Honest opinion on Breivik?

Honest opinion on Breivik?

Webm related are his victims bodies on the island, notice how they're all white?

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They were part of a shitty program and we're a detriment. Least their parents were and they would be to. Serves them right. God bless saint brevik

Prevented next generation of hardcore socialists to ruin norway, saved the country another 20 years

norwegian leftists shut the fuck afterwards. instead of being another sweden like finland pretty much is now norway is at least chaotic neutral

They supported mass immigration and most of them wouldnt have a children in the future

doesn't really matter if they were white. they were leftists.
weird though, I read an account from an Albanian guy who said he was sun bathing when Breivik stood over him, made eye contact, but didn't shoot and ran off.

Yep exactly. Democratic socialist

Niistä olisi piakkoin kasvanut aikuisia vassareita, jotka olisivat vieneet euroopan vaan syvemmälle tähän paskan sävyiseen suohon, jossa paraikaa olemme. Sivitaan vaikka, että kyseessä oli ennalta ehkäisevä toiminta :3

they were all commies

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He was a pyscho.

Socialist political parties hosting indoctrination camps for children like the one he shot up is super creepy though.

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Schizo piece of shit

they were all commies. the guys were faggots and the girls were coal burners. nothing of value was lost. breivik is a hero. and he likes Saga

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are you 10?

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No, I'm just saying he saw an Albanian guy and made eye contact and ran what's the point?

to add to the conversation..?
stay assblasted, lmao.

I'm just saying how is that weird?

This. I remember reading about this when it happened. I can't imagine what those kids went through. God bless em

It was an interesting thing note, it implies that Breivik spared the lives of some people, if the story is true. Fucking autist.

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>they're all white?
So are these freaks.
And they want to murder you, castrate your children, and have your wife raped by niggers. And they think that this is a being virtuous.


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>notice how they're all white?

Lefty whites are the source of all evil.

marxist communists aren't human

He was a Judeo-Christian terrorist who killed white people.
STFU you autistic FREAKS

>how is weird that breivik chose to not kill some people during the massacre?
are you retarded?

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they were*

Well it's just there could've been many reasons why, like he was out of ammo or thought he was running out of time, etc...
I guess I dont see it as weird because there could've been many factor to why

Look, more of those wonderful ""White"" leftists
They want to smash White people and ONLY White people in the face for wanting to continue existing as a distinct and sovereign people.

The socialist anti-Whites that Breivik assassinated were Antifa. They supported Antifa openly and often served in its ranks. Their interests included smashing nationalists in the kneecap with crowbars while being protected by the treasonous government.

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Well you could have said that, but instead you just wrote “and?” like a sassy fag.
Thanks for detailing the thread tho, kys.

Here's some more ""White"" leftists to cry over.
They HATE their own race
They HATE their ancestors
They HATE everything that represents normal and healthy society.

No sane man would cry if the entire lot of them were machinegunned right now.

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>If i had only one bullet, and faced towards an enemy and a traitor..

Oh no! What if someone kills these exemplary ""White"" women!
Oy veh!

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Dont worry corona-chan will handle that for me

Oh no! What if someone kills these wonderful ""White"" communists!
Think of how ""White"" they are and meekly allow them to destroy your nation and race because they're pale faced traitors who act as shock troops for the jewish oligarchs.

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commies aint white

I agree. In a civil war, I would target antifa and all leftist anti-white types. I hate a traitor more than anything else.

Fake and gay: I don't expect anyone to read it all, but It is worth it

Killing children is always wrong.

Most of them have cleared themselves from the gene pool anyways

commies aint children

no blood

You're a fucking idiot. If you wanna be a big man and go shoot "commies" go shoot the adults. Killing children is peak cowardice.

It is precisely these kinds of soulless, mindless scum, these inhuman monsters, these hate-filled traitors who are responsible for the jews exercising power.
Kikes are a tiny minority which, though wealthy, is still only able to exert force via the indescribably evil treason of gentiles.

And while I really, really hate Antifa and they really deserve to die, I must not forget to mention that the ones who are the most dangerous are not the shit smeared freaks who stand screaming at the sky in black and red clothes. No, the real scum, the psychotic filth that has poisoned our society is the ""White"" neocon vermin who go about their days with a pudgy grin about their faces as they do the bidding of the jew.
Those are the worst traitors of all because they KNOW exactly what they are doing and they do it anyway. No one deserves a slow and painful death more than they do.

It is a great shame that Breivik missed both his original targets because it was of this class of filth that he was targeting. All the slimy shitlib scum were just bonus points or target practice.

God, I hate traitors.

They weren't children, you retard. They were adult Marxist scum. And they all deserve to die.

it's based as fuck. they spent their lives hoping to put the cunt droppings through college so their (((progressive))) agenda would catapult them to the intelligentsia position. then they get capped in the fucking head along with dozens of their friends by a single chad viking warrior

>OY VEH! Think of the ""children"" Think of the ""Whites""
>How could he kill communists 18 year old ""children"" if they had pasty white skin??
This is what those ""Whites"" supported.
They were not children and they had no business being White. They were adult soldiers in the full service of a hostile army with the stated goal of ethnically replacing Norwegian people in their own homeland.

This is indescribably evil. What kind of vile freak goes into YOUR HOME and then seeks to ethnically replace you with your own treasonous government.

