Why does bigotry like this still exist in today's society? Is this proof that transgender people are still systematically oppressed and discriminated against? It's problematic.
How come trans women are ignored in International Women's Day Yas Forums?
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kekekekekek fuck these niggers
Kek he’s like the Charlie Brown of trannies
is that you?
Would you licc this transpucci?
i cannot believe that there are people who deep down dont believe this is mental illness. jesus christ
but for real though, i love how all this dude can think about is fulfilling his fantasy, not a single thought or care about how uncomfortable he probably makes everyone
>people expressing their gender identities makes me uncomfortable
You right wingers are a bunch of snowflakes
>he thinks right wingers are the only ones
i bet you anything that entire class was made uncomfortable by this fag, it was probably a huge relief to everyone when he fucked off to the bathroom so they could go on with their activities without getting glared down by him
checked and britniggerpilled
because they aren't fucking women.....if tranny women want a fucking day, let the invent Tranny Day
I am tired of being told a dude in a dress is a woman...
>is man
>is man
Nobody cares about you "expressing gender", retard. They care that you're ugly and obviously mentally unstable.
fuck this thread, i want to read funny shitposts not look at these ABOMINATIONS
You never seen a trans woman in reallife, only cherrypicked examples
There are far more ugly cis males or cis females than ugly trans people
the fact that you cant conform to normal society makes you the snowflake, faggot.
>right wingers are snowflakes
fuck you faggot.
ive seen them irl.
>ugly cis males or cis females
yes and those are the ones cutting their dicks off and being so far on the delusional scale they would have been committed 20 years ago.
thats because there are far more "cis" (AKA NORMAL) people than trans people
this is a perfect normal picture of a perfectly normal man.
Mentally ill people are dangerous. A bunch of teen girls are a vulnerable target for that maniac.
Gorrilion years of evolution has come to this.
This loser is basically demanding special attention based on his genitals. He was probably being treated just like any other female, but that wasn't enough. He demanded more attention, and think he can get it by whining about more pretend victimhood status.
I fuck trannies all the time, they are clearly self hating perverts trying to fulfil a fantasy that they will never fulfil and most of them are on drugs. A Few have admitted they were Diddled as kids to me. I don’t hate them they’re just mentally ill
Because they are still privileged males that have the privileged of easier transformations from male to female than females do to become men.
No, you delusional fucking faggot. I assure you I live in a city infested with you obvious degenerates. If you think you're passing, think again.
>I fuck trannies
You are gay
Kekkkkk hard
Being a tranny is just being gay with more steps.
I’m not, ive tried just being gay it would be easier but men physically repulse me. I hate body hair and I don’t like dick I just have a tranny fetish.
I fuck girls and every so often fuck a trans escort if I’m bored. Basically guaranteed anal to me. I’m a low empathy person who doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks anyway, but I’m not gay, I’m just a bit of a sociopath. Tbh gays and men repulse me
He was sticking his dick in a flesh wound it wasn't sexual activity.
>trannies are overwhelmingly mentally ill male incel nerds who snipped their dick off
I know women aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, but at what point do men step in and stop the charade?
>How come trans women are ignored in International Women's Day Yas Forums?
they aren't. literally top trend right now
Also try being 19-21 with £400,000.. paying £80 to fuck a 10/10 tranny was nothing to me. You’ve never been rich, it’s hard to not do fucked up crazy things when your net worth fluctuates by 10k every day
I live in a trannie infested part of the Western USA. They are all, at the very least, freakish-looking. The majority are straight up ugly. None of them pass. When you've been around so many for 20 years, you learn what to look for, and none of them pass, especially in real life.
Nah, the ass of a 10/10 tranny. It’s hot (to me)
If he was good looking and passing, other girls would accept him as a girl just fine. It's not the trans issue, it's the lookism issue. Don't hate this man, he's already suffering from being ugly.
fuck Canadian trending. this is why I don't use twitter
more like disgusts me
Most trans escorts I’ve fucked pass easily, the ones that don’t are the ones that try to be normal. The only way to do is become a prostitute so you make enough money to pay for the surgeries. Most of them have big dicks too cause they can afford dick fillers
What a loser
You’d be surprised how many people do this. I’m not a loser at all I’m the type of person you would never expect
Stop lying, you haven't noticed a single one irl because you cant tell them apart with cis women. The "ugly trans" women you saw were probably just ugly cis women. Stop your hate.
holy fuck, that one made me cough up some vomit
Dunno sounds like cope my man
Eunochs arent women you retard. They are eunochs.
"Trans Women" are not, nor ever will be women. They are mentally ill, degenerate males.
absolute U N I T
You're exactly the type of person we expect. You're not a snowflake, you're just a faggot bro.
zoomers should be killed
They're not women. It's a commie holiday that should be outlawed anyway.
Your painting with a broad brush. Whose to say i am any kind of winger? Maybe I just don't agree on this one issue? Maybe i happen to know that transsexuals pre and post op have the same suicide rate. If you need to change your body to feel good about yourself then there's something wrong with your head not your body. Besides your a brit.. most of you just believe whatever your told like good little dogs. you bark and gruff but i seem to recall Germany pretty much bombed your asses backwards in time until you got saved by the Amerimutts.
>mad because you didn’t get recognition
>on a made up holiday
>for your made up gender
>literally writes a book about it
Holy shit how empowering. All those vials of test to turn this bitch into what looks like a fat useless incel could be used on me whose got a 10% body fat to bulk up and crush more pussy. What a retarded world we live in.
