/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1774

► Detected: 109,837 ► Died: 3,802

US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations

15 million to die, $2.4 trillion recession

UK supermarkets begin rationing

Italy to prioritize those most likely to survive

Man tests positive after attending convetion center two miles away from Mar-a-lago

Young cases end up hospitalized too, it just takes longer

Resistant to antivirals

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Bodies must be cremated

Rapidly mutating

Lockdowns cover 760 million people in China

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

WHO estimated 284,000 deaths for H1N1 from only 18,000 confirmed

Infection could reach 60% of world population

China figures likely simulated

02:36: 2 new deaths in South Korea. One was a 74-year-old man with underlying health conditions and the other was a 68-year-old woman with no known underlying health conditions.
02:22: 1 new case in Hawaii, United States.
01:44: 1 new case in Ecuador.
01:35: 1 new case in Harris County, Texas, United States. Patient is a former passenger of a River Nile cruise ship in Egypt.
01:24: 69 new cases and 1 new death in South Korea.
01:08: 4 new cases in Saudi Arabia.
00:50: 36 new cases and 21 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
20:30: 14 new cases in Israel.


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Other urls found in this thread:


We are all going to die

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► China 80,743 (3,120) ► International 29,020 (704): Italy 7,375 (366) S. Korea 7,384 (51) Iran 6,566 (194) France 1,126 (19) D. Princess 696 (7) Spain 643 (17) Japan 502 (7) USA 491 (19) Switzerland 337 (2) UK 273 (3) Netherlands 265 (3) H. Kong 115 (3) Australia 80 (3) Iraq 60 (6) Thailand 50 (1) Egypt 55 (1) Taiwan 45 (1) S. Marino 36 (1) Philippines 10 (1) Argentina 12 (1) Germany 1,040 Sweden 203 Belgium 200 Norway 175 Singapore 150 Austria 104 Malaysia 99 Bahrain 85 Greece 73 Canada 64 Kuwait 64 Iceland 55 UAE 45 India 40 Denmark 35 Lebanon 32 Czechia 31 Portugal 30 Vietnam 30 Israel 25 Finland 24 Ireland 21 Algeria 20 Brazil 25 Palestine 19 Russia 17 Oman 16 Slovenia 16 Qatar 15 Romania 15 Ecuador 15 Georgia 13 Croatia 12 S. Arabia 15 Poland 11Macao 10 Estonia 10 C. Rica 9 Azerbaijan 9 Chile 8 Mexico 7 Pakistan 7 Hungary 7 Belarus 6 Indonesia 6 Peru 6 Dom. Rep. 5 Luxembourg 5 N. Zealand 5 French Guiana 5 Slovakia 5 Afghanistan 4 Senegal 4 Bulgaria 4 Latvia 3 Macedonia 3 Bangladesh 3 Bosnia 3 Malta 3 S. Africa 3 Cambodia 2 Morocco 2 Cameroon 2 Faeroes 2 Maldives 2 Tunisia 2 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Jordan 1 Lithuania 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Colombia 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Moldova 1 Paraguay 1 Serbia 1 Togo 1

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Thoughts on 2020 so far lads?

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I'm still not convinced.

I'm prepped and all but we're just going to have a bunch of deaths that probably won't be me and then things will be back to normal in 3-5 months just with a shittier economy.
Unless this starts a large war there is no happening worth caring about past prepping for the inevitable quarantines/lockdowns

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Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
>Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
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Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
>Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
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>Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
>Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
>Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;
>Germany, 1.040 cases - 0% MR;


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i want out

Reminder to pray for the intercession of your favorite saint.

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Going to pull everything out of the bank tomorrow, get ready lads.

Run on the banks when?

The Wuhan cough is coming for the boomers

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How does the most powerful race only have 10 cases?

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Milan will be a living hell in a week, screencap this

Gary we miss you

Isn't it already?

I work at a bank, as soon as it starts happening here in Arkansas I'll be saying it.


What a fucking ride it is. It's great

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>Go to local Sam's Club out of curiosity
>Food is still in stock
>Dried goods are still in stock
>Bandages, antiseptic, etc still in stock
>The only thing out of stock is toilet paper
>Talk to an employee there and they confirm that toilet paper sells out immediately
>People are buying toilet paper ahead of food
It was then that I realized that people weren't just dumb, but genuinely retarded

Reminder that calling it the Wuhan Flu is racist.

