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Oh definitely, we're all fucked. a billion infected by August.

Just turn the graph upside down and it will get better

damn thats absolutely fucked

Yaaaaay!!! Weeeeeeee!!!!!

I'm so happy about it too. I hope all you faggots die miserable deaths.

You still need to explain your chart. Is it too much to ask that you add context? I hate you FAGGOTS that make low quality threads with just one info graphic. FUCK OFF>

checked and facts

And it already peaked in China.
Why would it be any worse outside of it?

Uh as always? Otherwise you were omly allowed to infect 1 Other Person. Dumb mutt

It's always exponential... until it isn't. I'd be surprised if it even lasted to the end of the graph

we're over 100k though. that graph isn't even correct.

That’s with most viruses. Exponential growth doesn’t really mean much. It depends on when it starts to level out. Depending on how long the exponential growth goes on for, it could be the difference between the final happening to nothingburgers fags being right.

excluding China, China is no longer exponential

That looks like a fun roller coaster

We're all going to make it, bros.

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watch the video by 3blue1brown (someone who knows a shit-ton more about math than you ever will.) It might not be true exponential, but it's also likely that the inflection point won't be reached for month. And that is backed up by virologists and epidemiologists who have all estimated total infection rate somewhere in the range of 25-70%. That is completely congruent with what the graph in OP's post is depicting.

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reached for months*

good, we need a new deal

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>China is no longer exponential
China was never exponential, that was the problem. They had linear growth because they were only posting “confirmed” cases. Well, if they only test 3000/day, that’s all they reported. Then they finally admitted their numbers were fucked, they jumped 16k overnight and then it leveled. Because they are lying out their asses. You don’t lock down 100 million+ people for 60k cases with low mortality.

lrn2read. The number is 25,000 outside China, and for the last two weeks that number has been doubling roughly every 4 days. No sense including China because China is treating the matter completely differently. They are under draconian lockdown, which means the pandemic is evolving there completely differently from the rest of the world.

That’s reassuring
>everything is fine, nothing to see here

This. Fucking faggots on this board. Probably all work for Charmin & Purell


It's like a rollercoaster!

Wake me up when it hits seven digits.
Otherwise, I don't give two shits.

I don't know what to tell you. You are living in a fairy-tale land of your own denial.


Fine. See you in April.

It's like no one remembers the China graphs from just a month ago.

It will grow, people will panic and change their ways, nations will put lockdowns and quarantines in place, and it will plateau.

It's still a huge happening financially and probably millions will die though.

>It will grow, people will panic and change their ways, nations will put lockdowns and quarantines in place, and it will plateau.
Yes. The graph depicts what will happen if draconian lockdown is not implemented. Question is how long will Europe and America wait?

time to stop giving a fucking shitttt

Nothing is happening
Nothing ever happens
It will never HABBEBIN

literally the biggest habbenin since WWII

I’ve been hearing habbenin since 1985 and nothing happens

yes, not like the fucking quadratic equation that the fucking chinks were using to fake their numbers

Ted Cruz shook hands with Corona Chan and he's fine

That chart is about my pp.

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What is a logistic regression?

>"There's no cure"

This is about suppression

They're going to use this fake to infect people who use sites like this

Be aware motherfuckers

>China is no longer reporting at all

Checked by the holiest of the holiest. OP a faggot confirmed

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>Hospitalization: 5%
>ICU: 1-2%
>CFR: 0.5%


Oh well

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>(excluding China)
you doomer faggots were posting the same shit weeks ago before China got on top of it

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Other countries never went into lockdown like China did.

The outbreak is over. The people who are sick will get better. A few will die. There will be random cases for months but this whole event will be remembered just like we remember the Y2K panic, we laugh at those who kept trying to make it more than it was. Enjoy your 2 year supply of toilet paper.

eh, we'll be ok mate

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Digits wasted on such a shill reply

There will be bodies piled in the streets and hospitals. This virus has a 100% mortality rate it just takes way too long. There will be 100m dead globally by May.

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Doesn't already appear upside down to you?

why are there so many gullible dumb fucks that will believe anything like OP here on /pol user?

South Korea actually performed wide-scale testing. Do you really think Australian numbers are accurate user?

most doomers are just funposting lad

I'm a sneaky cunt and bought all the wet wipes while dickheads were getting shanked for tp. My asshole is living like a Saudi Prince. No matter what is to come, I am prepared

This guy takes his pills

no i expect massive under reporting and a much much lower death rate. people can have extremely mild corona with no symptoms but you can't ignore a bunch of dead bodies. atm we've had 3 deaths average age of like 85. literally nothing.

There are probably a couple million people with this virus right now with 3k deaths. Nothing burger.