>but hey! I’m packing a big giant hormel sausage how you cis boys ever gonna compete!
Fucking Christ I want off this ride. We put a man on the moon in 1969. I’m sure we were on the road toward developing super advanced space age technology and plenty of nerds we’re all circle jerking to the idea of the coming space age but almost 55 years later we are just cutting off dicks, turning them inside out, taking out vaginas and turning them into cocks by wrapping leg flesh on them and then turning men who could be developing space age tech into bitch boys who spend all their time doing makeup and taking it up the ass, and taking perfectly functioning females and turning them into hairy assed fat useless trans men.
The wrong people won WW2 I swear.
What dafuq man?!?!?!
I mean how do they fuck with this fake sausage? Can they get errect? Do they feel anything?
Someone should have at least sent the following card to the man suffering from mental issues such that he thinks he's a girl.
>I fuck trans escorts up the ass.
Enjoy the incurable gonhorrea and the pin worms.
Anyone who's silly enough to click a webm in this thread gets exactly what they deserve.
Artificially created men you mean.. Because they were organically born Women. What will kill you the most is there is no way you can turn this statement against itself because it's true. Transmen are like long term LARPer's you know there's something not quite right about them but you don't want to be mean and point it out. Except now your rubbing it in my face so here this.. I am homosexual i do not find women attractive and i don't sleep with men but i do have attactions towards them that i would never subject my straight friends to. They know i am gay but only because they asked and i believe in honesty. i rather dislike being told how to feel about transpeople. Your a tiny minority of people with serious mental illnesses and the more you push the more i KNOW you need help to cope with your gender Dysphoria. So begot Artificial Thot.
This nip is correct. This trans shit is just a severely mentally ill way for attention seeking onionboys to experience human contact because they can't handle the way men are treated in the world. Too bad everybody thinks that they are really just sick mutant freaks.
I gotta ask...does the pee and the shit come out of the same hole now? Or is that now the pee hole and whatever dumbfuck sticks his dick in that is actually sticking his dick inside the urinary tract of a man?
Hope he kills himself, that's the only solution.
I don’t think about you at all
Well said user. Truth bombs deployed.
I don't agree with this illness either, but I'm here to inform.
That's not the final look of her "dick". It's a three surgery process.
first surgery builds the sausage rolland turns the outer vaginal lips into "empty balls".
second surgery builds the glans and uses medical tattooing to to give color to the glans.
Third surgery is optional and inserts a saline pump mechanism. two pumps are inserted as testicles and a tube is inserted into the "shaft"
one testicle is pumped to pump saline into the "shaft", and the other pump is held to remove the saline from the shaft.
>Why are women so mean to me
>I dreamed about wearing dress and makeup, just like a woman would
>I cried
>I cried
>I broke down
>I'm strong and a survivor btw
>I am gay but hate men
>fucking mutilated men is better than regular men because reasons
This is so pathetic I can't respond properly. Holy shit bro.
americans are mentally ill satanists
Found the pathetic centrist
Omfg, couldn't they get a better fucking knife? Something way sharper. Hope that faggot got an infection.
there's the trans day of rememberance in November i think.
Uh huh... that's why you replied. Not only are you a pathetic faggot, you're a fucking idiot too. Britain at its finest right here.
This is why the fucking trans movement needs to be gunned down by a right wing death squad. The minds of these poor individuals are being poisoned by retarded ideas, being used as human experiments, and kicked out into the streets. They do nothing 24/7 other than try on new makeup, clothes, hormones, surgeries, to be something their not and constantly try to force everyone to validate their retarded autistic fantasy and it costs a FUCK TON. And the ONLY way they can afford it is if they keep renting out their asshole to disgusting horny men who will dump their cum anywhere.
I don’t want my sons to swallow up this retarded autistic bullshit being pushed on us thru mainstream media and education everywhere.
If my son gets autistic, depressed, and confused about his gender I’ll fucking kill any Marxist pig who comes at him with the knife and try to tell him his dick needs lopped off.
Isn't that the one for all the sick faggots that an hero because of buyers remorse?
Who are you kidding, I live in Los Angeles. By definition trannies look like freaks. They look like men pretending to be women, because that's what they are.
no it's the one for all those raped and murdered for being different.
Honestly.. I thought it would be worse. But still, absolutely vile.
If that happens... just kill your son dude. At that point he's beyond saving anyway, might as well do him the favor before he Jazz Jenningses himself.
I’m not gay I am repulsed sexually by the Male form. I fuck trannies that look like 10/10 girls when I want to but I mostly fuck 7-9/10 girls when I want to as well.
Cause they aren’t women!
>I’m not gay
>I fuck trannies
>males with cocks
>I'm not gay
Someone's in denial...
>raped and murdered for being degenerate freaks
Ftfy dude. Also, they had it coming tbqhnigga.
Actually i have. I used to Go to LGBT Events regularly in the mid 00's. Transexuals and lesbains actually were precisely the reason i stopped going. Both are hostile, Vindictive and down right fucking disgusting, I always felt for the Bisexuals for being lumped in with those two and well ironically even a fair amount of subby gays make me want to punch them in their whiny penis pump faces and off a bridge their so ridiculously flaming. I have yet to see a Tranny i thought was attractive and usually they smell wrong as the hormones cause them to have thyroid issues. Still when your playing Chemist with your own biological chemicals well. your a fecking moran who needs to just stop.. think and realize your not edgy your not special. Your just freaks everyone sees it. Just not polite to point and laugh.