When I first came here it was fun to try to cause discord and push progressive narratives but I got to confident and started reading the read pills not the gay ones from r/donald but the Yas Forums old timers.
I think I am broken now and am kind of panicking... it took like a month and I honestly dont even feel like the same person anymore. I cant hang out with my friends because I just stutter like a moron because I am afraid I will say something wrong, ditto my parents. Is there anyway to stop it? I dont want to know the truth anymore...ignorance was comfortable :(
The truth is hard to hear but, it is the truth user. No being in this world can avoid it, and you're not the first one who made a thread like that. Again, don't despair : Better yourself, change yourself and become a better and stronger man. It's the only thing you can do.
so what church do I join then? catholic or orthodox?
Lucas Collins
Remember, You are here forever! ;-)
Yas Forums is love, Yas Forums is life and the redpill is eternal.
Connor Morales
you realize it's all going to be alright and that nothing matters in the end anyway you care too much and that's the problem live your best life and realize that you can go along the "normal" and straight path of life and light, the rest of the normies and heathens - there is nothing you can do you're here for ever btw
You’re going to have to stop giving a shit if your friends or family think you’re crazy eventually.
Camden Reyes
Catholic all the way. Make sure to avoid Novus Ordo masses. Look for traditional Latin mass
Henry Baker
Latin Rite, if you're into married priests become Melkite or Ruthenian. The Greek and Russian 'Orthodox' schismatics are thinly-veiled Protestants. The Church has its problems, but they will be fixed soon enough. To break away from the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is to die. This, but look into ICKSP and Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Society of SPX is controlled opp, and, I'm just avoiding mass until Francis dies. These are dark times we live in. Stay safe and be vigilant. Also pray in Latin constantly.
You were fooled. The 2010s was the era of fools. The sjw crap was the jews mindwarping you. You got played, some kike is laughing everytime he sees goyim push HIS worldviews. Your progressive views were borrowed, they arent even your own. A kike forged the "you" of the last 15 years. A false creation, break the mold. Gays were a jewish invention from times of old.
I came here to push conspiracy theories and right wing ideas, easy pickings
Austin Howard
If you’re not dropping those bombs on your friends you’re a faggot.
Blake Wilson
Your confidence will only grow and soon enough you won't care what faggots think.
Parker Cooper
The problem with Yas Forums isn't that it's filled with uncaring sociopaths who hate the world. The problem is that Yas Forums is filled with people who actually care too much.
Jayden Rodriguez
Start making mass red pill filled thumb drives and sending them out in the mail. Ive sent about 1000 already
Nicholas Green
>this is the only lasting truth you will find here
Find a group of friends who share the same interests, beliefs and values. If you share these things in common with someone they will be valuable lifelong friends.
Christopher Hughes
Get married have children, and prepare for the collapse of western civilization.
Get a dog and start going for walks, disciplinary commands, and give him 2 hours a day outside jogging. Within a month, you will be cardio fit and will feel good. But still you will never leave here
Samuel Bell
Sedevacantism might just be the ultimate redpill. Cardinal Siri was probably the last Pope. John XXIII was an antichrist. Paul VI a Masonic high priest, Jew, and notorious homosexual. Pius 12 literally exploded like Judas. The rest go without saying. Situation is bad. Glownigger much?
Dominic Kelly
I do you mong. Almost all my friends now hate jews and don’t believe the holocaust happened. My family thinks I’m a little crazy but they’ve come around on a lot of issues especially IQ differentials by race and sex. If you don’t share the truth with people who are important to you, regardless of their reaction you’re a coward.
Sede doesn’t make any sense. That’s where you lost me.
“And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
If the chair of Peter is vacant at the moment than Jesus was wrong and our entire religion is a farce.
Jordan Lopez
I grew up outside the western world so I was never indoctrinated into believing a lot of this leftard nonsense and find the red pill phenomenon very fascinating. I've changed my views and opinions over the years but I've never had a revelation like what people describe when they talk about taking the red pill.
I've got this theory that the minds of leftists are full of contradictions, (that were drilled into them a kids and that they have never really thought about in detail) and that all our memes really do is make the cognitive dissonance painfully obvious to them, causing their minds to decompartmentalise.
Chase Perry
Though I’m not saying we have had some serious horrible popes and major infiltration of homos and kikes but the chair can not be usurped or Catholicism ceases to be the one true religion.
If they can't handle being called a faggot they must not be very secure in their faggotry.
Nathan Bailey
Catholicism is not the one true religion. Both of you are just making the argument for Protestantism. There is no getting around the corrupt history of the Roman Catholic church. Can't apologize for it. It's over. Protestant or cope.
Lincoln Wilson
protestants are just golems, thats one of the red pills that woke me up
Sorry for the jew York times link. 2 lesbians adopted a bunch of nigglets and drove them of a cliff. The reality of virtue signaling is harder than it looks.
I've been sitting here the whole day, i am addicted and it's real. I started to become a sociopath, narcisstic as hell.. this constant one-upping of each others. Though i am glad that i came here, because i finally feel awakened, realizing that there cant be good without bad, light without darkness.
Watch this and think about it. I'm gonna take a shower, sleep and find a girl like pic related
Thats bullshit. You can't have five consecutive Popes spouting heresies and leading the flock to complete perdition. That makes mockery of Christ's promise more than any empty chair. It's been empty before, never 60 years, but these are excptional circumstances. The third fatima secret probably predicted this. An empty chair is the only way to reverse the damage done. There is a literal plague from God in Rome ffs. The truth will be revealed soon enough.
Hunter Ward
alan watt is a pusher of juadism, so im not sure how much youve picked up while youve been here :/
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saeculum_obscurum literally what the dark ages were, but before the end comes, go send something to fix it, which he did there to the women who started all that, was a fake jewish convert and her family basically did the same thing the jews are doing now.
Lincoln Miller
I don't remember why I came but Yas Forums but I know why I stay
William Thompson
What do you mean? Is hinduism and buddhism jewish now? Is a common truth jewish, dualities. Im tired of this
Fuck off and die, CIA. The day of the rope is upon you. Paul VI literally smashed the papal tiara. John XXIII specifically adopted the name of an antipope, breaking centuries of tradition of doing otherwise. I'm just giving you facts nig. Seems painfully obvious