the Greek border