It already is

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Crunch time

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It's the Kung flu

Think I’ve got 2 more weeks to get ready in Texas?

>1. Is a strain of SARS.
>2. Has a long incubation (14 days +).
>3. Can spread during asymptomatic incubation.
>4. May infect the CNS and brainstem. - SARS has a higher propensity to do this.
>5. Can attack the lungs, heart, kidneys, and reproductive system.
>6. Is airborne.
>7. It also can cause encephalitis, as SARS/Coronaviruses have a propensity to do.
>8. Mortality increases exponentially with age, protect your parents and grandparents.
>9. Unconfirmed reports of recovered patients becoming re-infected!
Takeaways -
Do not respond to memeflags
Do not respond to Reddit spacers
Do not respond to tripfags
Do not respond to namefags

These attention-whores and validation-seekers ruin everything they touch with their faggotry and your responses feed their egos.
Thread Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=da5wnfAOQP0

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>couple of thousand dead mutts on 9/11
>20 years of war
>global pandemic
>over 3000 dead and rising

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In Tennessee near where the tornado hit, now we have Corona-sama here too. Fuck me.

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oh gods can you imagine it? A perfect timeline where the coof kills 90% of congress in one fell swoop? makes me hard just thinking about it

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>people still walking out and about
>people still trying to escape the quarantine Zone
It's only

Meme magic turned Yellow Fever into Corona. We did this.

Why the fuck are so many people buying toilet paper?

well, now you have to it the India way

it won't seem so retarded when you are selling 2 hours with your asshole for a single roll of 1-ply toilet paper

I’ve noticed this too. Does the virus exacerbate sharting?

We are slipping into something big and cathartic

I remember how fast it spiraled here in 08. Only this time, no matter how much "quantative easing" the govt pumps in it wont matter when there's no one around to actually work.

Pooh Flu

Not a big deal

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none of those items are gonna have shortages. you are a """""sheeple"""" as well. you are not ahead of some imaginary curve, as much as you fancy yourself to be.

Germany can eat a dick

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Which city will have the most kino riots?

I fucking hate it. My life really went to shit in 2019 and it's only getting worse. I don't want people to suffer, not even the Chinese. I want things to be good again.

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Did you get your PALs, leafs?

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>-5% futures correction
it's a nothing burger
this little faggot correction won't cause a global recession...

fuck ZOG and fuck yidsrael.
this is what i fucking coom for!

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Someone please phone Boris and tell him to put the country on lockdown

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when do we reach the next breaking point?

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time for shit skins and hobos to pay


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

That's how powerful the media is.

DC probably

Oh America what things awaits us. Our Lord is watching over us, our virtues in this dire times need to be shown by his grace.

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stfu you stupid nigger boomer

Still normies in denial

get to work nerd anons.

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NOPE--lawmakers get zero protection when the public gets zero protection. FUCK THEM.

Trump declined St. Patricks Lunch with Pelosi who most certainly has wuflu after all the people she secretly met with in Iran a few weeks ago are dead or dying. SILVER LINING

user britain is a mongrel county ever since the saxons, normans and others invaded and then blended with the population. today every briton is a mutt

Which of your cities have the highest density of niggers?

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Less if you live in central Tx, more if you live anywhere else

200k cases, quarantine of Northwest coast/NYC, getting the REAL numbers out of Iran


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The government is buying all the long term storage food. It's a distraction meme for the plebs so they don't buy anything actually important.

hail kek, my dick is diamonds looking at you!

"Wow user, you have so many masks and bottles of hand sanitizer! I thought stores were selling out left and right. How'd you get such a large stockpile?"
"I was warned since January by a small community of anonymous anime internet nazis that this would be what they call the "Happening" and that civilization as we know it will soon collapse. Since I am in the early stages of undiagnosed schizophrenia, I took these warnings from the anime nazis seriously and began hoarding the necessary supplies to coerce women into being my harem of sex slaves in the coming post-Virocalypse world."
"I see."
"Would you like a mask?"

