Is this the whitest Cartoon out there?

- working class family
- family unit
- no POC in town
- (((tammy))) is a stacy everybody hates
- autistic kids

when compared to other cartoons out there, its not so submissive to the narrative, or am I wrong?

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>- no POC in town

Arent they like 3rd gen Italian?


That’s a hard pass

King of the Hill is pretty obviously the whitest cartoon.

That's not a white family


Tranny black, Dark Chocolate.
Mike the nigger mailman.
That gay blogger guy.

It's spread out, but not inconsistent. If they ruin Bob's Burgers. So help me fucking GOD. I will find a way to have my provider to shut down Fox Jews and I won't have to pay for shit. That train-wreck shitty show Duncanville is already pushing the narrative. Cucky husband with 1 testi, bitchy wife, half-chink daughter with "adoptive" chink daughter, retarded son in love with nigger femi. It's the Jewess that worked on (((NuSimpsoions)))

You're not exactly wrong, but it often uses sexual phrases and innuendo, including a lot of homosexual and transsexual references, often at the expense of Gene. It also falls into the trap of portraying the father as a bumbling idiot, the son as much of the same (as well as other males in the show), and the women as the voices of reason and intelligence.

Better than most of the subversive cartoons put out today though.

I tried to watch it several times. Its absolutely fucking boring, worse than its always sunny in Philadelphia. What's the appeal?

literally every voice actor is jewish.

for me the appeal is that it's paste is slow and it feels real. like you could be born into this family. Not to surreal scenarios etc.

but the jew girl in school is constantly portrayed as bad

>John Oliver as a guest
Boooooo, you ruined it!
Bob's burger fine but not as funny as early Simpson.

Lol fuck jannies

Great family show..decent jokes for the whole family sjw shit

They're Jews

Bojack horseman is pretty red pilled on women

Bob is a CIA agent.

You can't be serious


It portrays women a vein idiots with no morals and untrustworthy

>- no POC in town
The mailman is black. So is one of the kids' classmates.

They're Catholics?

Tim Meadows is honorary white

so all in all still pretty ethnocityesque

you confuse him with sterling archer, another show with the same voice actor

To be fair Linda is also portrayed as a moron at times. It is not like the Homer (dumb) and Marge (genius savior) formula

too many female writers ruined that show. same goes for rick and morty

Yes I love Bobs Burgers. Favorite episode is from Season 1, the one where Bob drives a cab and ends up smoking crack with some trannies. Shit is funny as fuck.

partly agree with you. than again, Tina is autistic - never saves the day. Louise is a Bart Simpson with Mables Voice, but she has her "right-at-heart" moments, Linda is the stupid Mom, but goodhearded. The other woman in town are portrayed not so smart. in my opinion

Bob and Archare the same guy.

>working class family

Bob isn't a bumbling idiot, he's just kind of mediocre at everything except making burgers and other than Louise it's his family and friends that are bumbling idiots

>Dumb thot just wants to fuck unlimited men because her free cheat wasn't good enough then runs off with some tranny zoomer

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It's a mishmash of 20th century immigrants (Italians, Greeks, Jews, Poles, etc) while all the rich people are Anglos/Germans. The writers probably grew up in those kind of neighborhoods in New York or New Jersey

yes they really love cats lol

Mutter, Vater ,Kinder, arbeiten im Familienbetrieb, Arbeiterfamilie.


What’s wrong with Always Sunny? At least they say nigger.

They are all spics

I dont find it funny or engaging.

Its vile and disgusting. Too many jokes about shitting. If a man wrote them they'd be funny, but the writers are probably chicks so the jokes are gross.

Cast are all based Bernie bros.

I used to love always sunny when I was younger, early 20s. After so many seasons, it's just repetitive, predictable, and oh look they're in a high pitched shouting match with one another again

Yes, there’s an episode where they talk about having gone to mass. So they’re either Catholics or Satanists, or both.

I know.
So boring ordinaire.
If I wanted to watch working class idiots doing working class loser things, I'd watch RTL2

It’s pace not paste my German user friend

>White entertainment

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Says the poo whose entire entertainment industry is high-caste light-skinned poos singing and dancing in bad musicals

It's unwatchable hipster trash.

Isn't the family literally some Armenian Jew mix?

American Dad is unironically the most based cartoon out there.

Attached: American dad.png (982x724, 730.9K)

BoKike Jewman is the most pessimistic defeatist cartoon I've ever seen. Its basically depression porn for soibois and bugmen that think the show is smart.

Eh all Christians are basically the same.

This, although Stan has become increasingly effeminate

It’s kind of weird that it sets out trying to make conservatives look bad but gets so deep into its own irony that it is inadvertently based sometimes.

That's funny cause I'm pretty sure this isn't the early 20th Century in the show.

They're not Italians.

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New York Jews live in a bubble where it’s perpetually the early 20th century.

Based and Americanpilled.

Jeez, so how do they justify Jews being top dog instead of the Anglos/Germans now?

Linda’s a Jew.

xavier renegade angel is the whitest


Victim complex, they always see themselves as persecuted, even from the top story of a Rothschild mansion.


Yeah, Indian entertainment was always terrible. What makes it bad for you is that your stuff peaked half a century ago, and has been degenerating to the very abyss of hell ever since. That includes animation as well, imagine spending decades developing beautiful hand-drawn animation only for it to be replaced by soulless cgi shit.

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>no POC in town
There's a a few though.

Bob is supposed to be of French Canadian descent (supposedly), so it would make sense he's Catholic.


Who gives a fuck, Bob's Burgers is fucking dumb

Dude shut the fuck up

You’re not wrong

No two ways about it, he is super white!

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I read that there's a movie in the works. Rumor has it that it might be a musical. I'll buy it if it comes out.