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One of the most well executed and successful false flag psyops ever.

This is naturally just ironic shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving forum, no need to send out a van or anything like that...

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he shouldnt have killed kids. most of them were just there because their parents are fags. if he had only did adult leftists, the whole world would see him in a better light. this was a major fuck up that should not be repeated. leave kids out of it.

traitor whites are the biggest problem. Any outside attack would be absolutely powerless without their support.

>b-but they were brainwashed by the jewish media!
Somehow you were immune, what's their excuse?

Brevik is an accelerationist. He gut punched them by going after their children, by stooping to their level. He did exactly what they want to do and what their imported pets actually do; destroy the innocent. Brevik is not a hero. He is a slap in the face to the Left. A scream that said, "What now?". He forced them to show their hand and, predictably, they have. European children don't matter to the Left. Now, everyone knows it. And, the overwhelming majority still do not care. Brevik failed in that regard. Children died for nothing. It's sad. If people would have stood up and acknowledged the problem, yeah, maybe. But, they didn't and they won't. So, what was the real worth of it all? Not much.

You are speaking from complete ignorance.
1. He did not kill "kids"
2. He wasn't even trying to assassinate the adult MARXIST per-se. They were target practice after he assassinated his primary objective which was Gro Harlem Brundtland, the anti-White socialist party leader who was speaking at the island a mere hour before.

You are talking shit and bought the lies of the jewish media because they screamed "CHILDREN CHILDREN CHILDREN!!!" just like how every migrant invading Europe is a "woman or a child"
Stop being a gullible idiot. They were in almost all instances adult Marxists.



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Yes, let the hate flow through you. God willing, these traitors will pay for their evils. I don't understand these Breivik and Tarrant types who attack the symptoms instead of the root cause.


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>after he assassinated his primary objective which was Gro Harlem Brundtland, the anti-White socialist party leader who was speaking at the island a mere hour before.
Never mind
That makes Breivik more based than I thought he was.

Oh for fuck sake. They were not children. Adults are not children. Stop repeating the lies of the jewish media. In almost all instances, they were adults.
But even if they were a bunch of fucking 5 year olds, the children of the elite are legitimate targets of war. These vile scum target European children EVERY SINGLE DAY for brainwashing and propaganda designed to cause them mental anguish and cause ethnomasochism.
That is the worst human rights abuse that you can possibly do because it causes them to hate their very existence. The holocaust story pales in comparison to such a crime.

So no, the children of elites are NOT off limits. Indeed, it would be great if jews began to suffer just a small taste of what they have been doing to other people for millennia.

It is a shame. Tarrant would have done more use if he had targeted the cunt prime minister who let the muslims into Christchurch to begin with.
But I think Tarrant fell for the Al-Quaeda meme that mass casualties = results. Or perhaps he didn't know where he could find that tyrant or if he could kill her? Maybe his thought process was as simple as his manifesto's statement. Revenge for Ebba Ackerlund and accelerationism?
idk. People are weird. Even professionals like ETA fall for the mass casualties meme.

>I read an account from an Albanian guy who said he was sun bathing when Breivik stood over him, made eye contact, but didn't shoot and ran off

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Soon what?

Notice how they're all communists and therefore not human

There's a conspiracy that just he did it for shits and giggles but I doubt that, I think he just went all in hoping acclerationism could work

I get it, really I do. He figured that the action would lead to gun bans in the USA which would lead to Revolution.
And it's a good idea in theory, but as a non-American, I think he misread the American gun issue a little. The elites are only mildly concerned with disarming Americans. They are laser focused on disarming our minds though.
So an act against a bunch of nobodies 8000 miles away was never going to cause the accelerationism he was hoping for.

Now, what if he had shot up a Bilderberg meeting? Yes, I know, it's crazy, t's a fortress, but if he somehow killed 50 billionaires and other assorted cocksuckers, then that might prompt an emotional reaction from the elites. Men acting emotionally make mistakes. Mistakes like gun confiscations.

Now, how a lone guy could crash a Bilderberg meeting? idk. Probably unrealistic. But you know, kikes like Larry Page live in relatively isolated mansions in New York. A well motivated man could probably figure out how to give such a man a piece of his mind.

He was a programmed masonic killer created by Mossad. Just like Brenton Tarrant

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Low IQ brainlets. See He was literally a zionist jew settler who became a freemason, got programmed probably by mossad. The entire zionist operation is 1. FLood europe with muslims 2. Make europeans hate muslims 3. Use europeans to fight muslims for the zionists.

no, you can watch your children die in front you commie shitcunt, fuck you

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a certain waco inspired gentleman slready demonstrated how to get the powers that be to fuck off

dont copy him though

Whats the difference between the socialism you propose vs communism?

How do you get caught by Scandinavian police?

Nothing of value lost.

>3. Use europeans to fight muslims for the zionists.
Your theory makes no sense because euros have been fighting arabs for the last 20 years.

International Jewry


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>The entire zionist operation is 1. FLood europe with muslims
That was literally the stated position of the Marxist """anti-Zionists"""" he assassinated, you disingenuous retard (but realistically, you're probably ADL. No one is stupid enough to unironically believe that """anti-Zionist""" Marxist angle)

Pic related are """anti-Zionists""" too

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All white and democrat
Root of the evil you fucking mongoloid