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Mass hysteria. It will be studied for years to come. People doing something completely illogical just because other people are doing it. They should be clearing the shelves of canned food, not toilet paper.


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You sound depressed

Be an hero

How will the image of chinks recover after this mess?

It's time to leave humanity behind.

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Dont have bidet

monday when the stock market fucking nose dives

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Based year. I hope humanity perishes all together

I will be posting this regularly from here on out.

Proof of censorship here.

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Im in Houston

By making liberals get angry at everyone for being racist while reinvesting in the dipped stock market.

Didnt happen in Germany, so it doesn't count
eat my dick and suck my ass, mutt

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It's cheaper than tissues. People gotta wipe their nose/ass, user.

is it normally that empty this time of day?

God I want so fucking much to go out like this but people here are animals and think that suited non-govt people actually have the corona and would beat the shit out of me

Poat more.

It does.

China's 2nd largest steel mill just exploded

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How bad did Yas Forums react to ebola? Anything quite like this?

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My boss got suddenly sick and was hospitalized

Late 30s, He has a lot of work travel

DC area

Agreed. There's a name for it in social psychology.

Been a bull for 30 years since building my first business.....you should learn what that means.

The world is avoiding the market?? Great, the world is 95% stupid and my world of software replaces most human so forgive me if I NEVER want to follow what the majority thinks.

You always buy the most during volatility events. Go look and tell me when it DOES NOT world.

20% lower??? sure but you are guessing and every idiot like you fails. Timing NEVER works vs averaging down. DCA never fails.

How was I wrong too??? Show me??? I posted how to hedge, I posted that I have 3x more bonds than stock. Again, just have some real $$ math and less weak kid drama.

I heard this same crap in every risk event since 2000, I well ahead of what you kids are trying to do......Good luck timing. It has a 20% success rate over 30 years.

Reminder that you don't have to give a fuck about being politically correct.

How does a hospital have only 1 patient left?

Market crash when?

(Holy shit these captchas)

Yas Forums memed it
Check the catalogue
/cvg/ been talking about it since late jan

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NYC since there’s no real spatial segregation between the plebs and the wealthy there.

Doubt it’ll happen due to the sheer amount of military and glowie assets in the area. It’s not like the days when the Bonus Army rolled into town.

pretty comfy tbqh famalamskirino

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>he hides his thread from a dark third-world because he believes that this will allow him to get away with s***ting on americans
no, f*** off

Can't have any infected if everyone's dead.

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this is the happiest i've been in actual years

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it's like you're british

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But that would be dumb since they would actually risk infecting themselves by touching you.

Baltimore and LA

damn she cute

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TN too, fren. Except I work in a nursing home. Will be ground zero soon, I fear. Tried warning the uppers, they wouldn’t hear it. I’m resigned to the doom now.

Corona-chan mutates in 1 week. Tens of thousands to die in a few days after mutation.

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No fucking way. I skimmed a thread and left. Didnt even feel the need to point out it was a "nothingburger"

I find it strange that people are doing that so frequently now

It was more memes and nigger jokes than actual happening

Hey you, look at this.

Gee, what a surprise that this is destroying italians who kiss each other in the mouth to say hello and don't wash their hands and yell at each other's faces while standing shoulder to shoulder

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Some pretty good ebola chan art. And a lot of internet trolling; trying to convince africans that the WHO was poisoning them

Go to North Italy and tell me that. It's weird, it seems like a few areas are getting absolutely fucked raw compared to everyone else.

The absolute state of the amerimutts

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Best year of my life. The events and the knowledge simply don't stop

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We are that powerful or we are like a lot of countries before an explosion of cases. Only test those that have direct contact with a case or in the ICU.

Equal parts terrified and excited. The slow decline into a mind-numbingly boring dystopia didn't interest me, so I hope the world is forever changed and status quo is reset. Good chance I'll die, but whatever.

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>+40 only


this year is fucking great
wonderful time to be a Yas Forumsack

spain is a mongrel country, user. there has been succesful african invasions over the centuries blending into the population there. today every spaniard is a mutt

I posted the picture. You dont need a link

Atlanta, Chicago (already a war zone), NYC, Detroit, Houston.

