More proof that Muhammad was right about women

More proof that Muhammad was right about women.

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Women would rather surrender rule of law and any notion of a country for sustainable access to BBC. Sorry, I'm just stating facts. Don't shoot the messenger, as much as you incels love to commit mass shootings.

yes, the so called feminicides in this shithole, are mostly done because thots always enjoy hanging out with sugar daddies or tough guys

Lebonon is Christian.

show us your american flag

Shes built for BBC.

Beirut has always been known as a prostitute filled Christian shithole in the Arab World, not really shocking, next you'll be showing feminist protests in Morroco. Let's see some titty protests in Baghdad or Yemen, then I'll be shocked.

free the titties

Women shouldn't speak in public or go outside the home without a husband or father to accompany them. Deviating from this is the root of everything wrong with the west.

You guys who keep repeating this crave BBC yourself. Faggot.

shia faggots

found the Sunni Dog
go fuck a camel whore
fuck sunnis and fuck your world and your prophet

It's pretty much impossible for me to find a woman who meets my requirements
>167 million women in Norway
>99 percent of women will use birth control
>This leaves 1,670,000 women
>94 percent of women will have premarital sex
>This leaves 100,200 women
>59 percent of women are Democrats
>This leaves 41,082 women
>59 percent of women are above age 30
>This leaves 16,843 women
>55.7 percent of women are married
>This leaves 9,382 women
>39.3 percent of the population is nonwhite
>This leaves 5,695 women
>31 percent of women have tattoos
>This leaves 3,360 women
>27.4 percent of women are obese
>This leaves 2,439 women
>25 percent of women are Non-Christian
>This leaves 1,829 women
>16 percent of women are alcoholics
>This leaves 1,536 women
>15.4 percent of women are current drug users
>This leaves 1,299 women
>13.5 percent of women smoke
>This leaves 1,124 women
>7 percent of women aren't heterosexual
>This leaves only 1,045 women who meet my requirements
It's just too difficult to find a woman who isn't shit these days. I'll just stay single instead of being with female trash.


She's gonna get stoned so hard. She's better off getting raped at this point

its because they watch porn and project it on to everyone
Yas Forums is degeneracy itself
and fuck every kike and arab on this board
not enough that zionists hate Lebanon and also Sunni Dogs
when the devil is against you and you side with him
fucking idiots

Allah blows, and Beirut is full of hoes

This. If Lebanon was pure Muslim, this thot would have been stoned. However, Christians enable this feminist lunacy.

The short story is: you have nothing to offer and women run away when you come close. Don't fool yourself.

damn, i gotta get to lebanon

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million women in Norway
Yeah no, retard. Please learn how numbers work in English and then try again

million women in Norway

What kind of redpill is this?

Imagine setting "requirements" for women as if they are lining up to marry you

Holy shit are you retarded, there is overlap in each of these categories

Not after the civil war it's about 1/3 Christian, 1/3 Shia, and 1/3 Sunni.

Indeed. For example, every single homosexual woman is Democrat

You can thank Obama for that and every other fucked up thing happening over there.

>I can do anything I want!
People with this mindset should be exiled to forests.

Looks like she decides what she doesn't wear.

muhammad is right about women because he at least understands that Moses was right about women


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Guess she's not showing her tits because she didn't want to be stoned?

‘ I decide whom I behead’

The following examples exclude the former

eg. 3,360 women women who have tattoos who are white, aren't Democrats, aren't over 30, haven't had pre-marital sex and use birth control

Lebanon's prime minister said Saturday the government will suspend payment of $1.2 billion in loans

yea, they wont have enough money to be wearing decent clothes soon

fuck them

Lebanon's Civil War was in the 70s retard

Fucking obviously he was right. I don’t know what other anons think of this, but especially in light of the hypersexualized culture today, we need MORE not less covering. If women want actual respect they’ll have to realize that it doesn’t come from walking around in clothes that are so tight they might as well be naked, or heavily emphazing their breasts or butt. Women don’t want to hear you speak out against this either, they’ll sperg out, like one did recently when I said (quite nonchalantly and without malice) that I would not permit my future daughters to wear leggings / yoga pants.

You forgot
>100 percent of women would call the police if I tried flirting with them

>I'll just stay single
Don't kid yourself into believing you ever had another option

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and what said Moses about women?

Except it doesn't. If 99% use birth control it is safe to say that the 1 percent left is also probably against premarital sex, not that 94% of the remaining 1 have premarital sex

>muzzies in the west pretending their women aren't whores like everyone else's

>Breaking News: Woman Gang Raped at Beirut Women's March

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Allahs whore daughters will please their Christian masters.

They're whores but they at least try and hide it, Lebanese Christians are loud and proud with their whoredom which is why Beirut is Arabia's brothel

There's standards and then there's requirements. His requirements are basically asking for a perfect little bitch that doesn't exist because instead of going out into the real world and finding good pussy like the rest of civilization, he jerks off to little anime girls and bitches about it to other virgins on this website. Not saying I'm any better, but that fag really needs a life.

Hahaha and your Shiite and think your based hahaha. I think Iran is the leader in female stonings

Lmao whiteknight raging over a stale pasta, go back to plebbit faggot

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>only 1/100000 norweigian women are worthy of my seed

Big brain nibba doing big brain chess

>doesn't deny being a muzzy fob
>heh we aren't like those Levantine muslims our women occasionally pretend to not be whores...
Have you ever been to Dubai? More fags there than a Tel Aviv parade
>at least our whores are x
Kill yourself

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>Women march to be taken seriously
>"I want to be a sex object"

Nah mate, its just the laughable ratio of this shit cunts demands vs what he is in real life. Hes dreamin mate, or he wouldve ticked the boxes ages ago.

Lebanese diaspora spotted.


Mutt's Law.


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Every time.

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Men are high spiritual beings, protectors of order and light. And closer to God.

Women are dark creatures, spiritually low vibration. Closer to demons.

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zero iq meme
it's obviously a jew posting bbc shit every single time

woman hate thread?

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> are you at least 6 feet tall?
> do you have a full head of hair?
> do you have a low body fat % and 6 pack abs?
> do you have your own place?
> do you have a chin?
> do you dress in well fitted clothes?
> do you have a well paying job?

You talk a lot about women meeting your requirements, but do you meet theirs?

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Why aren't they tackling them and Burqa'ing them!? How are they allowed to just walk and tempt like that!?