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Let's hear your opinions with this survey
I am surprised that Yas Forums does not think the Jews and USA are behind this virus, but it also would not surprise me if the Wuhan Institute of Virology was where this came from

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Accelerated infected disposal

Futures trading in the US already hit limit down. If it’s not tomorrow, it’s sometime this week.

Ad lib a song and make it about coronachan to be blessed with viral immunity.
. . .
O cough all ye faithful
Joyful and triumphant,
O cough ye, O come ye to Foreign Land
Cough and behold Her,
Born the Queen of Virus;
O cough, let us contract Her
O cough, let us contract Her
O cough, let us contract Her

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Looks like we're immune at this point

Love to see the lesser races suffering lmao

i wish these screen caps had a fucking date one them.

they already did lookup ((('operation dark winter')))

>all these corona related threads slowing down /cvg/
once the markets open here tomorrow it's going to be a wild ride


You forgot Nola, a former homicide capital

based af



You're just jealous that you don't have a sweet fort like that. Cope harder, faggot.

>Turn on all your machinery overnight to meet the energy quotas mandated
>Still no one coming in to actually man the tools
>Nobody there to stop out of control reaction

And that's how you get a massive explosion that "miraculously" had no casualties

stop shilling this jew

sounds like it got bombed. Merica

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We brought this upon ourselves
Globalism destroying the natural order
In labs, pretending to be Gods
Consuming everything without care for life
Selfishness before community
Rampant and celebrated sociopaths and narcissists
Love for wealth more than charity
Sexual deviancy destroying the family
And no mass movement to stop it
This is the Flood, as it happened before

UPS is encouraging employees to stay at home if sick because of the coronavirus. Only non-internet sign of this shit being real. NPR just uses panic to attack the president,

>tie on
>mods thanked
>lunch not eaten
Its lookner time

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Thanks for this.


Albert Camus' "The Plage".

Every index in the US stock market hit a circuit breaker halting trading by 10PM EST. Tomorrow will go down in history for one of the worst days of trading for both the US and world economies. We are talking 1929 levels. The world economy just got caught walking on stilts with two midgets riding the whip and coronavirus just slide kicked the wood out from underneath them. Luckily none of us are employed anyway.

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Idiots that are no longer capable of thinking for themselves due to smartphone dependency. Paper goods domestically produced, along with most food. There will be food, there will be TP, power, water. medicine, masks, etc. are gold. think about videos out of china we have all seen, they aren't crying for toilet paper, they are crying for masks, and medicine.

You right, you right.

the closest apostles of jesus were jews; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good

Include this in the default posts, OP. A SHTF prep list another user did put together based on several other anons' posts.


My boys
Today, my prep has evolved due to the biggest redpill of my life
Today, I have dumpster dived

I’m literally going to be a millionaire tomorrow

Anyone have the pasta of wuflu names? Like holocough, niggerlung etc.

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Don't worry that aussie/kiwi will be here soon to tell us everything is fine.

Niggers will definitely die dude.
if not from the virus then definitely from the ensuing chimp outs

Lol, good one.

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>implying i'm a spic cuz flag
Whatever you say memefag, if you are an amerimutt you are also mixed with mongrels and beaners and in an accelerating pace right now. Cope and hide in your TP bunker.

Why are cruise ships so vulnerable for getting the 'rona?

What makes them different than anything else?

>case in Volusia Country, FL
Nice knowing you guys...

Holy fuck read this post from reddit lmao!

>Last night we had a code in the ED, patient with fever, cough and CT chest typical of viral pneumonia. Flu negative. Had just come down to Florida from New York where she had visited her sister who was quarantined. She coded and a bunch of people did chest compressions etc. There were no masks available. After she died the paramedics and other staff went on to see new patients right away. My Co-resident who ran the code in the ED got written up by the hospital for “causing a scene” in the ED with regards to there being no masks. At a very for-profit hospital in South Florida. This is going to be BAD.

My guess is that it probably was engineered by some US interest, but then got stolen or otherwise sold to china (Maybe by US-based parties, maybe via Canada, etc) who fucked up and dropped it on their own people.

When the normalfags are unable to get shit paper?

Attached: Rural GA DG TP March 8 2020.png (840x468, 721.51K)

Just move it into credit unions, much safer....

tell more user